Tree of Savior Forum

The grinding is REAL! Please do something

6 days of beta and we have people lv 180 and u say the exp is low ?
Stop crying man this is not a one day game
just play and stop crying LONG LIFE for tos dont make it a fast and ■■■■ game

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Or those players could stop playing. I won’t miss the crying.

i agree mostly with this post, but i have no problem in slow progression… not because i have a lot of time but because i consider interesting not to get max lv in little time and have nothing to do that grinding items BUT i think the lv progression need to be fast at least at the fist 3 ranks of the classes, cause IF the lv its 300+ with lv 100 you just have 1/3 of total lv and the amount of time and exp needed its exponential. Game experience has to be fun and epic at every level, scaling in epicity exponentialy at higher levels… other wise its not fun.

I dont consider bosses under lv 75 too strong… predictable attacks that shows the area of effect… certainly a lot of hp but nothing too hard at least with highlander (they die quicky cause of the damage) and Peltasta (they never going to kill me cause of hp and defense, but takes a lot of time to kill). Also experience of boss its a joke, too little, you kill bosses just because you need to deliver the quest and get rewards and advance in story line… i kinda miss field bosses too, the ones you don’t need a quest to kill.

Base exp is linear, class is exponential :slight_smile:

Base is definitely not linear.

It is linear if you dont take into consideration the “weird” levels(16-20,45-50,85-9x). If you ignore the levels where the curve “resets”, then the base exp is pretty much linear.

i dont see this idea where u dont have to grind if you do just quests. a guy just yesterday did all quests to lvl 100 and was just lvl 76. i need to see that video where i see lvl 130’s getting that high in less than a week. maybe they grinded for 10 hours everyday. glass cannon with a priest most likely. unless i see a video where somneone did quests all the way to 100 i wont beleive it, simply because i searched every map up to the 80s and did all quests and still only lvl 75. others have done the same thing. yet i see people saying its easy. maybe if u have no job and no chores, and thats still not easy. grinding is a chore no matter how you look at it. i dont chat that much because i dont have the same interest as other gamers other than the game itself. so unless i see a video of someone thats a non-glass cannon and thats not in a party 90% of the time, get to 130 in a week. and btw half of the people won’t party with you. and if ur not up to their standards they will leave the party after 5 minutes.this is my experience. yours may be different, but you cannot tell me im wrong. this is my experiece. and dont say im not doing it right because i did not choose your “perfect” build. or the way you play.Also there arent enough monsters most of the time because of all the people. and there are ksers everywhere. that is a big issue, can’t grow any levels if they are all getting killed, and the ones i get to fight a kser comes by to one-shot it. this doesnt happen all the time but you get my drift.


Right there with you man. Those defending grinding fest are forgeting we’re running on a “easy” mode server with high xp multiplier, and they don’t even come back with a good argument on why they think is fun to spend 3 weeks grinding for a lvl, and for what? 1 attribute that doesn’t even change a thing.

Look at the wiki m8, lvl 5 mob give you 15 xp, lvl 30 only 25xp, lvl 100 70 xp… Wtf ??? 70 xp per mob since I need more than 500k xp to lvl up my job. I need to kill +100 mobs to visible being able to see my job lvl bar increase…

You are right, the exp is badly balanced, they should reduce it to 1/5, at least.

No point to play a game where you can get lvl 100 in less than 2 days. It should take at least 2 or 3 months to make every level count.

Reduce??? They should increase, we are running at 7x xp dude + exp cards everywhere… You are insane if you think they should reduce it.

Take the time they took to get to lvl 100, mult by 7 and discount the xp cards… So 1 week to lvl 100, 10 hours per day = 700 hours with xp cards bursting out their arses… If we use simple math 700 x 7 = 4 900 hours with xp cards, without it you can add up + 2 000 hours to the count.

So live server you will took 6 900 hours to get to lvl 100, if you play 10h a day you can achieve this with 690 days… That’s fckn absurd.

Pro tip guys , its not easy leveling the level cap will be 600 , and is a real hell to get there some people are even making other chars even tho they are 160-170 cuz they ■■■■■■ up so if you got level 60 in 24 hours , first your not doing well , second just wait and see how you will regret your words …
Pls for ■■■■■■■ sake realize that level 100 is really low! , and try to get 180 if you get 187 and say hehe this game is easy hehe , then we can talk about nerfing xp

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You’ve not had much luck getting recipe drops or the occasional headgear drop yet then. Plenty of decent loot around trapped under low drop rates

I think youre misunderstanding something…

Maybe you need to realize that the game is fun while grinding, do things besides grinding to level up. I’m 67 and most of the leveling is finding the rare drops mobs drop by using the database. I have so much op gear now and have no issues with mobs along with my party.

You are a casual player, you want to reach top level in a super fast pace because muh timescale, but in reality you just want to hit endgame… for what?

Think of it in terms of Sword Art Online… did people rush to get max level? No they leveled up on each zone and did different things. Some players even picked up crafting and such.
Ultimately, either A.) you have no friends and are solo questing as a CLERIC type class or B.) youre impatient and expect this game to be an hour long session like League of Legends.

