Tree of Savior Forum

The brazilian situation and the shout chat

Us…SEA players popcorn on the hand …ummmm seems interesting =D

Spamming and flaming are two sides of the same coin.
I’ve never said anything about controlling or “forcing” them to speak english. I’m not sure how you even got that idea, since I said in the same post that I understand that some only understand portuguese, being safe to assume that others only want to talk to portuguese-speaking players. The issue I was attempting to adress was the fact that for some reason, a good portion of the brazilians think they’re entitled to dominating the server simply because they compose a pretty large slice of the players right now.

And no, you can’t make a rule out of it, because it’s not called a rule. It’s called etiquette.
“Hey can you please speak english? I don’t know portuguese.” > “I can try but my english isn’t very good/ Sorry I don’t know :(”
“Hey can you please speak english? I don’t know portuguese” > “■■■■ off why would I speak any language other than mine”

Which one do you think is wrong?

In DOTA2 Russians are hated by EU. Coming in here saying that americans always have to fight someone doesn’t change the fact that the majority of brasilians that people encounter are pain in the asses.

Further, it is not just americans that dislike brasilians and don’t want to put up with them - the hatred stems from the majority of the English speaking community, which does not apply to just the United States.

Please, stop being an ignorant teenager. :slight_smile:

It’s international and everyone should speak the language they want. Butthurt american children need to grow up.

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stop that
there is totally just this large white supremacist group that contains every white person in the world
let me just call my private white supremacist army to go lynch you for saying bad things

like who the ■■■■ are you? and the only hispanics getting deported are illegals, are you going to tell me you think illegals should be allowed to leech even longer? good grief, grow up and get out into the real world, also try to watch less FOX

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I think you misunderstood me. I meant to point the difference between rule and recommended etiquette because your exemple mixed them together.
But in an ideal world I would like that everyone would be polite, with no doubt.

Jeez… What I’m saying is that we need to see the problems like they are – spam, trolling, flaming --. And my affirmation is that there is a lot of brazilians what makes it normal that those guys are going to try speaking their language because it’s a language that have a lot of speakers. I’m not saying that everyone should speak portuguese, I even did not say that the brazilians are absolute majority, what I’m saying is to stop the intolerance with people speaking another language.
And for me the doom of this community is the intolerance.
A german guy told me this in a normal discussion like this topic (I forgot to print, unfortunatly):
“Germany should have wiped out Brazil in the war.”
I do not blame germans, I just want peace and tolerance to play the game.
And hey @itzNiko please stop trying to troll. The subject you are addressing is not the focus of the topic. You’re just bringing up a subject that is polemic and unrelated to this specific discussion of Beta-test and General Feedback, pealse stop trying to bait people.
But if it wasn’t your intention, just stop bringing up unrelated content specially if it’s that much polemic. This is a Tree of Savior forum and we are here to discuss ToS.
@kawaiisama Do not feed the trolls, please.

I just figure out few days ago: block who is spamming sh**, I did it and now i have a list with 50 ppl (most of them are trash talkers, who do stupid questions and speak freely pt-br in chat)
(everyone know it am also a brazilian)
And do not feed the trolls, you should already know that. You can’t argue with a 12 years old children.


I may have said wrongly about you trying to enforce the BR language and I appologize for that. But you are trying to justify that it is ok to do so on an international game. As far as I have seen, I never read any language other than English and Portuguese. Now if you say it is ok (truthfully it is ok since it doesn’t conflict with any written rules), then does that mean people from other race/country to speak their own language? So everyday you’ll see probably Thai, Indian, Chinese, French, etc in the world chat.
Would that make you happy or will you be annoyed? Would you go to the trouble of blacklisting them forever?
So why not just stick with one language and be done with it. Trolling or not.

P.S : A fun test. Try put a trolling message in both Portuguese and English at different time and see the reaction.

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What I observed from others MMO is that the use of a language increases as the population of the community associated increases. And that is a natural and pretty obvious development. But of course, when there’s need of intercommunication, the language that is used is english.
I myself would be ok if people start to talk in other languages.
I just want to clarify that I agree with the etiquette as etiquette (I myself follow this etiquette and I think that it’s indeed useful and important as a recommended convention). What I do not agree is with the intention of people to transform this in rule, or worse than this, the hatred of some.

We can’t know who started it, but if you are part of the flaming and toxic comments in game, you are the problem (irrelevant of where you live).

Both sides are at fault at the end. One side feed the other in this vicious cycle.

It makes me sad you people don’t know better.

FYI: I’m neither North American nor Brazilian.

