Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX

what u suggest? for pve poor guy high3doppel3?

for a poor guy who goes highlander 3 barb 1 doppel 3 you are going to need str anyway
what these guys are talking about are lancers and murmilo
doppel 3 is still very good with str.
since you are poor i’d go str anyway

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I have stat reset potion for future changes :o

“you are wrong and that’s it because i’m right and you don’t read” not really worth my time to argue with a person who think that
besides doppel’s DoV seems to be your only good example. You know not every class has a skill that reduces your defense to 0.
doppel makes more damage with high str anyway.

Thats impossible if you were same level as them, you ll get hit a lot by hard hitting physical there. You probably chug HP pots so much back then and died a lot or have someone accompanying you there. Magic aside, your problem comes from hard hitting physical monster. The goal of farming/questing is to use less pots and low cost repair. How can you farm if you yourself have to spend 20k-30k for repair vs to my 3k repair cost?

because the str and dex debate is not about how much the repair cost you. No one was talking about farming.
you just need to stop treating it like "full dex is the only way to go and you don’t need even a single point int str"
having 0 str just seems stupid on a swordsman, for any build you are trying to make.
Not investing a single point into str is just bad.

The person i replied to was asking for a build that can make poor farm effectively. Learn to read my reply to the guy. How much is your cost for repair btw? Do you think youre effective in farming? By going full dex you have evasion and can afford to use cafrisun all the way to lvl 280.

why would you want to use cafrisun to lvl 280? even just questing without any dungeons can give you enough silver for a proprer white plate set. or a white leather set w/e you like.
again not investing a singlle point into str on a pve swordsman is simply stupid.
Also a doppel 3 is not a dex class. And their skills are not the same as rank 8 lancer/dragoon2/murmilo skills.

Because it cost more for repair? And cafrisun cost less for bigger benefits for auto attacking? You cant do that by going High STR or full str. Basically you suck at farming.

i never said to go full str i said to add some str
also, at lvl 280 mobs will have more than 130k hp, this is where the additional hit with the arde dagger ( or even pardoner’s blessing) will fall off hard and won’t justify sticking with a cafrisun set at lvl 280.
My swordy only got 200 str lol.
Full str is as bad as full dex btw.
This is not all of nothing
why not have both? something like 2:1 str dex or 2:1 dex str with 70-80 con seems to me like a nice and balanced stat allocation.
The dex and str debate again is not about farming. Very limited way of thinking.
Not everyone create a character just so it will be able to farm all day and do nothing else since magic murder it and you’ll be a burden at ET or in GvG.

Dex vs STr is not all about bigger damage. It also includes other factor youre incapable of learning.

its also about pvp,
but you won’t crit in pvp anyway so thats out of the discussion.
Farming methods belong to another topic, i am sure this guy is not interested in creating a character that is built around only farming and using a lvl 15 set at lvl 280 because its cheaper for you.
2:1 str dex/dex str is probably 1 of the most balanced stat builds in this game and you could never go wrong with it.

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What are these things youre incapable of learning about dex and str? Name all them to me. I mean ALL. If your brain cant find them all, then youll know by now how narrow minded that youre.

that someone doing it wrongly, lul, my maximum dmg i can do is 50k per hit as full str as doppel

you seem to be incapable of hearing other people’s opinion. just like akisera said if you are that bad at surviving that you need full evasion and think that full evasion is the “ONLY BUILD FOR SWORDIES AND ARCHERS!!” then really you need to get out of your box
i have tried both builds, still like a balanced 2:1 allocation with 80-100 con.
I don’t think you ever tried building a character without full dex.

The debates and arguments with “THEORY” and “QUESTING levelling” base no experiences with actual GVG or World Boss or Earth Tower still goes on…without anyone providing videos.

The minute I read someone wants to play SOLO and argue his points with playing SOLO, I am wondering r u playing the wrong game? This is an MMORPG, join a guild and be specific with your role. And when I read someone wanna PVP with Doppel and asking ppl to raise accuracy with dex, srsly…you should ve went Cata 3 not Doppel, wrong classes IMHO.

Guys…this is why the forum sucks, its all theory and many individual personal weak experiences that are providing subpar opinions. And here I am uploading my new Mega World Boss video with rank 2 DPS and cubes, my equipments and attributes so done and I still have 14m left lol, good luck trying to get anywhere with theory

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LOL this.
they also seem to have a problem hearing other opinions
"you must be stupid if you don’t agree with me"[quote=“akisera, post:186, topic:321139”]
The minute I read someone wants to play SOLO and argue his points with playing SOLO, I am wondering r u playing the wrong game?

you are not forced to play in a party actually. This is wrong. imc is wrong for forcing people to party.
But this “solo farming in nahash forest” guy really is stupid. You are right about that

Pretty sure you are given the choice to either solo or go with a party, stop staying in your box not knowing about MMORPG.

You party when you want to, you solo when you don’t. Both have their own benefits.

Good luck soloing earth tower/ world boss/ play whatever u want =)

But don’t go and share its a good build for many occassions, its not.

And I am pretty sure u r the one staying in ur own box for arguing in a forum, please show videos of your achievements in game, earth tower? world boss? equipments done? i duno just show, m i in my own box? Hay…I played every content…what about u??

the “solo farming blue spion archers” guy really is stupid
and you probably will never be able to solo any of them,
i am not in favor of "ITS FULL DEX OR NOTHING’ or "FULL STR IS THE BEST"
this seems to be the opinions here
its a wrong approach.