Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestion to make a better game

I admit, the grind in ToS isn’t really that bad as of now. In some other games it takes like days just to grind 1 level. ToS is actually quite lenient as a korean grind game.

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So far, I’ve only had to grind around the 170 - 180 mark. The grind is helps by the fact that each map / cluster of maps have their own story that’s fun to piece together. Though if people have an issue with the grind, I can understand.

In terms of suggestions, I would like to see the quests inside world dungeons (Not the Mercenary ones). I wouldn’t mind seeing some kind of in dungeon story . My highest level character is 193 so this might not be an issue in the 200+ dungeons but the fact that most of the world dungeons are just run in and kill everything is a little disappointing. You could have a cut-scene for your first run through and on additional runs you either skip them or the quest is replaced with a different quest.

I don’t have any system suggestions off the top of my head. This is just the one that’s been stuck in my mind since I started playing.

Great Idea, good way to introduce the lore of each of the dungeons too.

Another way to improve and help to reduce the boring~ness of doing the quests again on alts is to having branching quests that make the player make choices on where to go. So to get the full storyline players will have to go through the game a few times. Each storyline completed will add things like titles and additional stats (+3 stat point) to each and every one of the characters in the player’s Team.


Cross server doesn’t really solve the low population problem. Things like changing of TBL/GVG timings and solving latency bugs will attract more players to join and bring up the population.

Looks like those casuals havent touched games that requires you to play 12 straight days just to get a level (with pilot).

1 day grinding in this game gives you 2-5 levels and it is still hard for you? Filthy casuals.



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@Marcomax3000 I agree as well with introducing dungeon lore but i don’t think it will help much in boredness of spam dungeon. Maybe if the dungeon require teamwork to complete it and prevent players from overpopulating one class because imba dmg will make dungeon more fun

@Nekorin Great idea but sadly it won’t work in ToS. Most games have branch quests when it is gender lock or char lock, you can see alot clones in town. ToS is unique due to its immersive class system. This made me think of Matrix :laughing:

I think the grind is alright as more quests are introduced in latest patch. Even Grind also require 1-2h per level at 270+, and rank 8 as mentioned all exp cards together gave 70-80% of total exp 280-330.
However, rerolling when wrong class and repeating the same quets/grind are boring.

Instead of introduce more new classes or more new high level contents, I really hope IMC spend the next 1 year to re-innovate the current content lv1-330 and make them more playable and fun.

This include:
Classes Mechanics and Synergy
Boss Fight Mechanics
Dungeon’s Puzzle
Jumping Mini Game
Game Engine Optimization (this is very important to able manage more objects, a more epic fight without FPS drop)
More special Gems to modify attack or +elemental property attack
Mercenary Mission
Multi-Party raid system
A new musical based 5th Class Tree


General discussion actually.

You guys are so simple. I always know what to expect.

If (different_opinion && out_of_arguments)
    printf("White knight!\n");
    return 0;

They are cancer. If IMC will implement everything they ask, TOS will become absolutey unchallenging “Press X to win” game where you can get to the max level in a few days.

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I’d prefer Merc and Saalus mission stay the way they are, they are missions given by guild/covenant as clients after all. More things to do/kill time with in the waiting pub.

While dungeons queueing will lock you(the player) in the map where the dungeon entrance is, and leaving the map will cancel your queue.

Oh and either give swordies the auto weapon swap on skill usage too or just plainly remove those pesky weapon requirement in some skills.
The Alt+Z weapon swap system and even when swapping using hotkeyed gears is just dreadful with the delay it gives.

Everyone is busy talking about how to make this game better.
Meanwhile, IMC is planning to bring a lot of stuffs to bring more bugs. have fun wasting your time on this topic.

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You mean merging the servers? That’s literally what ur trying to accomplish no need to make complicated cross server channels

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Maybe because IMC failed in almost every possible way and it had the second lowest population after Orsha?

They tend to leave fast anyway. Not hardcore enough.

Isnt that the case in ToS as well, above level 220ish, if you arent running a grinding groups? (which not only gets massive bonusses to clear speed, but also exp gain) I’ll have to check tomorrow how long it takes to level these days.

On a sidenote, not being able to get groups for missions and dungeons also makes the game more grindy, as a result of less exp gain.

Personally I’ve never been a fan of enforcing leveling in a group setup.

  • Keep the channels of grinding areas at a minimum of 4, and boost the EXP of monsters in an already completed zone for your entire Team.
    Why? The game is in a loop of making characters to redo old content that would get boring after the 3rd character. This point also sort of applies onto Vibora, but it gives people an alternative to make nice grinding areas out of certain areas.

  • Classes and Stat Enhancements
    Personally, I would love if classes gave tentative stat boosts that improved as they go through the ranks of said classes. People wouldn’t feel incredibly destroyed in creating classes as they receive some bolstering in their classes. Maybe even give them special effects that play into a classes role.

  • Quests in Dungeons
    A way to add lore into an area while also rewarding full runs. Quests that give bonuses from the start to the end (preferably having two NPCs at the beginning and the end) like Cards and stuff would be nice for making dungeons more playable upto certain ranges.

  • Restripping of failed measures
    Obvious for obviousness. The marketplace isn’t horrid, but when you want to do things it is quite annoying.

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Sell exp card for 1 TP each!, every day we can get free cards!
WIll stop us from spamming our free mics looking for grind parties.

Let us buy dungeon cubes too. We love our RNG!
Put everything in TP shop. IMC can make more money that way and keep developing the game!

Tree of TP.

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