Tree of Savior Forum

The brazilian situation and the shout chat

Where is this rule stated?

You don’t have to like anyone, but that hasn’t anything to do with respect and rules.

You just informed us of what you expect. Now let’s talk about rules: Spamming is prohibited, speaking is not.

Not spamming? Ok. Not speaking any language? Really not Ok. I’m not speaking for me, I’m very well versed in English.

Except this is not an English server.

Stop being a ** Have some guts, BE SORRY FOR MY PEOPLE? aw man, WTF, go pay my bills, be sent for the jail for my crimes, is that what you mean by saying something so childish

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Let’s all not be xenophobic here. After a week of playing in CBT, what I’ve noticed is it is not the language used in shouts that is irritating to other players. It is the spam and lack of common courtesy and consideration to other fellow players.

If one would like to chat with fellow friends and players in their own native language, sure by all means but do it in a private whisper chat (There are functions built in to mass whisper your fellow peers, go google for it). Yes you are proud of your language and we respect that but not everyone wants to keep seeing the ticker feed filled with language alien to them.

The best way to stop this is just to increase the price of megaphones to 1000 per use. In this way it reduce spam by quite a lot and also reserve the channel to those who really need it (eg players who want to sell their ware, they can just treat the 1000 megaphone as an overhead investment).

Hey guys :smile:

I’m french , i’m not used to have racist behavior and stuff , i’m pretty peace and " like everyone until they show me they’re assholes " types ;

today i made a dungeon run with a br party ;

they never speak in english , so i wasn’t able to understand anything and it gets really frustrating fast ;

they were all 4 rude , insulting me , my country , etc … without reason

and they played very bad , cheap stuff , i was out of mana every pack of monster because i had to do all the dps myself ;

i’m not gonna throw a tantrum about all br people but i must now admit that some are really toxic and as a player i DONT WANT to be in a party/game where people speak only their own language -_-


You know, even though it sounds bad it usually helps me save some trouble. Whenever I join a party, I ask if anyone speaks English well. Now I don’t do that to stay away from certain people, I do it because teamwork relies so much on communication, without it you will have a tough time running something. You probably have your own way of running something and the rest have a different one, if both sides can’t communicate well it’ll cause so much anger and confusion.

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It’s easy for Brazilian’s to block all the other players spamming crap in chat, like you said, it’s like 50 people. However it’s IMPOSSIBLE for the rest of the world to block all the stupid Brazilian’s spamming chat, that would number in the tens of thousands, literally.

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Exhibit B. Things that never happened.

My native language is spansh, but on a GLOBAL CHAT, i will speak the GLOBAL LANGUAGE, that means ENGLISH. Thats how it should be, its the GLOBAL CHAT, not the normal chat. And there are 2 kind of brazilian players:
1.- Normal player who want to meet other players and have questions etc etc. (like 25% of brazilian players)
2.- The TROLL huehuehue brazilian player, that loves to SPAM “HUEHUEHUEHUE” on the chat for no reason. (like 75% of the players)

Note: the percentages are just especulations, not litteral.


Is not about racism because Im spanish speaker, but I never use spanish in global chat because is really disrespectful. If you are talking in a global community, you must speak english, and you called xenophobic those who hate br, but guess what they deserve it because you dont see germans speaking their language and spamming; you don’t see canadians speaking french. It is a matter of respect and br dont have any.

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I AM brazilian and for those who said that not everyone that spams hue or br are truly brazilians, OK i understand your point but what about the brazilian memes spams that only br can understand like EOQ trabalho SELORO macacada vrau respeita RX etc…
Also ive seen a lot Of spams like: Close the zoo (i laugh at that kkkk), IP block br etc
My opinion is, let them be, it is just a test things will be better

I mean, whats the freaking problem with those people?i’ve seen constant attacks at Brazillians on shout chat every single day since this started.I simply didn’t give a single fu** about it and just kept playing my game. So why the hell those freaking whinners can’t do the same about something way less bothersome like speaking portuguese on shout?jesus christ, what a bunch of crybabies.

Dude, most Brazilian don’t even know how to speak English, plus they’re probably kids.Can you blame them?

no I dont blame them; however, they must use their language with their friends or some short message in the chat.The problem is the spam; They use the global chat like facebook.

Whoever comes to Brazil for either work or vacation, I welcome you to come to my hometown, Here, people of good will, don’t consider yelling and talking about genitals and shouting whatever nonsense a spoiled kid might want to try and shove it inside your head as CULTURE. NO, these guys that say “HUEHUEHEUE” do NOT represent me! Don’t try to hide behind a curtain of racism and xenophobia because acting like a spoiled brat with a dirty mouth it’s NOT CULTURE! That’s what the children of communists want to shove up in everyone’s minds. And I can blame them and their parents for being like that!!! If I ever have a kid I will punish him/her for cursing in my house or in front of anyone, if my kid ever hurts a friend or a family member I will teach him/her that is wrong, and there are consequences for your acts in this world. I and many other other brazilians who love their country don’t act disrespectful like that, we are fed up with this kind of attitude, just like any other person from anywhere in the world, no matter your nationality, if you have any amount of decency not to spam and speak foolishly towards others and were to witness such discussion, you would come and stand up for your ideals and principles. Again, it’s about attitude, behavior and up bringing, which has become “CULTURE” for this “HUEHUEHUE” generation.

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English is one of the hardest languages to learn.

Hard to learn

[Time needed to learn]