Tree of Savior Forum

The grinding is REAL! Please do something

@Nando20xx I might be wrong about the exp cards indeed as I progress they make less of an impact curently you can level faster in exp group on one spot then rush throu quests, thats with a realy good group on a top spot.

Problem with making game easier is, people who request it do not realize that after a month they gona be bored quit or crying make it harder.


Iā€™m hoping the exp stay the same too. Itā€™s been only 3days the game is out and there is already complains about this. If ToS is good enough like i think it is, you may want to play some years to it like a lot of us did to ro and maybe yourself. Even if you donā€™t play that much if you play years you wonā€™t have any problem in having your player go to the max level :slight_smile:

yeah that the problem most ppl will just get to max lvl quickly and be like this is booring and quit or go to forums and complain its a never ending cycle and trust me i have seen this more times than i want to i have been playing mmos for so long and so many but all i dropped what does all of these games have in common quick leveling whit no end game content farming is too easy and you are left whit nothing but an animated chat box. and the biggest problem atm is all the mmos are like this quick leveling and no endgame content whit this game i can finally relive those golden day of actually putting in work to an mmo and that what mmos originally was it was a second life you breathed it lived it and you had a damm good time doing it and for op i had a normal life and i played hardcore mmos


It wonā€™t. Which is why i think should bring it upā€¦
Current rate is a boosted rate, so if it were to be lowered to 1/10 of current rate, easily 50 hrs grinds to get to level 20.

Bosses are EASY AS F. I can solo anything with my pyro and with a single spell.
yes there is grinding but its a build in thing in korean mmo.

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Just follow the logicā€¦
ā€œIf everyone has an epic item, NO ONE has an epic item.ā€
ā€œIf everyone is powerful, NO ONE is powerful.ā€

Trust me, mmos who gives the players everything, give u nothingā€¦ only the philosophy "loot,loot,loot and solo mentality! This is a MMORPG not a SOLO RPG(**** the boss! he is easy and drop everything u want, **** the challenge, the party work, u must CHASE GEAAR!! and ITENS.) so u can be overpower LIKE EVERYONE!!..(wait, what ? overpower like everyone ? =S) see ? u dont play the game for fun anymore, u play to be like everyone else, because its easy and if u dont have 1000 gear points u are worthless.

Please we already have alot of those mmos!


you said you were ex ro player let me guess you came after renewal patch? if so then i know why your mentality is like this in original ro the lvling was quite similiar to this. and do you really think they would actually lower the exp rate that much no get your head out of your ass stop QQing and find another game cause you certainly aint gonna ruin this game for the many many many fans of the oldschool mmo games where grinding was all you did


Took the words out of my fingers lol.

The AI is not complete yet i think, and im hoping for IMC to make some meaningful boss battles.

Before you even say stuff like this, get yourself informed, the actual Exp rate is 5x of what it should be, they will lower it at OBT/Release.


I think we should be able to repeat the bosses - and the bosses exp should be higher. But is just it that I see that could change. I think that grinding in ToS is not exhausting, the map is almost always mobed so you can just AoE and be fine. In less than 24h hours Iā€™m already level 60.

When the game is ready, and the exp rate is lowered, I think that in 24h of game, we would be at level 40ish, and I think itā€™s okay. Remind me of old days of RO. And that was fun.

I head they might implement the same bosses but on dungeons, i think Telet have one right now, havent had the chance to go in there yet.

the exp from monsters is fine.
if anything the exp cards need to be removed because they give too much.

Oh, that would do. Bosses in story mode and bosses on dungeons. It would be fun.

I will disagree with you. I think every time you do a quest, in any game, you receive exp as reward. The cards are the exp rewards in this game. I think it should stay like this.

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Even back in RO when it first started, there are a lot of solo players and mind you, i didnā€™t mentioned about grinding at current rate is hard. The game itself (at current stage) feels much more like RO2 rather than RO which is the biggest let down.

RO itself isā€¦a game with total freedom. You could get your Knight to level 99 with 2 job change quest and the rest is all your freedom or even make your priest going physical.
ToS on the other hand, much like RO2 and many other games in the market, isā€¦story binded. Your current equipment are worthless when your level are high enough for better equipment. You go with the story until end chapter which would confirm you will reached at least in a certain level (in RO2, max level or near) designed by game developer.

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I created a thread for the current lvl of players for the 3 servers. We have a couple that is currently in the 100ā€™s. It really depends on the job and how you grind. :mask:

Really,Get a life~

might as well let everyone hit level cap after killing 1 monster so nobody has to grind smh

which just shows how quickly you can get to 100.
even playing casually you can rack up those same hours in a few weeks.

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I donā€™t think itā€™s about soloing. I can solo just fine myself. He just wants the game to be brainlessly easy like other MMOs.