Your level of understanding is quite low sadly, would I enter earth tower solo? no.
Would I go field farming solo? Yes, you get to farm things you need specially when you got debuff from WBs, at least that’s what I do.
Your level of understanding is quite low sadly, would I enter earth tower solo? no.
Would I go field farming solo? Yes, you get to farm things you need specially when you got debuff from WBs, at least that’s what I do.
not sure how it relates to str vs dex. its not like you cannot farm if you don’t have dex or the other way around.
This game is built in a way that no matter what you add, if you play a class with a good damage, you’ll deal good damage. this isn’t all about solo farming and "i need the repair costs to be cheaper"
if you need to use a cafrisun set until lvl 280 cuz its cheaper no wonder you have problems to survive.
oh, I guess the differences is clear, i have friend who carry me in dullahan every 2 hrs while u hav to farm urself.
i carry them back in mega wb and et.
i dun do boring grinds =)
u want to solo, u dunwan frens, i get the point sir, good luck with high/full dex solo single player games, no guild, no frens, no gvg, no wb, no content.
Because dex builds are actually strong to solo with…?
But yes, sorry for going a little off topic.
I actually do WBs, just not dullahan. I log off after that, I’m just waiting for R8 while playing other games.
yes, my guild is active in ET/WB/etc, I just don’t join them except for the bosses I want, which are Helga and Ellaganos.
Told you to stay out of your box, you only see things from your point of view, we are not you, we have our own things to do in this game.
I dont care about your build, you can go full STR or hydrid for all i care. Read again what i replied to and you push your stupid opinion out of nowhere and you expect me to accept your facts as a fact for me? Are you that dumb? And you said im close minded? If you want to hear my fact there is noway you can win against my Cata wanna try? I havent lose yet against swordsman. Thats my goal, to have close to 100% winning rate against fellow swordsman. I dont care about you i only care about killing your ass and have your head under my foot.
what stupid screenshot is this? where is ur ranking? You head there and hit once and you called it do wb? dont make me laugh, seems like ur delusioned …let me show u hows its done
I am the only and only DPS in party, the other 4 is support, and i out dpsed many ppl and in rank 2 =), show me ur FULL DEX achievement and then you talk =), else gtfo stop trying to spread wrong information about DEX is good for Swordies
Rank 2, I didn’t do the damage, it’s the cannoneer and doppel you see there.
But you know, I just replied to your stupid statement.
Oh with that screenshot you showed yourself, you just proved my point again, thanks.
Wow man, I think you are the reason why the Doppel population is crap and most are useless XD
I make my statements again, as a Doppel class for Swordsmen, raising STR yourselves gives more benefit that raising DEX. Because the class is now currently getting the DPS from multiple hits aka STR and dmg multiplier DoV, and in rank 8 it remained the same, everything is multihit from Doppel.
Crit rate and DEX is important but not recommend to raise self, please get it from Magi two handed, Crit rate gem stones, crit rate and ATK headgears, and Ella card x7 for 70 DEX.
DEX benefits more to Dragoon or Fencer due to Dragoon new skill 16,500 base dmg Dethrone and Fencer just naturally is a DEX char, Doppel doesn’t get those, and will be relying on lvl 15 DoV for DPS alongside multihit like Cyclone Redel to boost it up.
P/S: Please don’t be like @Lostac trying to pump DEX and plays a SOLO game, seriously @@…the information is so wrong for Doppel classes, not to mention the dumb argument of less armor repair or able to dodge in solo-ing quest or…PVP trying to hit…archers??..i mean…wtf? Show me rank 1 (or just top rank 10 with a Doppel), what the hell man, the PvP TBL is dominated by magic chars and everyone knows it, the only Swords that can has some sort of advantage is cata with its rush and movement…u r just…i duno.
I am out, will be uploading my new Rexipher down video on me DPS rank 2 now =), just finished it with my guild 30 minutes ago
I didn’t share my dex doppel build, it’s on my own, I have nothing to do with
I just told them that I use my doppel for field grinding.
And yes, I play fencer now.
You just lost the argument and trying to dodge it again.
You let people do what they want and help them with it, did I mentioned less armor repair? are you dumb?
PS we appreciate you trying to stand up for doppel and showing achievements for it, but you’re getting over your head saying any other build is STUPID other than yours.
blue spion is nothing to worry about when you hit DEF break point around 700,with proper gears they mobs will hit you only 1 damage
Sorry, i m preventing more doppel building useless char u causing our own population is so low, ppl quits because of misinformation in forum, u can play FULL DEX all u want but dun go call it is good, its rlly bad, u wont get anywhere with it except solo farming where tbh ANY BUILD CAN DO.
Misinformation? I clearly stated STR is better assuming you have your supports for it, but then again you are still in your little box.
Builds are made depending on what you want to do with it. The thread starter originally created the topic asking about PVP, where you need a balance of both dex/str
you then barge in telling him doppel pvp is stupid, sure that’s true, but he was asking for tips apparently.
Not everyone can make a lot of friends that plays supports mind you, so you’re in a very comfortable zone where you can pretty much do anything you want right now, others can’t.
the title is "Debate Dex Vs Str"
not pvp, dont twist it =)
Okay, I am not here to argue with u anymore, my point is straight forward, my server has literally no Doppel population and all my frens that played Doppel that added me they quits because they cant compete with other classes.
I just want to let ppl know to be able to enjoy the game as Doppel, DPS is required and STR is the source, PvP is a joke for Doppel (and i mean it despite how i roll PvP with it, its still not a good char compared to cata3)
He edited it. dude, don’t forget. you were one of the first to reply here before he edited it.
So, can I start with 2:1 dex/str to farm solo eficiently And when I got a decent gear just use my stat reset potion for full str/con for party end game content ?
Thanks !
Btw, have u ever wondered how i got into this comfort zone and being respected by guild mates and being needed by people?
It doesn’t just magically comes, I showed ppl how i tanked WB without Pelt, gotten rank 1 with it, showed people how i became main DPS in ET…
I made guides and teaches ppl how to get the attack speed of DoV, i made guides to ppl and showed them how to ET with Swords, I literally made video guides of all and shared my work.
Its all hardwork, we all know playing Doppel / Swordsmen required x10 effort and silver compare to other classes like Warlock.
And I have to say this classes cannot have it all like Warlock.
If you want to enjoy PvE content, u have to sacrifice not adding DEX, that stats only worthwhile in TBL and TBL doesnt get u anywhere in terms of equipment farming or making frens or enjoying big big content such as ET lvl 10 or Mega WB
Exactly, that’s why I said not everyone is in the same comfort zone as you. Not enough time to even get their silvers for that.
tanking wb without pelt is very possible, you can even do it with just auto attacking thanks to provoke.
This is why I have many characters, I use them for different purposes.
I have a high dex fencer, a high dex doppel, and a high str doppel.
And one last thing, I played a Full DEX in CBT1 and CBT2, and it is not as good as my final build that I optimized it.
I want to help the community, they are reading wrong source of info made by ppl who uses theory to build stuff…i mean…wtf
Come on guise, if ur gonna play doppel and not maximizing STR and Deeds of Valor which multiplies ur Physical attack like crazy for PvE purposes, u might as well play Fencer or Dragoon with DEX< they can do better