Tree of Savior Forum

The new meta (rumors)

Job 3 is when RO became TOS (linear game), forget it.

RO was only good/unique Pre RE.

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I only stated few issues that ToS have but RO doesn’t. If you think ToS has better system as right now at least for class system, then explain…

I never stated RO was better than ToS as right now, I even play more ToS. But as someone who properly play both games, I have reasons to say something that ToS classes need reworks.

What meta was being discussed here again? last I read was something about wiz3>link2/3>lock/ff/necro is now better than the current elememe.

I liked Ro both preRe and Renewal, but let’s not stray from the current game(shit) we’re in right now.

Comparing ToS to other MMOs is rather silly. No other mmo has anything close to this games class building. In fact, most of those other games that you are referring to have built in “resets” that players can do for free or for a minimal currency cost.

What no other mmo does give you is the ability to change classes. You can’t go from warlock to mage in wow. You can’t go from assassin to kung fu master in blade and soul. That is what would be comparable to a full blanket reset in ToS which is why I hope IMC continues to refuse to give the blanket reset. Skill reset is enough.

eden eternal allows class switching although the early lvls are kinda dead at the moment

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I keep seeing you on the forums, lol
I want to play ToS again cause I quit a few months ago, not to be a hardcore player but just to have some fun

could I have your ingame name so I could add you to my friends list?

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I have seen your shop in fedimian varena before, and your entire guild is named haukinyau as well? Lol

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can usain reroll???


you mean there are no other mmo that gives class reset? dragon nest is one. every base class has 4 specializations. class reset allows you to choose among those 4 specializations of your base class.

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Oh are we back to saying archers suck again? :slight_smile:

Cryomancer’s Frost Pillar says hi.

Not quite. there’s not much diversity. Stats and skill builds lack depth. class system is what makes it look APPEAR as if players have a lot of choice in making their characters unique but the end-game actually only have a few builds to fill-in roles competitively. it’s actually just any mmo in terms of diversity in character-crafting (skills,stats,class).

The false promise of the unique class system is most probably the cause why discussions on meta builds and class resets are too polarizing and has always been plagued with flaming, trolls and bigots

but of course, we blame it all on poor class balancing and lackluster and unrewarding end-game content

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Chill man, most of the stuffs u mentioned did not exist when RO was first released. ToS is a fairly ‘new’ game. Just give it time. People nowadays tend to not be patient and enjoy the game as it is because they are comparing WAAAAYY too much.

The reason why RO was so popular was not entirely because of how good the game is. It is also highly due to the fact that there were LESS MMORPGs out there competing with RO back then. But that is no longer the case now, there are 30x (heck, maybe even 100x) more MMORPGs as compared to the RO era.


Guys, remember, THIS IS NOT RO!. Stop comparing.

Now we have too many MMO on the market, so even RO released today will have lack of players. Its not that great game.

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I don’t think frost pillar has such range, … probably only half the range of swash buckling.

it’s what we get for the game being advertised as some sort of “new” RO - kids playing for the nostalgia. PSA: you can still play legit RO in the international servers (not those private server crap peasants play) and the publishers are actually doing a great job managing the game.

PS. RO now is in a better shape than before. you could say renewal came a bit too late. Publishers were messing everything up, servers closing down, people outgrew the game and other games coming out of the market.