Tree of Savior Forum

The Journey of my Chaplain Build Path

thank you for the video shawn!

Last rites doesnt seem to add much at all ?

It seems like 30 extra dmg to each hit and an additional hit.

No it does not seem to add much, but it does give the extra hit, which gives it dmg through blessing and element dmg so it does stack up in the long run.

well thats defo an argument for not going high in sacrament at all.

Yea ill make a vid showing lvl 4 sac vs 10 in a few.

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Stoked to see it, best not use cafrisun or blessing for ease of clarity.

Well did it with the lvl 10 buff and… well did more damage with the lvl 4 o.0


twentychars ?

Ah you did not activate last rites, what mostly nobody knows right now is the effect sacrament ranks have on last rite’s damage.

Very useful, thanks. Last Rites appear to just apply your sacrament for the second time.

when did he use last rites ?

Is the buff icon under sacrament the last rites icon ? It certainly is not the last rites skill icon.

I was replying to the first video.

Just tested last rights and it appears to add 35 holy and a extra hit at 70.
It does just appear that it adds sacrament a second time.

Tested the buff below hp threshold and about a 30% increase with a lvl 3 Last rights, not sure if it scales in lvls or not. After all this testing I do believe I will be adjusting my skill points, may even take up exorcise.

Anything else needs tested?

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Is that with 10 sacrament ?

So the damage of holy rites was identical to that of your sacrament ?

yep yep identical, the only thing I have to see is does the dmg increase in a % at the 40% health buff. Either way I don’t think that it would be worth it.

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depends, does it add holy damage to every attack, like blessing ?

that said, for 10 sacrament, 35 really isnt much at all. might be around 50 or so with 5 last rites. not amazing at all.

Yes it does add it to every attack, I believe anything that has elemental dmg adds to every attack. I’m leaning towards sacrament and last rites being a 1 point wonder.

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I’m rethinking of changing my thread again, seeing how from how it started out as just a Q&A of skills I was to choose as priest and paths after chaplain into a discussion where everyone who goes or wants to go chaplain and the understanding how its skills work. I would be glad to have help in rearranging information here to at least collate all the useful information shared here on the top/first post.

On the paths after Chaplain, thought of a Pardoner c2 since it does benefit from the buffs it can sell and crafting of spells as well. Though promising, it would be a really autoattacking build if this was the route taken. Again, the question lies in how much skill points to allocate between aspersion, blessing, sacrament (though I see from the vids that 1 seems enough), mass heal, revive & stone skin if Pardoner was the end route? (since we kinda have more ideas on how the skills interact.)

Also quite thankful to the number of useful information shared here, especially those who tested and did damage calculations (since I too did my own calculations based on the available videos around, only on paper though. :joy:)


Ha yea sorry we hijacked your thread. Pardoner does seem good as a support AA, especially with increased magic defense as that seems to be the biggest hitter late game. With most of the main support skills being stone skin and magic defense, high spr would be the key stat to aim for.

Really not sure how aspiration will work with spr, but if your going for more of the support side I wouldn’t invest much into it as the def% buff is not to great.

But yep 1 point into sacrament will work and free up the points to go into mass heal and the rest of survival skills.

Thank you for the reply, but could you clarify the ‘30%’ part? Is it a 30% increase as in the bonus goes from 35 to ~45 ? Is the entire additional hit value increased by 30%? All hits?

Hi Love your calculations. Could you Calculate how much autoattacks you are able to do in 45 seconds?. (Chaplains have 5 stacks on autoattacks.) Which will mean the answer needs to be multiplied by 5 i guess. Now, If your calculations “autoattack in 45 seconds” results to < or = to 36. Only then, Blessing lvl 15 is Worth it for your Offensive Chaplain, If it isn’t, then might as well find the Exact lvl with the exact amount of hit count is achievable if After you use the Blessing you start Autoattacking. (without casting anything) Blessing lvl 15 is probably only really really worth it if you have a Party with Tick/Dot Damage, Or Attack Speed Builds. Basically friends that can reach 180 hit count in 45 seconds. If not, putting up 15/ going max lvl blessing is utter useless.

Deploy Capella Deploys something like a pirate flag, An object, A table and The Carve World Tree Statue (dievdirby statue) on top of the table. Which gives an instant party buff. I’m not sure if it does any Aspersion damage, I also don’t think it casts Monstrance -Def/evasion circle. Only gives the %dex buff.

Now, my own thoughts. Best Heal in the Game is probably Healing Factor From Plague Doctor but thats rank 7…

cleric c3 heal tile lvl 15 = 5x15 multiply by 2 (overheat)
150% heal…
Cleric c2 heal tile lvl 10 = 100% heal
Lv10 revive which gives 50% heal and 10 sec Invulnerable. yes 2 minutes cd.
Cleric c1 heal tile lvl 5=50%
Mass heal @28%

Revive quite underated. Does no one know how Overpowered being Invulnerable is?.. Free cast… for 10 seconds. Combo it up with Safety zone. No one would be afraid of bosses. Heals will defo come in within 10 seconds. + you’ll already have 50% max hp returned. hahaha REVIVE REVIVE REVIVE FTW