Do you know what will make this game a success? The same thing that made Ragnarok or Maplestory a hit… the community. You socialize in this game and make friends and go do things for fun. Getting gear, leveling, crafting, questing. There are many things to do and sure you have 12-24 hours a week… then you will move at a 12-24 hourly invested time pace.

The ultimate solution for this to appease both you and “hardcore grinders” (btw hitting level 67 in a few days is stupid fast… i like to enjoy my games not feel rushed through them) would be to have two different server types. A moderate rate and a Original rate. Something like 1x for original and like 3x for casual.

Your bonfire regen is proportional to your SPR / CON, you have no spr or con you have no regen.

Even CBT1 players complained about “muh grind”. I mean seriously do you think a player wants to hit 1-600 in a month or two months and move on to the next game? I would expect AT LEAST half a year to hit 600. A game is a time investment, and if youre flopping around between games every month instead of sticking too the same game then maybe ToS shouldnt be an option for you.

tl;dr every casual player complains about it not being casual enough, to hit 67 in a few days is the high end of casual. It should take me at least 1-2 weeks to hit 67. Granted there isn’t too much to do right now but I’m sure IMC will get feedback to implement other alternatives to keep your attention.


This, I’m not here to play for a month, I want to play this game for a couple of years and enjoy the time spent.

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I completely disagree with most of what you’re saying.

From what I can see, your main argument is that the grind is too long.
I feel like a lot of the player base is playing this game because of the grind. It has that nostalgic feeling the older mmos had, and the grind back then was a lot harder. The game should not be about getting to the end and completing the game, you should be enjoying the process of killing mobs, finding loot, exploring the map, finding npcs to do quests, etc. Even with the limited amount of time I can spend in this game, I ENJOY it, I love the grind, I love collecting gear to sell and earning money, I like crafting, I like exploring, and most importantly, it’s really satisfying (imo) to punch mobs and watch them explode.
TL;DR: The exp/money drops are fine. If anything, they’re too high. The point of the game isn’t how long it is or getting to the end, it’s how much fun you have while playing. I think this game should be longer/harder/more grindy.

The only real complaint I do have is that the story mode bosses are kinda meh
The story mode bosses are tanky and kinda hard to do on your own, but I feel a lot of the earlier bosses are only hard because of the damage they do and HP they have. The fights themselves are actually pretty simple: move around, dodge the red circles, punch mob. Difficulty should not equate to HP/Damage. There should be some mech or something genuinely hard about the fights to encourage partying.


I got 4000 hours in EVE online. No biggie! :smile: I think the XP will be fine, let the devs make the game how they feel it should be, and let the players play it. When to many people insert thier opinion into a game, more often enough game turns to garbage. Games where developers make the game how they want to, and the players just enjoy it, tbh turn out much better.

Some of the best games to ever made were back in the day when the playerbase had no say or opinion on the direction the game went. Dev’s should stop caving into the demands of the playerbase and just make the game how they want to. And we should all enjoy it without being told how to enjoy it. Look at Archeage, loads of players demanding trino to normalise stuff on release and making it easier to lvl. Max level takes 1 day now, and people are now crying about the fact stuff has been normalised, even though they asked for it originally. Thats because the majority or people are shortsighted.

Let them fix the bugs, the crashes, the desyncs, the time outs and the lag issues first tbh. The XP issue isnt an important one imo because XP rates can be changed and modified at anypoint. If the XP rates on release are deemed to harsh they will most likely nerf it. But right now during testing? I dont think it matters, Its been a week and im already nearing the lvl cap for beta with my first char. I havent even been playing 24/7.

Here’s a nolifer…

Why should this game be like older mmos? this is 2015. people want fast pacing in their game, not slow slow grind

the problem will be after you have done explorining, there will be nothing left but to grind
there are 600 level
have you enter the level 70-80 yet? i have explored every map in my level area and talked to every npc to see who give out quest, there is nothing left for me except to grind and that will take hours
it is boring, no one except old people like grinding, and if this game caters to the old people then the new people will leave

i do not think that is wise

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If you hate grinding this much , just play cs go or something else cuz every mmorpg have grinding , at level 70 theres a great grinding spot , you could make a party make some friends and stuff , i think this is one of the pros of the game…
Ps: I highly doubt you did all the quests , and all ur runs on the level 50 dungeons , by highly doubt i mean , its impossible to be stuck if you did

Actually you most likely havent been to the Gythis settlement, alot of 70-80 players miss it because the main story quest doesnt bottle feed you and tell you to go their, its an optional leveling area right outside the starter town to the north east. Quest start @ 67 and end at 90+. Alot of XP missing if u dont visit it. You are welcome for the info btw.

Sorry, just because a game supports a larger community base doesn’t mean that it’s better. I would honestly be very disappointed and probably not play as much if the game was ezmode all the way through. I still believe the exp and drops and stuff would be okay with a nerf.

I don’t find your complaints valid since all you’re trying to get at is to make the game easier cause you don’t have the time. The game itself is still fun and enjoyable regardless of how the current grind. Not that I don’t have some complaints, but the grind is definitely not one of them.