Tree of Savior Forum

The grinding is REAL! Please do something

What’s the planned level cap at the moment 400? If that’s the case then hearing people complaining about grinding at less than 1/4th of the way to the level cap is a little ridiculous.

Either they’re missing quests or IMC needs to have a look at the level scaling again. Most people don’t have a problem with grinding and really shouldn’t considering that this is a MMORPG and so grinding is expected but I don’t think that most people would be happy about grinding before the game really sets in.

I do think that IMC should look at making grinding on normal mobs more rewarding as currently the only reason to do them is if you want to get a recipe or an accessory because quests give so much more experience in a significantly shorter period of them. And while instances do give good experience, I don’t think there’s any at the infamous 70 range and I don’t want the game to become an instance hopping fest.

I understand the curves here that are implemented. Still I consider this game very grindy considering if what I heard was true that the level cap is around 300.

This is a beta so I’m not expecting much. I just hope they include alternatives for leveling because it’s getting really boring and fast.

In before Source: Thin Air

people seem to forget that if the level of the map you are questing and grinding with has more than 5 level difference, it gives shitty exp. so if you level 70 and you are doing quest and grind at map for lvl 100 , you are going to get very shitty exp.

perhaps the game should have mention that so people wont do things like grinding at mausoleum level 5 when they are only lvl 70-80. at lvl 85-86 doing the tenant farm map, i reach level 92 from just doing quest and grinding a bit in the said map.

That said however, this game is not meant to be played in a way where you will reach lvl 600 in a month. it is meant to be played slowly and experienced. going to different maps to grind, joining parties and getting to know strangers just like how ori RO is. low level weapons do have value because you are not going to reach max level so soon. unlike most MMOs nowadays where the true game starts end game, RO and ToS gameplay begins when you start the game.

So my advice is not to rush the game but just play when you can, go with the flow and enjoy the trip. There is no rush to hit max level really, there is so much to do seriously; nice maps, good background music, achievements that unlock cosmetics, hats, treasure chest hunting and also PvP/duel. There are even dungeons with puzzles that have no solution at the moment (or at least I don’t know). Don’t this motivate you to explore more? I am sorry to say if none of what I said is enjoyable to you, then this game is probably not for you.

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I can hit 100 in about a day or 2 now, 60 in 3 hours isnt that unbelieveable tbh, Once you learn where all the quests/Hidden quests are and plan accordigly with the correct classes its easy. Some classes will level slower, so peoples experiences will all be different depending on the build they use. Took me only a week to hit the really high levels, and ive been exploring, doing the hidden quests and the field bosses etc. There is no rush to hit the level cap in this game, the best content the game has is partying up with people and farming the mobs and the field bosses. People are just to busy trying to get to the max lvl and then do the content later, but the game isnt intended to be played like other MMO’s. You are suppose to take your time and not rush to the max lvl. For example once you get to the second town you can start doing missions (not quests, Missions) that take you and people in your party to an instance dungeon where you have to complete multiple objectives. Some are quite hard as you can end up fighting 3 bosses at once, they also scale to your level so in theory its easier to do them at lower levels for good rewards. There is alot of content in this game that you will miss by just grinding endlessly to the max level tbh. There is alot of things that you will miss if you do that also.

The source is google. You can find many dev interviews. Also the beta rates ARE high rates which is the funny part. It just proves that no matter how high you make the rates there will be some guy complaining about it until you can cap in under a week.

Hell last mmo I played you could cap in 6 days or under a month of casual play and there was still posts about it.

STOP THE AFK LEVELING PLEASE! Good thing its still just closed beta.

Because a large portion of the population is here because it is like old grinders. Hence proving there is a niche market for it that ToS has access to. If we wanted to play 2015 games we would be playing WOWs latest abomination of a expansion.

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But the game is ezmode all the way through so far, except maybe a few field bosses. The exp rates and grind have nothing to do with how hard a game is, its just time being pointlessly consumed that could be better spent improving myself by doing something more challenging, fun, and engaging.

But mobas have some strategy and challenge in their gameplay, not just mindless button mashing to kill the same mobs over and over, thats how they can get away with having lots of grind and nobody complaining about it. This is why i wish bosses in ToS were harder to kill (with more powerful skills, not more hp/armor) and also repeatable with decent exp rewards.

I’d say a large portion of the population is here because they ether heard this game was the successor to RO, or because of the 80 classes being advertised for the game. RO was not grindy until lvl 85+ which is perfectly fine in a game with max lvl 99, and being teased with 80 class choices makes most people assume the exp will be fast enough to actually play a good chunk of those classes before they are forced to grind.

That’s because you’re playing RO with the higher exp rate. The original rate of RO is really slow and grindy, and that was when it was during its peak of popularity. I was there since when RO didn’t even have knights, priest, wizard, hunter, etc.

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I remember playing my wizard in RO1, took me 3-5 months to level99 and when I just arrived lvl99 then transcendent class arrived lol.

