Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX

Krivis Diev towards thats ( austrine + meltis) combo for what i seen during our last few wb bluds etc.

Pardoner is too hard to squeeze in most circle due to cleric meta… so yea.

well, i just ask for aki’s point of view, he do know what he wants since he has the leisure to do stuff with his partymates (though he called them slaves, i just wanted to ignore that part)

but yeah, both Aki and that KR guy vids are different, yet offers undeniable success. good for viewers which build they want to. its sickening to see the same build over and over and over again lol. being hipster is cool too. +1 to aki on that. mehehe

Glassmole variant cards benefits more for krivis meta though…

but ella variant and setup is more consistent as you can just deal with it with or without. Damage not lacking behind too much.

I assume you are not familiar with version control systems.

30% doesn’t help.

I have GVG responsibility, thats why ella card (dodge/accuracy/more crit rate), and switching glass mole and ella is very expensive as each switch takes 40tp, when i make videos to showcast dmg i would rlly love the glass mole cards but I try to do without them 100% of the time, i have 8 glass mole lvl 10 in storage but so far…i just cant find myself dropping my consistent stats to be a full PVE machine, the game has gvg and tbl (i have ranks on tbl if u notice) and i wanted to enjoy them as a doppel pve char.

I have a screenshot of my yesterday’s GVG performance (which is the best I ever had) XD with the 2nd top guild of my server

I got 19-2 score with MVP as doppel, and we managed to win by 5 points when time ends.

Well, truth is…I dun rlly call them slaves, like i said i can be a real ■■■■ in forum and i get triggered easily, but in game, i m loved by my frens and guilds because i help alot of ppl and is is real kind (lets just stop here lol)…

The slave part doesnt come from me, it was started by others when i post my DPS video and they comment that i use ppl as healer slaves buff slaves blah blah blah blah, its srsly annoying and when i read it, i might as well just go with it and tell ppl is none of their fking business even if they are rlly my slave (sarcasm)

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I would like to point out DoV and Quicken can both be 16 and 17 from Divine might and Quicken gem.

Dov 15 + Quicken 15 = 51 hits
Dov 16 + Quicken 17 = 60 hits

u can verify it with practice dummy in Highlander’s room

And…a few more tips

Quicken scroll 2 pieces = 5 talts, stock up some when u dont have a chrono in PT
additional tips, Glass mole card has a bug now it offers 80% and 80% again if u use it with blue pots and recovery pots, its fixed in KR but itos still has it.

Yea i am banking on double gm now atm seems good.

As for dov + quicken it’s hard to find one gem + the gears now are

“what we call true mid game 330/600 max level”

As for quicken i leave it to luck if my peers can find them they will if not lol. Prolly won’t bother to push that much as of now. Every thing seems solid.

15 DoV, 15 Cyclone is pretty much the core skill I see on Doppel

ur on point, at last my msg that i tried to tell every1 now is being passed out and recognized.

my job is done, peace out.

Aki being civil. Better bet on lotto…

51 x 55k = 4.8M
60 x 55k = 4.8M

Please tell me where you bought your calc.

and yep, i knew there was something more behind that build. the fact the you play big role in GvG for the guild is something that other people should understand.

this should be taken point for players who look forward in playing GvG and doesn’t want to lose as much as for PvE.

Manahas set is rng. oh god. side topic lel. (found 2 side by side after 5 rerolls) luck out. on the gloves $_$…

aha! good discovery, but well, which item could be tested fast? my hunting for specific mats yesterday doesn’t seem to be DPK, i got like 4-5 drops in a random manner unlike before i get 1-2 drops every 120kills…

did they eliminate DPK fully?

there is still some elements of dpk. (old dpk items are still dpk item though)
General mats mostly are now RNG “new ones”. So i am relatively fine with that.

Since most item are RNG now it will take random reroll or random chance or a strike of luck to drop @_@…

Just lesser ( i think it was due to complains of koreans) lol.

Atm i am not really farming any thing so @_@… brown tini horns are 700 dpk though urgh (those magicians)

We will need to wait for them to implement the blue and whites later on ( will wait for them on that to judge if they are coming out with dpk drops again -_-)

that speaking newt mats are still 404 even on latest patch

Still waiting for new green gem update value ( they had another update at green and blue to re balance the trinity)

They may have changed some items into non-DPK or they lowered the DPK. Also silver mobs don’t reset dpk and mobs spawned from the red mob count as well. You can test on royal guard recipes maybe.

They changed? It used to reset though ( on a recipe drop from silver)

It never did reset at least on a white recipe and I’ve been hunting for like 6 weeks at least.

Hmm that’s strange if it drops a recipe i remember it being reseted even though its white mob. (The silver mob dropping the recipe ) Dpk will not reset if it doesn’t drop for what i know.

Think might be back long shows how much i farmed dpk crap haha. ( i farmed it previous like 3 mths ago it was reset)

why everyone in this thread is forgetting about the crit ATTACK str provides…
even with a khasti 2h i was hitting harder crits then a dex doppel with gale slasher transc stage 3.

a decent critrate can be aquired through gems and ellaganos cards + gear
then add a chrono into the party setup and you are good to go…
my crits on fantasy library hit for 80k with serpentine ( got gale slasher stage 2 +7 atm ofc)

also with tomorrows patch on ITOS crit rate gems will be buffed making it even easier for STR build to crit im at 310 crit rate atm with only 1 sissel and pre gem headgear buff using 8xella
on top i have guardian from peltasta boosting my evasion insanely since patch giving me 17% def for only losing -5% atk

also dov still scales extremely well with STR

and im not even full offensively skilled i got like 82 invested in con which i will get rid of by tomorrow since hp isnt worth much anymore in the r8 content and im not a gvg oriented doppel

because Crit attack and PD from strength is insignificant. Lol as compare to crit 1.5x free damage.

Also gear provides you with more crit damage anyway. Until str revamp it’s pretty much dog shiet or max min you call that.

As for the crit rate gems if they updated as a bundle it did be good. If not i reserve my review until then.