Tree of Savior Forum

The new meta (rumors)

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As i know IMC didn’t advertise ToS as ‘‘new RO’’ - people just labeled tos like that because of design style.

RO2 is new RO and it sucks so much :wink:

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Well, it DID open using the newer versions. Imagine it opening with what it was went it first came out. Doubt many people will hop on it.

That’s why we need to see the flaws of ToS and needs to addressed. The game is still new, comparison is here not to say which game better but to make ToS actually developed in right way… MMORPG is the game that does not only contain DPS, which is main problem here because meta build changed just because “old skill deal less damage/old buffs are useless”

Peltasta and Healer problem existed since CBT1, then why we never get classes that can “properly” tank and heal since rank 6? This is not new problem ever since RO, which is why they add different class like Bard/Beast Master from Archer branch…

Seeing that Squire can get new skill it’s really good advice to review all old class before even thinking about rank 9 or maybe even create different concept for rank 9…

Yes but again it has own reason why the game fail. In other side class selections are cool. Can you mention any Archer/Cleric that can replace Peltasta (almost copycat its perform)?

I think ToS is just different type of game. Some are strong with triforce (Tank/Supp/DPS) and some are more kind of dps race with need of buff and utility.

I just think ToS isn’t much about group content and doesn’t need specialised roles like you would like. Ever played FF:Realm Reborn? There is SO MUCH content that you can’t even possibly do without tank/healer - but this game is focused on specialised roles and group content.

ToS is just more pve oriented content - solo or not but you don’t need ideal party balance to do it. Dungeons aren’t this hard too. Of course there is some content which is going more comfortable with healer/tank but there is really no pressure here and i think it’s cool. Everyone can be anything and if they don’t do stupid thing they can solo content.

Of course there are still pure-mmo players who like to be really specialisted - full supports, full tanks etc. But i personally think there is no need and ToS don’t focus on this kind playstyle. During grind or dungeon everyone is expected to make some kind of damage and its going really faster this way. I don’t see need for full healer or full tank.

Dunno why you’re all so much about roles anyway - is it fun to be capped on one role? I always played full support or full tank in mmo but i find it quite fun to be able to support and dps at the same time. More relaxing and less pressure. Everyone if expected to handle their own and do their stuff - its just about fun play together in parties. Never though ‘‘we’re fck we can’t find peltasta’’ like in other games. In Realm Reborn there is real problem with finding good tank or healer so you’re kind in ‘‘mercy’’ mode all the time.


Yea. ToS’s class system is just a wonkier more-unwieldy version of skill trees, which have existed since Diablo 2.


But i LIEK it ;x /20charachara

It’s actually the opposite. I care about all classes should have different roles… The issue is Cleric was irreplaceable, Peltasta was irreplaceable. Tanky-Archer won’t be as good as Tanky-Swordie for sure, but they filled party spot and not forced you to only looking for certain class…

not that i have an ele or a linker, but i just had a thought.

frost cloud counts as an aoe and thus its damage is not replicated through links. electrocute is more of a single target that hits up to 9 times. potentially, isn’t that like 90 hits compared to frost cloud’s 30-45?

if so, then electrocute might ironically be the strongest skill in an ele’s arsenal…if you can fit all of that in.

Final Fantasy 14 has reached the 6 millions Players mark and is now Head to Head with World of Warcraft for the #1 most played Mmorpg Spot.

So the Trinity (Tank/Heal/Dps) Not Dead yet and still standing.
It prove that a lot players still love roles and the feeling to be unique in a party.
Healer is now almost popular as DPS in a lot of mmorpg , the only role that struggle and lack of players is Tank.

I remember that Yoshida (FF14 boss) released the Dark Knight (a very cliché job lol with Big 2H sword , dark magic and badass look) to attract more players to play Tank and actually it worked pretty well and that was a huge success , i remember that the queue time went to 20 mn to 10 mn in general , after the release of the dark knight (at least on my server !)
So yeah for me the trinity still have a long way to go :slight_smile:

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But not every mmo needs to have trinity. Not everyone like roles :wink: It’s good to have different mmos.

@rveins as i written - no class is irreplaceable right now and i dont ever seen ‘‘forced to only look for certain class’’ mode here. I play different classes in ToS and im doing fine without cleric or peltasta fine. So whats your point?:wink: If YOU dont want to play without certain class then it’s your personal problem more than ToS problem.

I dont even think peltasta taunt is that great imho.


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high 5 bro :wink: /20charalimitisstupidlol


Taunt saves A LOT of effort trying to gather mobs across screens in big rooms, especially for grinding purposes since you have to repeat that like thousands of times.

The one thing I want to see this game do is seperate profession-like classes from combat classes. :confused:

It feels very behind the times.


Well, the problem is that there’s only two ways to do that in an MMO, as far as I’m aware.

A) The classic moddel in which it’s mixed with the rest so profession players need to take in the action, with the right builds this can work quite comfortably unlike in RO where well… it was a ■■■■■■■ pain in the arse.
And B) The “Literally a completely different game” way like in say FFXIV where some history locked content aside you could legitimately play only crafters because it becomes it’s own game.

Case B simply won’t happen here, but at least it can work nicely enough I’d say. And profession classes in some cases have nice utilities also in battle as supporters, I’m sad that there’s basically no Pardoners actually playing because I really like it’s support options.

It does not exactly a need to full trinity roles. What I want is something that can make classes useful but not always needed (unless Cleric). Linker and Chrono are good additions but when there is none around you can simply go with any Wizard…

Do you have level 270+ chars? Do you grind with parties that won’t mind no Heal/Taunt in member slots? The fact is I’m seriously fine when going into a party without any specific role and it’s not me that want Peltasta/Cleric. Major party leaders want them, noob players want them as slave … That is really wrong. If your characters so far are solo players or just queue dungeons you won’t care about this issue. My friend even complain the same because he’s already 280 and ET recruiting was worse… We know ET is difficulty spike instance, but then only specify certain classes discourage people to joining…

What i think tos should do is to reduce penalty of picking wrong profession. allow player to fix their deed.

In Ro, suppose you were strongest meta cold/thunder wizard that roaming for while. Then here comes nerf hammer which kill your top cold skill, cuts down you builf effectiveness in half. You can have skill reset which you can be same cold/thunder wiz that not use that nerf skill or you can reset as whole new fire wizard. In tos, you are committed to either wiz2, pyro, cryo and never be change.

Well thanks for pointing out an obscure mmo that did allow you to change. I maintain that I’m glad IMC does not.