Tree of Savior Forum

The grinding is REAL! Please do something

youre working under the assumption that A.) you do all the content at a certain time in the game and B.) Grinding is a chore…

when you play countless matches of LoL, isn’t that a grind in itself? “I’m casual lol matches take 20-60 minutes… so fast!” WRONG, you are leveling your avatar by playing those matches constantly over the span of possibly years. This applies to any game.

Not fast paced like <Enter Current Gen single player game / FPS game here>
this isnt an fps game. Look at any mmo and you will have some sort of grind. Whether its levels or grinding to get new gear from pve or pvp content. EVERYTHING IS A GRIND!

Tera, WoW, Eve, GW2, RO, RO2, MS, Lineage 2, hell ANY mmorpg is a grind. That is what defined KOREAN mmo’s back in the day.

What is there to do in this game?
Crafting, Item gathering, playing the market, questing, dungeon leveling (yes instanced dungeons give 2-5 levels per run), socializing, helping lower people level up, silver farming, mob ksing, party griefing (not recommended). Many things to do.

What you want is level 1 all content made available so you can pick and choose what you want to do, not have the game tell you to run through 50 maps doing misc things.
If this is true, then this game is not for you, you can go to more casual mmorpgs like WoW or GW2.

I guarantee you any person who isnt complaining about ease of leveling on the forums actuallys loathes the fact exp is 7x, in fact some of us would rather have it .5x rates on all exp, classexp and items because then getting a rare item would mean A.) bragging rights; B.) can sell for more money; C.) less people will have it and makes you more unique; and D.) the feeling of accomplishment they get when working towards something yields results.


bout to go check this out pronto

You sir are a gentleman and a scholar.THIS was definitely unexpected. i really needed these quests.


These are problems when people rely much leveling from quest. Got spoiled?

To be honest, I haven’t played this game yet since I don’t have the key. But grinding is not an issue. There are also quest and XP Card to help you (I just read them from other threads). Grinding is part of leveling, which would promote Party Setups.

Some of us are not Hard Core players, but why were we able to play grinding games and do max levels? Ex. Ragnarok Online, Cabal. Ran Online, etc. It’s because we do Party Setup and knows where to do grinding. No need to nerf anything, you won’t enjoy the game if you will hastily level up your character. Enjoy most of the time playing this game because it has a future. If you guys aren’t really for this game, then you should’ve handed your beta keys to those who wants to play this game more than you do.

Personally, I’m enjoying the way the game is now, knowing full well that we’re probably going to have less rates upon release.

This is a good thing, in my opinion. It’s something that the mmo scene hasn’t had for -years- Everything is streamlined, it always needs to be, fast fast fast.

But who am I to judge? I’m, one of those guys that wishes he played more Maplestory pre-bigbang

You should try ICBT1. Really, this rate is fine and can even be lowered a tad bit. No one’s asking you t neglect your life because of a game, so no one’s getting a divorce or a dead baby. I have the right mind, and I sure as hell know that work, study, family and friends comes first. If you don’t have such a mindset and can only blame a game for being “too time consuming”, it’s time for you to sit out of gaming and reflect. It all comes down to your own decision.

I played pre-bigbang and didn’t find the need to actually be so dedicated that I had to neglect everything else lol. It’s too bad I had restrictions then :x Would have played more during my free time.

the game rates are cool as they are atm, you guys arent considering lvl cap is 400 atm(and saying it will go to 600?), i already made it to 128 c5, seems very nice balance atm, quest mainly with a litle-some grinding, also drop rate is cool. I think it gets harder as it advances to lvl up so thats fine, the 200 first levels can go “fast” (in ultra-hardcore grinder lover opinion)

I actually think doble exp chewing gums for exp will help for casuals and IMC economy.
Dont make doble drop chewing gums though keep the grinding there on the current rates. (even i would be fine with a 7/10 of current drop rate, but not lower.)

played ro since open beta xd (and many other mmos like everyone here xd)

The exp amounts you see per mob is not the actual exp they give, but the % of exp they give based on their level. Every monster level has a flat exp rate it can give and every monster gives a percentage of that. Typically smaller monsters give less and bigger monsters give more.

