Tree of Savior Forum

The grinding is REAL! Please do something

I don’t enjoy “grind games” specifically. But If the game is good, I couldn’t care any less about the grind.

LOL so WTF i’m doing wrong? I explored ALL the maps, done ALL the quests, talked to ALL NPC’s and on Chapel i’m level 38. Because i’m Barbarian ( OP ) I could do the quests until defeating Gestis ( level 50 Boss ) and still level 42, and there’s people saying that wouldn’t need to grind until 70+ … lol.

I AM level 70 and I didn’t have this issue. You probably missed some quests. Talk to all the NPCs.

I am a working adult and I only get to play 3-4 hours a day after work…Andddd I am now level 80. :smiley: So yes it’s not hard to grind. You just need to know which spot and how to grind. Then again I have been playing on KCBT for 2 months … So I do know where to farm/grind and EXP mechanic of the game. Also there are already rank 5s in the game (lvl 120++).

I never said that the grind was the main focus of this game but I do hear what you say with it just only being that can really hurt the game. I can agree to a point with that but keeping these icbt2 rates. I wouldn’t agree with as over the course of this week and you can even find streamers already 160+ and good amount thru out all 3 servers already have almost 200+ characters. How is that acceptable for long term? I wouldn’t find getting to 100 so appealing even thou we have high level cap of 500 or 600. There should be a balance between casuals and “hardcores” but keeping these exp rates wouldn’t help at all. Imagine in a few months with them most of the players would be easy 300-400 or hell even MAX by then. Really depends on the dedication of the player honestly but I think that really will kill the game and yet we’re still in the early phases of this game. We would have casuals leaving constantly for all types of excuses even so some casuals in this thread don’t even accept it. How could you say its not gonna be easy in the higher lvls if these rates are already this insane.

Keep in mind a lot of players ain’t really trying with this so called “grind” because its no where near how real the grind could be.

exp rates are fine as they are, we only need more quests, and repeatable ones


This thread shows how dishonest that “casual” complaining is. No matter how high exp is raised, they post the exact same complaints. They don’t pay any attention to what they’re complaining about and simply repeat the same whining until games are so trivialized and sped up that they quit out of boredom.

Real casuals don’t care about hitting the level cap right away, and real working adults have more important things to do than obsess over keeping up in video games. This is all about wannabe hardcore whiners using “casual” and “working adult” as shields because they can’t stand the idea of not being #1.


It might just be because it was my first MMO, but I really love the way MapleStory made their game work. You only need to be level 140 to do all the content in the game and then the nuts jobs, like myself, that want to grind all the way until 200 can take 2 years to do that.

I think that you should take 1-2 months to get to level 200 so you can have all of your skills from the classes you want and then with those skills you can participate in anything end game in the game you’ll just be super weak if you don’t grind the rest of the 400 levels in the game. This way of leveling makes it so impatient get all the skills they want from there 6 ranks and can just do whatever in the game.

This obviously wouldn’t work on account of the fact that the games level cap is extremely high, 200 out of 600 is failing. Also, the needing to be within 5 levels of a monster to not get docked exp also makes this concept hard.

This whole discussion isn’t really about casual vs hardcore or grinding monsters vs grinding in the form of quests.

Some people simply need to feel constantly rewarded in order to feel good and they don’t feel like putting effort into gaining that reward whatsoever, regardless of how much free time they have on their hand.

These people need to realize that MMOs might just not be for them


@fecono: Honestly, I’ve played MMOs where I had to grind in the past and I feel like the difference between there and here is that levels actually mean something there. In a game like Tree of Savior where the level cap is a theoretical 600, the difference between level 40 and level 50 really isn’t that much. It’s only 10 stat points which really only ends up being around 10 points of damage, assuming you dump it all into your attack stat. You end up not feeling like you made any progress.

Of course, this begs to ask the question of: Are people focusing on the wrong number? I’d argue that the class level matters a lot more than the character level, and that poses a different problem: Class levels don’t feel meaningful individually sometimes because of the game’s SP costs and cooldowns. You spend far more time using your left click than you do using what makes your class your class, and I think alleviating that issue somewhat would help create an illusion that the player isn’t grinding. Really all people want is to have fun, after all, and pressing buttons is a lot more fun than pressing a left click.

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And what is the problem with a “few players” reaching the max level in a few months? Like you said, a “few” people will be able accomplish that, because they’re no life or because they earn money playing videogames. Not everyone will reach max lvl in a few months, even with actual rates, keep that in mind.

And can’t IMC Game create some content to higher levels? Like raid instances, Guild vs Guild or something else? ToS is really just about killing monsters and reaching max level? If it is, then will fail in no time, really. But I hope that’s not true.

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You can always bot, LOL.

But seriously, I think it’s fine, if anything I’d like to refight bosses to farm them. There’s many with low % drops but only one chance to get them? That kinda sucks.


are you sure you did all the quest? i remembered that i reached lv 45 before reaching tenent chapel doing all the quest i see especially the 2 repeatable quest (10 times and 5 times).

i did a bit of grinding in the first few level since you can easily do 255% overkill. saved some exp cards so that when i do the quest on the map im currently on, it’ll be normal exp and not lowered exp when doing quest.

now im 69 and almost 70 (on a lv 65 map) but couldn’t do much or a bit bored due to archer’s damage too low and sp consumption being too high. kind of regret using my 100pcs lv 3 exp card from 61 - 65 wherein i could have just do the 50 dungeon first until the exp is too low for me to grind and use it to reach 67-70

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I never said a “few people” that isn’t the case here when you look on their streams and see tons of players already around that level and by now probably closer to Lv200 and many more players casual or “hardcore” alike. Just to say because they no-life isn’t all that true when the “grinding” isn’t even hard at all and people wouldn’t want to appeal to the fact “Oh I hit lvl 100 in a few days” yeah… sounds very interesting of a game to people who want to join in and be driven away by the fact on how they would label it “simple”. Now no one wantst hat now and yet again these exp rates will not be staying. I understand but if anything we have no idea what they got in store for the future. I do hope for some good content thru out all levels.

Dunno why people the rates are too fast. Clearly the game is designed around multiple chars anyway, cause there will be something you wanna try, then there’s the crafting classes. And you’d want a farm char and a pvp char, etc. It’s not too fast where you run out of things to do, and it’s not too slow where you get super burned out and quit.


I see alot of people comparing the leveling rate in this game and RO. Doesn’t this game have a higher level cap though? For me, once I hit lvl 75 or so it became quite a bit slower to level. I think the leveling rate is fine since it should take even longer the higher you get.

They could make the last hundred levels or so be grindy, while keeping the current xp rate. Also, when they add more content they may increase the level cap further. So I think the xp rate is fine if they keep it this way.

I also see people saying that once you hit a certain level your current gear is useless like WoW. Thats true, but the levels are more spread out in this game. After lvl 75, the next lvl bracket for gear is 125 right? Not sure whats after that.

Are any of you even over 100? After you run out of quests and finish up mages tower you’re in for hell.

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I just hit level 80. The grind is crazy, even with the increased exp. I can see this game only being for hardcore players if they release with the normal exp rates. Most of the people who i know that got into the beta as well have already stopped playing because the grind is becoming to much. I’m already considering stopping and I only just hit 80.Those of you who are lower leveled, wait til you start running out of quests and you’ll see.


grind is not okay i do not like it please increase exp rate or add more quest

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My friends are already over level 100. Unfortunately for me, I’m far too busy to play this semester, so I have other priorities to deal with =(