Tree of Savior Forum

The grinding is REAL! Please do something

The only thing I see they’ve done wrong with the Story Mode Bosses is that some bosses are more difficult when you’re in a with a group of people because they get too much HP and the battle becomes 20 minutes of battle. It’s more noticeable on bosses after the level 50.
I would tone down how much the Boss HP scaling works, but carefully, it would be a shame you could kill them in one burst with any kind of part, and instead make them more aggressive, a bit faster but retaining the moments where they expose themselves and don’t forget to rework the AI too,
Not all party members are going to be DPS. So only by having 1 full support (that would mean next to none offensive skills) class, you’re going to extend the battle like 5 minutes. for example people aiming to be Priests, Pardoners, Oracles or Monks (pre rank 3-4, cure isn’t bad, They just aren’t going to level up INT and probably most most of them would think that Safety, Heal and Deprotect are a better skills to maximize [RIP Divine Might])

They want this to be the next Tibia online or something, with that super high lvl cap and the low rates.

i never noticed. our group of 3 burns down bosses a lot faster than if i’d have solo’d it

i’m lvl 102 and only grinded once for a few hours at lvl 73-76, everything else has been a super quick ride with the exp cards. The official servers will actually need to have exp rates slower than this cbt’s or the game won’t last. :V

I haven’t even played hardcore… take a lot of breaks and got a different character lvl 30… @_@;
Think you might be doing something wrong OP.


I heard this beta is 3xp ~5xp. I hope this is true. Actually grind is fun and really needed for a game like this (cause of it’s player base).

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No the exp rates are not smooth for official release… Are you nuts? Do you even understand how bad that is for the long term of Tree of Savior? Lvl70+ already and people not even playing really “hardcore” showing you just how silly this exp rate is in this CBT and shouldn’t be taken seriously AT ALL! Good thing they will be lowered regardless what people complain for. Its will needed and doesn’t need to stay nor be increased. Learn to deal with it like every other gamer in the game.


You think this is Grind ?? lollll … clearly you have no idea about what is a real grind mmo .


ah, I remember back in the old MMORPG days, you will have to grind a full day just for 10% worth of exp, lol. Having a healer was so crucial back then, because if you died, you lose that 10% exp along with your items and equipments.

I also forgot to mention, remember those (hardcore) mode server? Where if you die, your character is dead forever, causing you to create a new character from scratch. You honestly can’t compare the level of hardcore of today games with games in the past.


The only issue I have is with c1 cryo dps and wiz1/2’s level of dps leveling wise. #kite4spike

Talk to all the NPCs. There’s no indicator on your map or anything that shows they have quests. A friend and I are a little ways past 40 into the chapel, and the only grinding we’ve done we did on our own terms in order to get drops and items (an excellent way to make money and get equipment, by the by). Prices for attributes are fine. I don’t really like the waiting factor, but it would be fine if I could learn more than one attribute at a time, or maybe be able to queue attribute learns, if that makes sense at all. Other than server stability issues (which will be fixed in time, hopefully) the only real problem we’ve had is SP (moreso my friend than I).

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do skill power up attributes first as they are instant and then drop in one of the timed ones after you’ve spent what you’ve wanted on the others.

Go solo with archer then

Eh, I don’t think it should have been surprising to anyone that this game has tons of grinding unless you jumped here with zero information about it.

I see a lot of people here saying how they love the grind and with lower rates they’ll love the grind even more. But that’s really the problem with this game: There is no grinding. There’s just mobbing. And we don’t even need to make an effort for that.
Monsters spawn in small areas in numbers of 30-80, pre-packed and ready to kill and pretty much every offensive skill in the game is an AoE designed to kill them all in 1-2 hits.
Once the hype dies down in a few weeks, you’ll find yourself repeating the routine: Walk to room/plateau in a field/dungeon, Cast AoE Skill once, kill everything, repeat for 20 minutes, level up, walk to the next map, rinse and repeat.
The names and drops may change from map to map, but the pattern remains the same. If that kind of grinding is what you call fun, instead of the old RO-style grinding, I wish you good luck with ToS in the future.


