Tree of Savior Forum

The new meta (rumors)

But wizard doesn’t need any buffs it’s already strong
Just choose wiz3link3XX
XX can be
Or Wiz3link2Ele3 even though frost cloud damage sucks

but when u reroll, aren’t you deleting the old character?

No you keep it for team level and for doing dailies

Nope, you can choose to keep your old character and create a new one. Some of my characters I just leave in my lodge and wait for updates while I roll new ones to play?

The game has 30 slots for characters, that should be enough for most players.

The “reroll” terminology is used more for players who want to min-max their builds, they just can’t allow any kind of ‘mistake’ or ‘blemish’ in their perfect characters.

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Wizard old meta already strong, even without linker

Actually I would very much like to see some vanilla WoW molten core styled raids in ToS haha. Bosses that require lots of teamwork and coordination rather than pure tank and spank style.

For example, a couple of players will have to activate some trigger, maintain it before the boss loses immunity, or a player getting a debuff have to stay away from the team for 10 secs if not entire team will wipe etc.

Come to think of it, I’ll rather not cuz it will be a slideshow instead with 15+ characters on screen.

Vanilla wow raid, takes 1 hour to gather 40 players. Wipe at first rock, disband…
IMC dungeon x3 spam enter for 1 hour. Clear time 15mins for 3 dungeons…

Yes, but they’re not the optimal anymore, and many many players, just pick those classes because they were the optimal to do et and wb.

so the new AoE meta is wiz3>linker3>FF2 but won’t work on bosses i guess

noooo its Wiz3-Link3-Warlock2 or Wiz3-Link2-Necro3

FF2 needs joint penalty to even do damage, while warlock2 is able to do good damage while joint penalty is on cooldown

Wiz3-Link2-Necro3 is basically the strongest wizard at this point, flesh cannon hits like a truck, it has a skeleton army, and has that flesh meteor. But, it is the most expensive because corpse potions

but all 3 of them are better than elememe

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I personally see that class balance is basically for all roles, not just DPS…

Want comparison?

ToS Healer : Cleric 2, Priest 2
ToS Tank/Taunt : Peltasta, Barrier Scroll (lol)

RO1 Healer: Priest, Monk, Super Novice, Bard, Wizard/Sage with Vitata acc. Not including self healing classes like Ninja and Wizard (that has featherfoot like skill)
RO1 Tank/Taunt: Monk, Paladin, Knight, Assassin (evasion type), Rogue (mdef type, RO’s plague doctor minus dispell), Sage (anti magic field/barrier scroll type)
note: this basically their highest rank, kinda hate to mention Maestro or Rune Knight…

RO2 Healer: Priest, Sorcerer, Soul Maker
RO2 Tank/Taunt: Monk, Knight, Warrior, Beast Master

See how stupidly ToS classes works? Sure I can accept cool utility classes like Linker, Diev, SR, PD, or Doppel. You can have Sorc, Alchemist, necro, Bokor for equal homunculus system from RO, but then what? You still can have hard time in normal dungeons when you lack Heal and Tanks. There is no proper tanks skills even when they act one like Revenge Sevenfold or Golden Bell Shield, same as Heal skills like Restoration or Healing Factor…We are now on 60 classes with ambiguous roles and people only search meta that makes it less than 15 variables spread to 4 classes…

In RO you reroll just to make difference with Knight tanker and Knight AoE then you can use both chars as meta build… Even when RO2 builds are linear as long you filled the roles, any class can join the party and raids. I’m sure ToS is not like that: All Clerics are forced to C2 or Priest C2. Swordie with Pelt freak, Archer needs synergy with mounts or Kneel/Running shot, Wizard need specific build ( wiz 3 - Ele, Cryo - Kino)

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Did you play Ragnarok for real? x] How bard was healer?
Talking Priest/Monk/SN you still refer to Cleric. You can heal fine in ToS with any c2 build so in summary its MORE than Ro1.

Your logic:
ToS Healer: Cleric, priest, druid, bokor, sadhu, plague doctor and many more
Ro1 Healer: Priest, Monk, Super Novice

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This is false. :joy:
Warlock also cannot do efficient aoe without JP.

That’s why you play on official server, not private server crap that still on 2005 update… RO’s latest classes allow them to add more roles…

Dude please say which one Druid/Sadhu/Bokor healing spells in ToS, I’m talking an individual class that you can use reset skills if you take wrong skill levels or want to change your roles. Maybe I should instead mention healing spells instead classes now:

RO1 Healing ; Heal, Sanctuary, High Heal, Renovatio, PP Cure, Coluceo Heal (=mass Heal), Warmer, Lerad dew Song, Frigg song, King’s Grace (lol forgot paladin one). I’ll include Res spells : Resurrection, Death Valley, Kaizel

ToS Heal: Heal, Mass Heal, Resurrection, Revive. What else? lol

Backmasking from Chronomancer can “ress” and “heal”

No one will use 3-x classes because that’s when RO died for most people.

It’s not good to use as an example.

I think they’re trying to make it so tanking in tos is not necessary, but an option.

Regardless, Pelt’s taunt is too cancerous imo. It’s the only skill that gathers mobs bigger than a screen. IMO if we have more classes that offer similar skills, we’ll have a lot easier time to form groups for grinding or any other purposes. This also makes non-pelt swordsman more viable because there won’t be a spot taken/needed for a pelt.

In terms of healing, I think the current setup is not as bad (though not that great either) that any cleric classes would have access to healing, with some classes having more emphasis on the healing department.

I think they could solve the problem of unbalanced classes allowing select all from the beginning (including zero, the first) and equilibrating for in its task, in Cycle 3 are all equally interesting and powerful.

This means that some will be less powerful and have many other reductions (is ridiculous damage classes 7 and 8). With this we would have more customization and more stability, balance and security.

Personally and without insulting anyone, I think people playing with metabuilds and archetypes of second and third people are a little silly, not because his character can be powerful, but they will not be enjoying the game: a good build is not the most effective nor the most destructive, is the one you like as a character of the game.

Doing that is the same as asking the neighbor to do your work or exam. In an update your Build is ruined (will not be yours if goal), you chose those classes along the lines of an unknown subject, not programmers (note that I am against potions reset).

While yes, the game is a little decadent by many accumulated errors without resolve, saying the lack of fun activities on it (not going to repeat when there are thousands of topics with this, although I will put a link to a topic suggestion that both ignored all).

I’m sorry for my English, I have to use a translator for these things.

It is good as example because it is gameplay aspect that ToS lacks… RO died because of Pay to win stuff and other features, but in term of leveling and balance purpose, RO wins one aspect that actually core of the gameplay.

Even when some builds are pay to win, RO basically have endless possibility for meta build from just 15 class total. People quitting from ToS with this simple reason, when the game has less P2W stuff, less bot/cheat problems and other reasons that ruined RO but not class balance one…

Yes this is what I talking about. RO even does not have proper taunt skill, but it has more tanking class that can gather big mobs even a whole screen. In case of Healing, you basically still need to take Cleric 2/Priest 2. This limitation is not bad, but my attention comes to Kabbalist C2 as an example that 1 of 6 C8 classes that not DPS classes, but the support skill lacks everything. Sure Kabb has Ein Sof, but it’s still weak for party play.

What if ToS expanding to 10 party member raids? 2 Healers in RO can increase survivalibility for 12 members at once because healing skills that comes from your last rank combined with rank 1 Heal when burst healing spells are on cool down… 22x Heal tiles with Divine might x 4k = 88k HP for entire party. Surprise I can cast 7x Heal at same 21 sec cool down on ToS and heal 5k x 7 for entire party members that means 350k HP for entire party…