Tree of Savior Forum

The grinding is REAL! Please do something

Exactly this, the quest dont give you exp, but give you cards with exp, well kind weird but its a different concept.

120% with you there.

Yeah and you saw how they start crying about exp even tho IMC warned that its for test purpose lol, parasites will aways be parasites in the end.

I think the easiest class to level is Swordsman class (and branches). They do massive damage, even with auto attacks and have nice HP pool.

Its not about soloingā€¦
Its about the overall of the game in general. Current TOS system is a RO2 with a lot of grinding coming.
If i really have to grind, i have to make sure my grinds are worth my efforts. Loots, cards etc.
As i mentioned earlier, rare drops in ToS are worthless few levels up due to its similarities to RO2 system. Soā€¦might as well take out the grinding parts just like what happened in WoW.


Iā€™m a RO frequent player, and I kind of understand why the grind is real in this iCBT. In my RO server, newbies can just come in, spamming global chat ā€œI am x lvl, where can I grind?ā€, and you get pin pointed to a well-known location with best exp ratio and kill rate, with plenty of the same lvl people grinding.

In ToS, well no one know where is the best, simply because everywhere look like itā€™s best: all maps have monster clusters, all maps has some kind of parties, and the only thing you know is the monsterā€™s level. You know a map is bad to lvl in RO when it is deserted, you just donā€™t know it in ToS, YET.

And I believe thatā€™s the early beauty of this iCBT.


Itā€™s easy as hell, what are you talking about?

Last iCBT was insanely hard and people wanted easiest exp, and now that we have it people still complain about it.

People just hate to put effort, simply stop playing this kind of game.

Grinding for lvl, pleaseā€¦
Seriously, a game about just grinding isnā€™t nice, look at Path of Exile, leveling on it is much more rewarding than ToS, but yeah, itā€™s a beta, letā€™s see when comes outā€¦


Stopped reading right here.
Casual players can find themselves some shitty walkthrough MMORPG like Neverwinter, SWTOR or some other. There are plenty of games for people like you.

Plus, this game seems to be the grind game. So leveling up is a part of the gameplay, not WoW-like where all the game starts when you reach max level. Youā€™re not supposed to reach cap level in a month.


Idk I came into this game knowing 100% that this was a grinding game at the core.
Honestly I think because of the exp rate atm itā€™s actually a little too fast. (Which is fine, because beta).
Iā€™ve played mmorpgs thats grinding was way worse than these (getting 0.01 pct per kill).
Im having a great time. Grinding is part of the fun. And with the visuals and aesthetics in this game, I find it really entertaining.


You forgot ToS iCBT2ā€¦its a walkthrough MMO with possible grinding added on releaseā€¦

Oh come onā€¦this is beta ratesā€¦
Donā€™t treat current exp rates as final versionā€¦

Did you read my second sentence? I know this is beta. And its too easy. They just want us to get further in the game.


Itā€™s only fun because itā€™s new. Trust me, after a couple of weeks, youā€™ll grow tired of it. (well, unless you REALLY enjoy grind games)


It canā€™t be more walkthrough than Neverwinter tho. Where you cap out in 2-3 lazy evenings and then get top equipment in under 2 weeks of super casual playing.

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wanna-be adult juggling university+part time job, and very little free time.
Grinding is good in an MMO, it builds the routine and the community.
itā€™s kinda like going to the gym, it takes time and dedication, but with time and effort youā€™ll be rewarded with more then just muscles. think about the connection you make and the community that you helped to build.

Same in an MMO. if you come from RO, youā€™ll know that even experienced players are always creating new characters and, if the community is tight, always keen to helping newcomers.
on EuRO years ago, I joined the community and created my first character, a mage with way too many starting points in str. it took me like 9-10 months just to get from novice to lvl 92 wizard, it was a shitty build, I was experimenting and learning from my mistakes; but I enjoyed every hour of grinding at geographers in einbroch.
it wasnā€™t easy at all, but I was sharing that experience with other people like me, sometimes I would meet a priest and ask for a heal and buff and then wander off; other times iā€™d meet another mage and just sit down to rec and talk about stuff. I made true connections. it wasnā€™t a race, but a journey.
and when I hit lvl 90 and got called for my first woe, oh boy how proud and excited i was, coz I put effort in my shitty wizard with that extra 30 STR.

here on ToS i made lvl 40 in like 15-20 hours with a party, so far so good. iā€™m told it becomes more difficult after this point and Iā€™m actually looking forward to that.
Iā€™ll grind more for exp->iā€™ll make more money/loot->iā€™ll pay for new equip/attributes and then jump to the next area, rinse and repeat.
while doing this I enjoy the lore and the people that have been there with me.

Of course if you want a fast story mode without human interaction, donā€™t play an MMO, just pick up a single player RPG, thereā€™s plenty of them.
But if you want a memorable experience and actual good memories, you gotta take it easy and enjoy the ride.


Didnā€™t play those gamesā€¦
I did grinded and enjoyed RO many yrs ago but i quit RO2 within a month. Thatā€™s why i know where this game is heading to. End chapters end game dungeons queueā€¦

As a matter of fact, most people who are here are ex-RO playersā€¦
I doubt any RO players could really come out with the stories of the game. Thatā€™s the beauty of freedom and flexibility.

Simple, donā€™t play this game.

Also stop doing this so much;

P.S; EXP Rates are going down ALOT less.


I like how things are currently balanced. I get most of the exp I need simply from doing the quests, and the extra levels can be gained easily by partying up for the dungeons.

Dude these XP rates are an incredible improvement. if you explore and do your sidequests and instances you wonā€™t be underleveled for quite a while and even then the grinding youā€™ll do isnt that much.

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I actually agree with OP, one of the annoying parts of RO was that lvling took soooo long that you got bored before even reaching trasendent classes, I do admit that I had loads of fun while lvling in RO, but for a game like this in this day and age, I think that taking the same path as RO is bad.

I hope that they at least keep these exp rates for the final release, cuz I can imagine the ordeal it would take if these arenā€™t the normal rates once the game launches. I do like grinding in MMOs but I wonā€™t go back to my days in RO where I sat infront of my screen for 5hrs just to gain 3 levels, that type of grinding should not exist anymore. Keep in mind that this is MY opinion, so itā€™s fine if thereā€™s some people out there that like this type of grind, but for me, itā€™s not something I look forward too.


Like everyone should have known well enough what they was getting themselves into when mention by many that this game was gonna be a grind-fest to a point. Yet this grinding in this current CBT is no-where near hard for people to get 80-100 in a course of few days. People already crying that this game is going RO 2 path or old RO style with their grinding when the exp tables are extremely high to TEST the full content along with bugs and server stabilityā€¦ You guys are spouting out the mouth about this needs to change and blah blahā€¦ Come on people have a little common sense and no these exp rates will not be staying in the future so get use to it. Iā€™m not saying to leave the game but everyone has their way of enjoying even some casuals enjoy it this way. GIve something actually useful for feedbackā€¦

Not this repeated crying threads about wanting things YOU want.

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