Tree of Savior Forum

This maint just proved IMC did not read the forum

its funny b/c I posted the same thread yesterday and got about 20 replies teling me to stfu, stop crying, and calling me poor b/c I was saying the same thing - another patch full of tp fluff / cash grabs and no fixes


Unless they remove the restrictions on the market (min/max etc), then they never fixed this particular issue.

One might question the purpose of the game being mostly server-side if it is that easily exploitable regardless.

thats why sometimes i come online just to sit down chill and relax. or dungeon routine and straight offline

I’m referring to when it was literally unusable. The min/max is annoying, yes, but it’s not game-breaking (Unless you were trying to be funny).

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This… This is amazing :’)

Please read the last Q&A they said they are working on merging the ktos and itos databases… That does not happen in 1 week… I would rather live with bugs for month so they can focus on making sure all the ktos files ate compatable with itos… Rest assure when they do the merg most the bugs will be fixed. What point in fixing bugs now if they are changing the coding on everything

Hello Saviors! We are already aware of the issue and our development team is currently working on it. We apologize for any inconvenience.

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Which issue are you guys aware of?


They weren’t ready to release anywhere, kTOS is a mess as well.

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Now to see if I get a non-generic response.

Which issue? Specifically? Is it the party cutscene one? Another one? Do let us know without hitting the form letter macro.

Because a lot of premium and token players have had their leveling groups interrupted from the party and cutscene bugs- Which also made a few missions totally unplayable which are core game content.

And it’s been OVER A WEEK for something that should have been hotfixed in the same day, like when dungeon queues were broken after a maint.

Is there going to be compensation for this at all if it does get fixed within any sane bit of time?

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Can you fix it soon? You already said last week that it will be fixed soon, but it was not even fixed during this maintenance. It really makes the game unplayable with friends. We can’t help our friends with bosses…

Do you have an ETA on the party bug fix @GM_Sebastian

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OP: “IMC doesn’t read forums”

GM: "Hi guys I just read this thread :sunny: "

Thread: “Why are you reading the forums? fix the gaem idiotjdbfvihudsbvqo.”

Its more like

OP: “IMC doesn’t read forums”

GM: "Random automated message with no information at all "

Thread: “Give us information, what exactly are you talking about, did you really read it?”


Fair enough.


Instead of crying on forum and keep trying to play a game that’s ridden with bug, you all should just stop playing. Action speak louder than words. If certain aspect of the game piss you off, and the devs are not doing anything to address it, stop playing the game.

This is actually all you needed to do.

PS. I have stopped playing myself. I don’t hate the game nor do i think the devs are incompetent, but i do think certain aspect of game design needed to be iron out before this game gets anywhere. Until then its just not fun to play.


some of us not all, old timers quitted or taking a hiatus towards this game because of various reasons. sometimes i always wonder, selective QnA questions, nearly 2 weeks of no QnA before the current dated (1/7/2016).

Even i every now and then just log in daily to see who is online, dungeons and socializing.

Please fix Sorcerer’s Riding skill’s auto attack from dismounting me on devils with more than 3 skills. (Temple Shooter) I sent a very detailed bug description on it to support already. You can even schedule a hang-out session with me in game and I’ll demonstrate multiple Sorc bugs.

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No credibility from a very generic copy paste reply.

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