Tree of Savior Forum

The Chapel [Cleric Build Discussion]

i don’t think monk or paladin will die they have good skills. People are just interested in the new hotness.

We will have Pardoner c3 for sure sooner or later…but I’m not sure if we will need lvl 15 daino scrolls too much…

I will choose Chaplain because that is the class that offers the play style I like. (auto attacking buff machine XD)

I don’t think those classes will die… all of them have their advantages… also if there will be enough ranks once I would make a Paladin Chaplain…

I need them to shorter the cooldown of krivis’s skills!!!

Why do you say Plague Doctor is the best option for Chaplains at R7? I think Kabbalist is equally as good for both INT and STR Chaplains.
Chaplain can use Magnum Exorcismus if they are INT build, while Kabbalist gets Merkabah which deals magic damage. Ein Sof has synergy with Last Rites, especially good for STR Chaplains.
Plague Doctor’s damaging skill Incinerate is a magic attack based on debuffs, which Chaplains don’t have. Plague Doctor then becomes just a status prevention class with no real synergy other than the fact that Plague Doctor is awesome.

Because it goes amazingly with your array of heals which on top of your newfound godmode over status makes you easily the best support available, which is the point of a support build after all.
But yes Kabbalist can build, but for full supports Plague Doctor is the overall better option.

Better costume. Being beautifull is everything.

Jokes apart, status immunity is just broken, and healing factor is OP, just ask wolverine and deadpool


What gematria actually does? Does it multiple skill effect based on result number? I only seen gematria+reduce lvl video so far.

Well, that’s because it’s the only thing Gematria and Notarikon currently work with, Reduce Level.
They make a number based in a calculation with the value asigned to the leters of the name of a monster/character and it gets added to the Reduce Level skill level to, well, reduce the level of the enemy permanently. Doesn’t work on players just so you know.

Reviewing my questions that weren’t answered yet ;(

1st - if i miss the main attack, does sacrament (priest)/last rites(chaplain) and/or aspergillium(chaplain) still proc?

2nd - does incineration(plague doctor) and discerning evil(Pardoner) work along?

3rd - how well does last rites(chaplain) scale with sacrament (priest)? And how much does the low HP buff on last rites increase the DMG?

4th - After using shapeshifter or transform, do i keep my character stats and equipment bonus and effects? or do i become literally a copy of the monster?

5th - can i use indulgentia (Pardoner) while frost/stunned/cc’d?

6th - do Pardoner’s simony scroll spells get longer durations? (As in spell shops)

I’d like vídeos if possible, but the straight answers would do <3

1st: Nope. When training with my Paladin, I’d miss every once in a while agaisnt the rabbit guy in Demon Prison. It’d just “miss”. IDK about aspergilium tho, but I think everything related to the auto attack is negated bc it missed.

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Not possible.

Spell shops buff last a long time i.e 1hr. ( In comparison to a person casting it in a party i.e 1min )


How long is a daino scroll compare to actual skill?

2min Daino scroll, 4min the actual skill(passive attribute)

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Ok thank you @iago_l

**[quote=“felipetomazellicresp, post:153, topic:130291, full:true”]

2nd - does incineration(plague doctor) and discerning evil(Pardoner) work along?


If it work, it will be too OP. Each incineration will stay for 20sec at pardoner c2 ! But we have no answer for this question. It will not be so hard to test.
Pick a pardoner with this skill on, and a doctor.
Test it on a monster.

I really want know the answer of that question.
For those who playing kobt u can just shoot it at general chat too to have an answer.

I want to know this as well!

Theorhetically, with Pardoner C2 and Plague Doctor C2, you could keep incineration up indefinately. This would likely be the highest sustained DPS in the game. OP for sure.

Adding a 7th question…

7th - if a druid transform into a ranged monster, and have aspergillium buff, would it hit the monster? Or would aspersio be casted in front of the user and not hit anything?


you probably are going cleric - diev - monk because of steparu’s videos, if is that so, things are really different from what you may think

1 - diev totems probably do scale with int, even if people say it doesn’t, BUT it’s base damage is good, and you don’t even need to invest in INT (1~2k base damage, multi-hits, can get even higher if you reach max enhance and hit monsters weak to magic)

2 - dievdirby was really strong when steparu made his videos, then in iCBT 2 it got nerfed and bugged, really crappy, but then on kTOS it got heavy buffed and it’s really strong now, the CD statue even got an AoE Slow, and the carving time is like 2 seconds for every statue, uninterrupable

3 - if you watch carefully, you’ll notice that steparu fight people 20~40 levels behind him on those videos, because he was overleveled, so it’s not stupid strong as he make it appears, but it’s a really strong class

4 - even if people don’t realize it, it is the best “ranged” cleric you’ll get, since the energy blast and the owls have a reaaaaaally good range, the coin throw have some good range too, and every other spell on every cleric tree is melee-ranged

overall you’ll have a good DPS, a good sustain, they recently buffed safety zone giving it a 20 hits resistance if you’re cleric circle 2, there aren’t that many dievdirby’s, so you won’t feel like playing something everyone is playing

i played dievdirby-monk in iCBT2 and eventhough it was crappy at that time, now i would recommend it :smiley:

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Wow! Thankyou so much for such a detailed overview! I really appreciate it. I was interested in mainly diev which made me start to read into it and yeah I have seen those videos of steparu but I know they are from cbt1 so that’s why I was really unsure if it was still doable.
Can I ask you what stat distribution you had/what you would suggest? I’m going to give it a test.
And again thanks so much :slight_smile:

Can i add a 8th question?

  1. Can i spread Divine Stigma on mobs and receive ton of int and str?
    Does Divine Stigma can stack?
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