Tree of Savior Forum

The grinding is REAL! Please do something

Please go play one of the 900000 other non-grind based games. Some of us actually like not playing at level cap for once and grinding for crappy raid gear.

What people don’t realize is that there’s no need to hit max level in this. If they made the last 100-200 levels take over a year of non-stop grinding then thats fine, all you get is some stat points since your job level is max.

I swear the post-WoW generation has no idea what progression in a game is. You want to hit max level right away and then you will complain there’s nothing to do and quit anyways.


Why people want to level:
More content at later level
More fun classes

if it takes a long time to get there. people will lose interest,
because grinding is no fun at all


please do not let the old people who love love grinding ruin this game. in reality grinding is not fun, it is repetitive, and the NEW players who love PLAYING THE GAME will leave because the OLD PLAYERS want to grind all day!
if you are a boring person who loves grinding please, your opinion is not wanted. this topic is about increasing exp rate because they are too low, especially in the +100 and +200 level. if you love grinding go back to one of your old games where you can grind all day nolife because this is not the game for you


The current rates let you hit C4 which is where most classes get super fun or where a lot of interesting classes start becoming available pretty quickly.

The actual problem is that these are boosted rates. The absolute slog we had in icbt1 was bad both because it was half base rates but also because of how bad most early circle classes are.

You max out your classes way before you reach max level in this. Also if you think 5 days for level 200 is too much grinding I can’t help you. There are literally a hundred mmo’s that cater to casual players so why come to the 1 game that we knew from day 1 was a grinding mmo and then complain about grinding.

It’s like going to a marathon and asking why you didn’t win for running 1000 meters the fastest.

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Yah I have no problem with grinding and you can see from my posts im against raising rates. The real solution is to make sure that the early classes are fun and decently strong as well as tweaking the nearby party finder to show the groups current quest and cross channel party (join party, switches your channel).

It’s actually pretty easy to level early if you have parties and don’t solo every boss for 20 minutes xD

OP is right, and those no-life who think grinding f fest is fun and healthy for a game it’s what will bring this game down.

The XP rates are terrible, and mobs are just meatballs. There aren’t any problems in making the rates high if you make the player earn it, by making mobs harder and smarter(A joy to fight). If IMC is aiming for a more action oriented mmo, they need to move away from grinding fest.


That you stated this shows how little experience you have with this game.

Except devs said from the first day the game is an oldschool grinder and there are a million ezmode WoW clones to play. Casuals ruined enough games already asking for everything to be fast and easy lol.


I doubt it. Look at every mmo released in the last 5 years. Easy to get max level, everyone plays for 1 month and quits. Then the game dies. This game may not get 1million casual players like WoW but at least it will last longer than a few months.


if you grind until lvl 100 you’re playing the game wrong… theres a lot of quest out there. i manage to reach lvl 108 without grinding…


Please don’t listen to the casuals as the OP post, the game is perfect just the way it is, keep it that way.

With love, a fan.


There’re a lot of “walls” at X levels where you need to grind at least 5 levels before be able to move on. The “walls” kinda appear at each new dungeons.
Yeah, it suck but try to find a party to pass those “walls”, then you can go back to solo until next “wall”.

please cite your words.

Grinding is not fun?
What you say like a stupid rich kid who never have friends
The fact I spend my grinding time chat with friends
If you found it not fun, you just being loner
The fact I want to meet new friend and chat with them . If game so easy who need pt
You might never know the feeling of achieving something which cost you so much time to put in
More content more fun?
It sounds like new ice cream with new flavour but everyone can buy
The contents are hiding somewhere force u to spend time on which only you find out. Doesn’t it taste better?
I only can see u want to spend money for content
If new player liked Wat u said
Then steam should release buying achievements
For ppl who want to show off thing


I don’t see much of a gaming community for that kind of life commitement. I could be wrong though, but if that’s the aim of this game I don’t see myself playing it.

Wait… isnt that the same type of grinding a Bowling bash/cart revolution Knight/BS did in ro?. Mob stuff>kill while potting>???>profit.

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Btw, if you keep comoleting all optional (blue) quests, you can keep playing without grinding. I have a hunter (A HUNTER! ! ! ) level 68 and I did not need to grind hard at least once. Just playing relaxed and searching for content and hidden stuff…

The grind really depends on whether you find all the quests (take it from someone who’s missed a whole quest line and 2 bosses completely lol), though there are definitely exp cliffs, I guess to alleviate too much grinding.

Are there really people arguing content is bad, though? You realize you can both grind and have more engaging content, right?

man, i know why you may think that this grinding it’s too much, but i fact, even ateh 1/4 or 1/5 of the present exp, it’s fine

probably nobody here played a MMO called Mix Master, and if the OP had played, he would get that this grinding is SUPER easy.

on mix master, before the exp boost that was huge, you would spend, AT LEAST, 2 weeks without cash, to get lvl 90, and we didn’t have nothing to do, cause after you get 90, the monster would give you, LITERALLY, 0,00001~0,00002 exp. Being that you couldn’t just instakill them.

And this game was made to be a grinding like game, so it’s ok with the likely exp that we would have in oficial