The stats are the same with Ragnarok Online but everything else is the same as Granado Espada(also a Kim Hakkyu Game)

if what people post here that people can reach lvl100 in 2 days that is freakin FREAKIN FREAKINNNN fast.

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i think the exp rate is fine atm, i do see a lot of people saying stuff like " wow, it’s so hard to level " @ level 30 yet they have probably skipped every potential quest in the world because the game didn’t ‘point’ it out to them. :confused:

i really hope you’re not the kind of person i just mentioned OP D:

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Create a server with low rate EXP for “oldschool” grinding fags that thinks that ToS = RO.
Create a server with high rate EXP for casual players that doesn’t have time to play and grind like hell.

The best and easiest sollution.


I believe world of warcraft is more your style of an mmorpg.

You can pay for levels and have all kinds of free time.

That would be the best solution, and to be honest, they should actually consider it, this game will die if it focus on one market, no matter if it’s casual or hardcore. I love all the people that want the exp rates to be even lower when the game is supposed to have 400+ levels, all those ppl will start crying when they get stuck at lvl 120 killing the same mobs over and over for weeks and finally leave.

The funny thing is that even if you want to grind, there’s kill stealers everywhere! There’s not a single place with a packed mob density where people don’t KS, it’s unreal, it seems that all the “old style players” that seem to play this game forgot the old style behavior of not to KS a MOB when someone already has it tagged.

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I certainly don’t have a problem with grinding, rather that the grind is harder with the thinned out higher areas, which in turn makes it feel less enjoyable.
I’d hope they’ll keep the level-progression on a rather linear scale and/or make it possible to pick and chose between a few different leveling spots with different aspects ( like few strong monsters with higher exp, or a lot of smaller ones with lower exp ) which is partially already in the game.

In the end i just wish that it doesn’t take more than 500 hours of grinding to get near max level, or they’ll make it easier to obtain your class-levels and keep it similiar to ragnarok style, where you would have all the essentials of your job(s) long before you’re done with completing max level.

p.s.: I don’t know why, but a lot of people seem to have information that the experience rates are going up or down by 2-20 times or something. Doesn anyone actually have a source for any of that, or are those just wild speculations perpetuating?

I would drop the game before even reaching lv100. I don’t have patience and don’t have time. I’m not planing on playing ToS for “7 years” to reach the endgame after 400+ levels. “So you shoul play WoW, that’s the game for you.” Well, if I wanted to play WoW, I would be there playing, not here.

I heard catering to the hardcore is a good thing to do for an mmo. Look how widely successful wildstar turned out to be.


I have a hard time believing lvl 100 in 2 days, but who knows. Also, since there is a 600? lvl cap, lvl 100 is equivalent to lvl 16 if the cap was lvl 99. Was it hard to hit lvl 16 in 2 days in RO?


Can we have a sever that is just the happy middle? A good (fun) balance of questing and progression and flat grinding? So a casual sever with like 10x exp rates… An I don’t sleep sever with 10x less exp… and a balanced sever… Then we all win and everyone will play on the fast exp sever cause we all hate fun… haha…

But honestly, Whys it have to be one or the other extreme… Surly they could find a balance where the grinding isn’t excessive but your not just questing to max level either…

Personally I’d like to see it balanced so each "Section of content… (ie 1-40… 41-75… 75- 120 - ie gear based)… Has a sufficient amount of grinding to keep you in the content an enough content to keep you interested and feeling like your progressing and not grinding to a halt or flying past everything…

What I’d like to see on the grinding side is more collections and maybe more adventure book things to do while you grind… (as in grinding for specific items)… Maybe each area could have a completion rating, so you could work toward 100% each map for mob types and drops… So the grinding doesn’t feel meaningless…

I actually think they are doing a decent job on the quest side, they aren’t super uninteresting… and has enough variety (though more is welcome). Main thing I’d like is dailies - mainly the repeatable quests made daily.

Since dailies are the hated enemy of all that is good apparently… If we can’t have that I’d also/intested like to see non-grinding options for exp… Such as pvp having exp rewards (along with I assume PVP gears)… An co-op modes that can be much more challenging then normal content… Though this maybe just dungeons lite… But think like a boss rush where a team of 5 kill a certain number of bosses in a row… then you get the reward if you win… Or mob rush where its just a lot of mobs instead of bosses (no drops though… Only the exp reward and maybe mob exp… Drops would be the benefit of grinding over these things - its more to have some other content to supplement things)…

The arenas can be non-standard (ie you have to jump around or interact with objects to win)… an have a few tiers of difficulty per level range. They can really let themselves go on difficulty since they are meant to be challenging… and you can have multiple per level tier to have easier and harder ones…

The game has a lot more fun combat system then most mmos (feels a lot more like a single player action/adventure game then an mmo - with a controller at lest)… I’d like to see content that really makes use of it…

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