Tree of Savior Forum

The grinding is REAL! Please do something

Dear Team IMC,

For a game that aimed for 300++ or more levels, even at CBT rates, do you really expect casual players with a job, earning money and paying for the game to grind that much?
Average casual players play around 12-24 hrs per week max. Grinding start to get serious after level 40 around 20 hrs soloing. I really doubt anyone with a life reach level 100 in one or two months…

If this game really aimed for the hardcore grinders only, I think at least 80% of the Beta Testers will not even create a character once the game officially release.

Few key points from and suggestions from me, as an ex-RO player, working adult with a life.

Normal monsters
Strength - OK
Drop - OK
Exp - No OK

Boss monsters
Strength - Too Strong (Story Mode)
Drop - Very Good
Exp - No OK

  • Please review story mode bosses strength, I’m soloing the game, the same experience one new player would experience if he/she did not start his/her grinding from first week the game launch. Do you expect NEW players at level 40 (while the rest of the world is level 200++) to get a party to kill some story mode boss or unable to advance the game?
    People would just quit the game…
    -Please make these guys repeatable; once a day…at least…

Equipment - No comment but i don’t like it.

In-game money

  • Earn too little but too much to pay…(I’m trying to get away with adulthood in game…pleaseee)
  • Attribute skills need a lot of money…
  • Equipment enhancement consume too much money…
    How much do you expect a +6 level 200 weapon to cost on open market?
    200 million silver or 2 Billions silvers?
    Enhancement cost is too high even at low level. 12k/17k for +5 level 40 weapon is just too high considering that this weapon will be replaced once i get higher level. But without it i will have a hard time taking down monsters at my level.
    Note: This is one of the FAILED part of RO2 and most MMO these days and one of the key success point of original RO.

Bonfire regen - I really like this idea…except…please make it in %. I have 5k++ HP with 1k+ SP.
Sit near fire, SP full but HP not even 1/3.

Skill cooldown - Its a joke right?

Please try to balance out those mentioned above.
Players with a right mind are not getting a divorce or have babies starved to death or retake courses just because they new to grind like a dog on a MMO. Most would just move on and play a more feasible game.


XP is soooo ■■■■■■■ high this beta you have no idea.


First off, get yourself informed of facts. we are testing the game, even if we can go up to level 500, the game is done until certain point for testing purposes, the Exp is the same as the kCBT, which i think its 5-10x more higher than it was on the first iCBT.


You are doing something horribly wrong if you can not get to level 100 in 48-192 hours at these rates. It should take about 30 hours at most to reach level 100.


I hope this game stays with the current exp rates or they remove multiple exp cards or something its to fast…

The game is about the journey not about getting the fastest max lvl.


I want to enjoy the journey as long as possible.

IMC Dont ruin your game making it a scrub 2 week and drop…


You’re joking right? This is fine. The last CBT fit the description of hardcore grinding. You must be doing something wrong because getting lvl 100 by only playing 15 hours a week is easily achievable in under 1 month in this beta, and you’re not supposed to grind only by solo in the first place (It’s fine depending on your class and DPS, but you shouldn’t be lone-wolfing every single time).

These rates will be lowered upon the games release, which is cool, as long as it doesn’t go too close to iCBT1 rates.


I know we’re on a test server with super high rate. Which is why i really think that if i need a full month of not stop grinding on a test server to reach around 1/3 of max level, i’m not gonna enjoying the game at NORMAL rate. The best thing one could get from a game is to have fun and super serious grinding isn’t fun at all.

Someone need to test the test server as a late comer didn’t they?
I don’t think we supposed to be testing on bugs only. The feasible of rates/drop should be tested as well~

I actually like grinding in this game. Unlike most games, this one is actually fun.


Well I started a day late of the opening cbt but I am now lvl 56 pyro, Seeing that this game will have levels at about 300+ I would say keep the exp cards and slow the exp a little.

See this is why I hate casual players, they want to play a game where they can just get as good as a hardcore player while spending not even a quarter of a time a hardcore player invest in the game.


I love the grinding in this game, the combat is the most fun combat i’ve ever seen in a MMORPG.

au revoir~~


my only problem so far is i cant grind boss itens and this is really annoying for me, i want spare card to battle , want to drop boss weapons and armors , but you only have 1 chance


I don’t know who told you otherwise, but this is a grinding game. Get used to it.


Exp is fine imo , i think bosses are to weak im a solo player and didnt had a lot of issues


In short, you want this game to be easy…

Please dont do this IMC.


suddenly this game is all about you/soloing person


Could be lower than CBT1. Which is why i mentioned, the rates need to be balanced out.
And when i say rates, i mean exp, drop (item & silver), regen, cool downs, enhancements, item merchant price, soloing difficulty, worth of early game junks & material drops…

Example…I could grind and farm a SS card in RO1 at low level even until i change job because i know its a good item and worth few times of my fortune. I wouldn’t farm any item or materials more than i need to level up crafting skills on RO2 because i know they will be replaced by better ones just a few more level up. In another word, these are worthless junk just 5 level up…

m8 if you dont like how the game is turning out dont play it i know alot of ppl who want that real hardcore grind fest mmo where it takes time to lvl and do stuff let me remind you this is a hardcore grind mmo and if you have a life i dont think these games are for you i mean ffs 99% fun comes from grinding and getting ultra rare drop gear that what original ragnarok was for me and many many other old school mmos


I dont know about the exp cards, but the exp definetly will be lowered, but i expect that the monsters exp table would be balanced also.

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OP in a nutshell:


Rare drops in RO are easily an end game item but not for ToS. 4 slots low level daggers are prize of a dual wielding sin. You will use your 4 slots pike even when you’re level 99 Knight on RO but the weapon system here are totally different. It lean much more towards RO2 than RO.