The grinding isn’t even noticeable if you play the game the way that it’s designed to be played. Which is with a party and talking to all the quest-givers, which there are tonnes of. I’m level 60 myself with 40 hours into the game according to Steam.

To put this in perspective, in WoTLK era of WoW, at 40 hours, you would still not be level 60. It took me 18 days to hit 80, which was the level cap at that time. Google tells me that this is 400+ hours. This is especially if it was your first toon. In modern WoW, this would be more than enough time to hit 100 on a new toon, which is the level cap, with time to spare.

To put it simply, MMORPGs are about investing time to achieve long term results, and always have been. It’s only recently that games have become casualised to the point where games are no longer fun. ToS, to me, is a game that goes back to that classic feeling of an MMORPG, one where it feels like an epic journey because you’ve went out, joined a party, made new friends and achieved some levels along the way. It’s a game where you can sink time into something, and have that feeling of reward from working towards it. It’s not a game where it feels like you’re just handed the best stuff for showing up.

Let’s look at WoW again, the ultimate in sinking quality of MMORPGs. When I first started, earning that one epic drop from a raid was something worth bragging about. Those drops were based. Now, you can rock up to a babby mode raid finder raid and just be given epic loot for showing up. It devalues the progress of the core players, and that feeling of just being given the best stuff does not feel as rewarding as having to invest time and resources into earning it. Heck, this is still disregarding how much practice you had to put into getting good in the first place.

So no, the exp rates shouldn’t be adjusted (if anything I think they could be lowered). Maybe they could be balanced out a little, minorly. But at the moment, it’s pretty comfy, if only a little breezy. But then again, it is 500 levels, so maybe the breeze will dust off at some point.

tl;dr go play a casual game if you want a casual game, there are plenty out there to choose from. Please leave us hardcore MMORPG players to our grindy game.


Dude what, I take care of kids. Do daily things and have more than enough time to play. And I am soon lvl 100 and its been under a week! And I even play on 2 characters. So I would be 100 already!.


I have a job and everything, and maybe 3 hours a day on average to play videogames, but I’d really like this game to be slower paced.
I’d rather stay a little longer in an area, even if it means grinding.
Of course that’s not optimal, what I’m saying is that I’d rather have these areas be filled with more interesting content rather than boring quests that boil down to “Gather 10 pig asses”

I understand that the current rate is fine for testing, but if the full game ends up having the same or even higher rate I’ll be disappointed

There’s no need to level up fast, why do you want to reach max level so badly?
There is nothing to be gained there yet since we don’t have any infos on planned endgame content.

I’d be okay with this game having no level cap at all too.

Trickster Online had a interesting system, there was no level cap but once you reached level 400 you would have needed so much exp that it was basicly impossible to level up. But that was fine, there was no benefit in being max level anyways other than having your name be on the top of the leveling rankings and basicly being famous on the server


This will basically destroy the game.

This is a MMO, not a single player game. You’ll have to learn to live with it instead of forcing the game to change in a way it wasn’t meant to be played.
Did you know you can easily find a party in-game and take a break form the awful single player grind? Now you do.

I disagree. First, if grind leveling is the main thing this MMO can offer, than it’s already doomed to fail. I mean, I know some people really enjoy grinding, but they’re minority on the market, you have to admit that. The game could survive for a couple of years with this niche, but that’s it. It won’t have a big impact on the market at all.
And I think that icbt2 exp rates are fine. The thing they have to do is make some changes on EXP chart, to make sure that on higher lvls (100+) it won’t be that easy to level up. I think if they do that way, “casual” and “hardcore” players will have nothing to complain.

Because, look: If it’s easy to reach lvl 100 in a week, I think it have more chances to addict players, you know? The max lvl is… 500, 600? I don’t know. The thing is, lvl 100 is 1/5 or 1/6 of the entire adventure and the only thing they have to do is increase required EXP on EXP charts. So, it’s easy to reach lvl 100, but it’s no easy to reach lvl 150, 200 and so on. I think this is the best formula.