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Typical big ego american , im amazed you didnt called me kid , you are getting better!
Keep the hard work and try to become a descent human being, you can do it!

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When only the LA servers are up. I wonder how some people would react when only one language (not their own) is enforced by the community.

Stop saying lingua franca, which btw is Latin word. People spouting that stuff likely didn’t even know the term until MGSV came around. The world doesn’t have a lingua franca, never had and never will. The Closest thing we got to that was Esperanto which failed horribly.

After this beta, PT-BR and Spanish will decrease exponentially, because there will be a wipe and people naturally flow where it is better for them.

Until then enjoy the Beta, and if you can’t because people speaking foreign languages is somehow outside your comfort zone. Don’t ever travel abroad. Just don’t.


Such a long thread… anyway, my take on this:

I’m Pinoy. For better or worse, we are practically third in line for booting after the BRs, maybe even second since there are no Russians around. I don’t feel threatened in the slightest bit because… and read this carefully… IMC provided a fair and unbiased solution to the problem.

BRs are gonna get their own SA server, that’s great! They could talk however they like and be “culturally relevant” with whatever they might care about. It SHOULD make all parties happy.
… unless of course… Brazilians themselves don’t want to play with their fellow Brazilians? Now, I’m not sure but does that mean… maybe… they themselves don’t want to be around themselves?

Taking the Ph culture as an example. I know for a fact that nobody appreciates our culture of “TT on” which just means that the winning person/team is allowed to rub it in with harsh trash talking which no “experienced” pinoy gamer would ever take to heart but rubs the ego of the winner even more. The difference with Br behavior? Ph keeps it to a minimum in MMOs out of courtesy.

I have yet to see this courtesy as the norm in-game. Its always outside the game by the select few who actually want to make things better for everyone. I applaud all of you, but you can do the exact same in your own SA server. I know if Ph got a server (hoping for SEA) we’d be super happy about it because we actually prefer each other’s company and even our shared SEA values which seem like an alien concept in the west.

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To clarify, the problem that I wanted to address was xenophobia and the Shout Chat problem.

The fact that we should be happy that Latin America get thier containment server supersedes any further dwelling and energy on said xenophobia and i believe at least the international version will have much less to complain about with Shout Chat.

Anyway, last post from me for this thread.

Have a nice day. :smile:

Any idiot can come and stay spamming “HUEHUEHUEHUE” not all are necessarily BRs, I do not understand why so much hate, not to mention that the game allows spamming, I’m not saying that just because it’s allowed, you can, but the game gives this freedom. I just think we should separate Spam from “I do not want to play with BRs in the game”… As I said anyone can spamming, in any language. Look I see no problem with people speaking on our language in the chat, even if it was in Chinese or another language, unless the start spamming. Seriously I hope soon open the server LA, just to stop to see things like this. You have to understand that not all of us have a good English (for those who do not know the teaching here is crap, we have to take courses and practice a lot, try to learn Portuguese and see how different is our language. And speak it not only referring to all Brazilians, but to all people who do not quite pronounce the English), I once wrote in chat in Portuguese, one ■■■■■■■ time, and people began to hate me, and swearing, saying that I should eat bananas… Not every Brazilian do it to let others nervous, we just want to play with whom we understand without the need to think what is the translation of a certain word or do not understand something you say. Look, I’m not defending spammers or anything, I know that is a poop, I just think the hate over the Brazilians is something unnecessary, given that it may not always be a Brazilian spamming
And just to finish. Brazilians are also Americans, America is a continent not a country or region :slight_smile: if you want to separate North American to South Americans, say that, please do not say that we are Brazilian and you American, it annoys a lot, sounds like are superior to the others Americans. Tanks Google Translator

You mistake freedom for salacity. The game gives you freedom to spam anything you want. But you will pay the consequences for being rude, that is freedom. You have to respond for your attitude no matter your nationality. And still, what you said can work for the martyrdom of a great part of the brazilian players. NOTE: Im brazilian myself. And based on EXPERIENCE. What I saw on the global chat on the server I was playing was a bunch of unnecessary spam and rudeness, mostly from the "BR HUEHUE" group. They like to troll and hide behind a wall of racism and xenophobism, its about ATTITUDE and BEHAVIOR, and people should be punished accordingly to their acts.

‘‘you will pay the consequences for being rude, that is freedom. You have to respond for your attitude no matter your nationality’’ Well saying it who is the justice in the game? It’s the Developers / GMs, they need to punish baning/muting anything, but they don t do it, that’s why keep this big harassment. I do no why they fear to ban câncer players… I know they have more important things to do, but they need someone to take care of the community. (Horrible english srry :confounded:)