Tree of Savior Forum

The biggest problem with modern MMOs

Yea most of us have really high hopes for this game not because it’s a “RO Successor”, but how the game demonstrates very high potential right now. I know with time and dedication from the devs, this can be a AAA title. I really want to see this game succeed.

You’re missing the main point of this thread. I’ve said it a few times and I won’t repeat what I said.[quote=“CookyKim, post:17, topic:153067”]
I’m not trying to compare / bash ToS. My point is the lack of content, using RO as a familiar example.

Btw not really nostalgia. I’m still actively playing RO (pserver)

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Not here to raise a fight. This topic has essentially been discussed out already.

The supporyer of the lazzy/dumb people what a héroe.

Edit: wrong section, had many tabs open XDDDDDDD

But yeah, nothing to do until 29th

I am pretty sure I wouldn’t love them if they were so “Imperfect” <_< Especially not if they were as imperfect as RO.

Thankfully, my girlfriend isn’t RO! So rejoice. XD

Making a lot of good points here. MMOs are starting to get boring but i think its more of a sign of the times with an MMO coming out almost every month with some new gimmick to make it special ( clearly so that you can buy something )

I’ve tried playing RO recently and i cant stand it. although i used to love it. i think its because as a single solo game, its pretty god damned boring. but playing with people makes its INCREDIBLE

but if i really think about it. what really made game great with the ability to create your own unique skill and stat builds in order to compete i with people. grinding for cards/xp/pots/mvp/god items/ was worth it because it directly worked toward the unique build you where trying to create to whoop ass in WOE, MVP or PVP.

thats why RO never needed a well defined story line. the quests where short and you only did them in order to attain a personal goal ( dungeon access, mvp access, items )

mmos should focus on being able to create your OWN story and make your own goals. not following a predefined path

i think TOS will be able to deliver on that ( after that 200 lvl main quest line ). it seems to be set up for that.


secrets are almost impossible… internet can find anything most of the time…

Honestly, I find this problem in RO recently too. When I log in to RO (private servers, I admit), I often find people not wanting to interact and only max out their characters as fast as possible. There is no community. Only people maxing out individually and getting in each other’s way. It’s almost like people in general changed recently.

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man, as far as people in iRO helping new players goes, nobody ever talked to me except bots. I still had fun, but it was lonely without the other people I was playing with.

MMOs may have been better back in the day, and I definitely don’t agree with most practices these days, but ToS is at least better in the social aspect. If only the quest line was more captivating…

Yea, it’s becoming like that a lot. I think people just don’t know how to communicate anymore, with the increasing prevalence of social isolation disguised using Facebook/twitter/social media.

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Couldn’t agree more. The technical wonders like the mobile phone (especially the smartphone) and constant internet access sure are great for convenience, for if you need to reach people you really want to reach. And it sure can help connect people from all over the world. But I also feel it has the opposite effect as well, making people less socially developed in real-world etiquette, norms and values. I remember back in the day people treated each other online (in games) roughly the same as you would in real life, albeit less inhibited. But now it seems shallow, selfish behavior is prevalent.

But, err… I digress. The topic is about the problem of modern MMOs and this is simply an off-topic extension of that

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Irrelevant. Because we’re no longer living in 2003(2002 if you played kRO) and when a game like ToS opens with a 280 level cap with plans of a 600 level cap later on down the road, there needs to be A LOT more to do that isn’t grinding. 600 is something a lot of players will probably never see and those same people won’t stay if leveling is the only engaging activity the game has to offer.

To me it seems the level cap is so high right now because we’re in desperate need of a time sink to compensate for not having anything else. Is that terrible? I don’t think so, but they won’t be able to buy much time with it. This, combined with the current lack of any real community feeling in this game, is a painful combination.

What you consider “nostalgia” is, for some players, a very real and legitimate sense of wonder and belonging that has been sorely missing for a long time and aggressive, antisocial types like you have probably never known and so can’t relate to or understand it. While people can’t expect every MMO to be epic and original, there is nothing that states these games have to be strictly designed for the introverted soloist taking the most linear and efficient approach(at the cost of an engaging story and non-combat activities) to end game in mind.

For what it’s worth, I enjoy ToS in its current form and will probably continue to do so for months to come. Especially since I actually brought friends with me.


Well yes, I mean games had walkthroughs before the internet and what not but they still put secrets into games. In fact I think they still put secrets into games now. So really it’s up to players whether or not they want the challenge to figure them out.

There is also the possibility of having once in a life time secret events. To create legends and what not.

The thing is though, that ‘things that needs to be done’ might be against what you’re looking for.

That sense of belonging tends to come from interaction with other people.

But with a clear objective present (dungeon clear for example) people will be focused on that rather than interacting.

So the increasing list of ‘things to do’ vs limited time in a day reduce how much ‘free time’ you have that can be allocate to interacting with other players.

Too much free time though… makes me wanna log out and do something else. I guess it needs a happy medium.

Well, in case of RO back then, the massive exp to level gives you that ‘thing to do’ (leveling) while at the same time not being exactly ‘necessity’ (difference between lv90 vs lv 99 player weren’t that high) that you must do it right away (unlike, say, daily quests that if you missed it you lose out)

And recovery options were limited or expensive (unless you have a pocket healer) so sitting down and resting was common thing to do.

Thus you had a goal you’re working for, but with the down time between active period, which usually is spent in ‘safe’ area where many others would also gather there, thus naturally giving you the time to talk

Well, with all the ‘advancement’ MMOs have over the period since, being given list of things to do has become the norm…so in some way it’s also our own fault for desiring more things to do rather than making our own objectives.

I very much agree with this point. I don’t want to be handed a list of things to do, I want to have the things to do available as an option when / where / how I am going to do it.

All this RO talking though, sometimes i feel people wants ToS to be 100% RO, why not just play RO s:

The thing I hate most with modern mmos is that retarded respawn camping for quests and next to no PVP.
If someone pisses you off you can’t do ■■■■ about it. I missed this ever since.

Back than in Tibia we had global PVP with outlaw punishment system. If you died you lost levels, gear and inventory. It had a real thrill! Also no shitty quests. You logged in and went hunting or training, also or with friends. You formed bonds against player killers, parties and sooner guild. Then one day you could rent guild houses and from there have some safe space especially when fighting others. Sometimes even the whole world got into a bloody war. All these features were amazing and I never got to see these again.

In Ragnarok it was similar. Better graphics, amazing music and style. You logged in and went hunting or farming for gear. If someone messed with you you could at least mob pull him dead. Then there was woe in which you could fight and defend for something. Dying was a setback, not as cruel as in Tibia but at least some penalty. At least annoying Bio3 parties were mad enough after they got mobbed dead for messing around to much with oneself.

Ever since then I went from mmorpg to another but all were boring. Wow had the experience as described in the video and the fraction war but apart from that didn’t really astonish me.

ToS was/is really promising. But lately the decision-making more and more makes me want to leave. If the GvG war stays with confirmation I am pretty much done for. Then it is just another hit creeps and run for quest with unique style and music. It made me sad that maps were undercrowded. But 280+ might fix without quests. I want to slay monsters as fast as possible with the build I developed that is fun for me. In high level content there should be more and more guilds and if any gets on my nerve I want to fight these. If I can’t duh. Probably gone.