So when you see 70, or 120 those are the % of whatever that level rewards that you get. So if a level 100 monster gives 500 exp, and you kill a monster that gives “80/80” then you get 400 base and 400 class for that kill. If you kill a monster that gives 150/120 then you get 750 base and 600 class

@kaintos1 I can promise if that guy was level 76 he didn’t do every quest available to him. He can finish main story ones to an extent since they removed the level limit on starting a lot of them, but you must be within 10 levels of a map to get the sidequests on said map. He would have to be 90 to clear out every quest up to the level 100 maps. Every map has 15 exp cards you can get from sidequests. At our current rates for boss kill and the exp cards if you do every sidequest you end up at about 130 pretty easily. Then you actually do have to grind

Instance dungeons don’t actually give that much exp. They are a solid exp source but you level up so fast because they’re always available right after an exp curve drop. 46 is the first curve and then 50 is the first instance. Then 86 and 90 for the next dungeon. The 130 one is the odd one out since it’s exp curve stops at 136

I would estimate the level 50 one gives about 120k exp, which you’d have to run 5 times to level up once before that exp cliff.

I think the exp is very low , i don’t know what you mean by high

Compared to iCBT1, the exp rate on this beta is pretty high. So people from ICBT1 says that exp right now is super high while I think this is a pretty good rate for this game since it will have at least 400 or higher levels. I was able to make 3 level 60 characters in just 3 days considering that I can only play 3 hours a day.

i dont beleive 60 in 3 hours i will just leave this here for those who complains about quest. heres a list…
i hope it can serve as your guide and can shut your mouth… i dont mind grinding but theses quests are more than enough to help you lvl until 130 without grinding.

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Look on the bright side. When open beta and onward happens you can just buy the inevitable exp pot for 2x exp! Here comes the moneeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!

Personally what I’d do is quicken the curve to 4th rank class then slow it down. It’ll pick up for people around then and it’s fast enough where people will know what they want to do. It’s all about pacing and it makes sense to have a quicker early game and have a slower later game. Trickster’s pace before it went down was pretty good imo. Just gotta have balance, you want it enough where people, no matter if casual or hardcore, feel like they’re making progress even if it takes some time. If at level 100+ you can make players feel like if they put in 5-10 hours a day and get a level (and at much later laters, half a level, and at extremes, 25% of a level) I think that’s fair.

With a game that encourages multiple characters, you need that right balance else you will start hemorrhaging players.

Then there’s last resort where after 3-5 years of the game being out it goes through a revamp that makes everything easier LOL

The funniest part is that the rates are supposedly boosted for beta so infact the rates will be lower at launch, not higher. This isn’t an mmo for casual players xD

I really like this game and dont mind grinding, but if they really make it 7x less xp I dont think ill be playing this game. I dont mind a decrease, but 7x? I hear all kinds of numbers on this 3x, 5x, 7x, is there an official statement somewhere? When I was a kid and played games like this I had alot of fun because I had no responsibilities and alot of time, but this isnt possible for me now. Just because some people were able to get a high level quickly does that mean to kill xp for everyone? I think it would be better to just increase the xp needed at higher levels.

Another way, while people may not like this idea, is to add rested xp. This way they can decrease xp and people that have lives and responsibilities can actually make some progress and enjoy the game. The ones that are able to grind all day can still do this and progress further than everyone else.

All these ppl going on about “get to lvl 70 and you will see the grind!!!”
Ever pressed N inside the game?
That opens the World Map where you can look for maps around your level.
There are alot of maps with quests that aren’t connected to the main story line.
I’m currently a lvl 110 Sadhu, 50 hours into the game and i wasn’t forced to grind for even 1 minute by the game. Hell i went from lvl 77 to 98 in like 2 hours with all the side quests most of you people are missing.
EDIT: oh and btw i still didn’t start the Mage Tower main quests wich is unlocked after 100+, because i got so many areas/quests left to do~

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@OP - from your post, it sounds like you missed/skipped a lot of side quests if you’re having to grind at level 40. I’m currently level 110, and I probably had to grind 1-2 levels at most (not all in one session or one map, but spread out). The current setup for quest and exp cards heavily favors you exploring and checking out maps for hidden side quests (unless you’re an op overkill barbarian or something).

With that said, there are two exp curve “resets” that I know of. One at 87 and one at 137. I managed to avoid “serious” grinding for the level 87 milestone, but I’ll have to see how things are when I get close to the 137 mark (friend tells me that’s when you’ll probably do some serious grinding to hit it).
Edit: There are more curve resets before that, but they don’t really matter too much.

Some things you should do in general when exploring a new map is to check around, talk to every NPC. If you see a random clickable object out there, it might be a side quest trigger as well. The game rewards people who check things out rather than speeding through the main story quests. Also check your world map as well from time to time. There are some maps that are “skipped”, you should try checking them out when you’re closer to their level range.

This post should be the top list +1