Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX

Honestly I think I might agree, the reason I’m a DEX build is due to the survivability. But it really shouldn’t be HP, the last thing we need are even more inflated numbers for Swordsmen.

It could be DEF not necessary HP, but in some relevant values, not like SPR 0.2 MDEF for point. It sould be 3 DEF per Point i think, fits to the way DEF works now.

I was thinking the same thing.

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Well till then if you Physical class DEX to fit 50% Crit or more other points to CON to reduce crits youtake and increase crits you do. In case of INT everything even worse, coz +1 M.Atk is all you get from it, so i would go full CON magic user to get both more HP and Crit Resist. (Except Thamaturge they benefit from full INT due to [Transpose] buff that will convert INT to CON but in much bugger values due to +10% Rank bonus)

For the sake of making each of the classes and their corresponding stats play uniquely, skills could scale with INT. It could be something along the lines of BaseATK+(INT*x) Then INT could be beneficial in raw damage (Some skills already do something similar.) An easier alternative might be having INT increase MAMP.

MAMP is not enought coz in current state if it vould be 1 to 1 800 MAMP doesn’t do much, it’s alittle better then Crit Attack from STR but still to bad for current state to invest in it.

Scaling both MATK and MAMP would probably be the easiest way for IMC to balance damage, and the same can be said for STR.

You forgot about the 30% bonus from STR. That 873 STR is actually 1135 patk. Nice boost to DoV.

freelancing, i already did my own RPG games via RPG maker before, those games was lost along with my old PC unit. much like complicated versions of FF series with RO-like mechanic.

as far as STR revamp, i do believe it will only increased version of P.atk + C.atk, whereas the more you stat you place, the bigger the value increases, and this is aside from the bonus 30% for swordies.

Here, uploaded the SOLOING “mission boss” video that u guys wanted.

notes -
NO GLASS MOLE lvl 10 x8 (can be seen in video as I opened up my monster card section)

only -
self buffs
town buffs (sacra and blessing)
no extra pots used
quicken scroll

80% hp dmg with 1 charge of Cyclone on first boss(left 322k hp after 1 charge of cyclone), an then I turned into 2nd boss and without Zwarchh takes 65% hp(left 617k hp after 1 charge of cyclone, thats also where 1st boss died because 1st boss havent move and I didnt move while 2nd boss approach with full hp after 1st charge of cyclone down)

click to watch and compare to that ktos vid u guys so obsessed about that stacks DoV and pop glass mole…

I havent start stacking my DoV…or even use glass mole to boost up my dmg.
video purpose and point is same as my previous video, of why lvl 15 DoV.
thanks for watching, the key of my dmg is base line lvl 15 dov (atk spd).

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55k x 25 = 4,8M
55k x 56 = 4.8M

aki the king of math.

yea…here comes the troll, enjoy being ignorant

k thx bye

Where you bought your calc?
I need one.

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really helpful video.

seeing you still use ellaganos gives me the idea that you only did place half stats into DEX and most into STR. balancing and sorting out stats is ‘VERY CRUCIAL’ to anyone who wants to achieve 90-95% crit damages. very nice indeed.

Aki = min~max DEX+STR + Ellaganos = good crits output without mole
Kr guy = all dex + 8 mole cards = overwhelming damage output indeed

would you agree into this?

if so, did you by chance, ever thought of going full dex + 8moles instead of min-max DEX + STR + ellaganos (your current setup).

don’t get the wrong idea, just some honest personal point of view question here. nothing to relate with any other convesation happening here. LOL

neither is wrong or right, your VID is another thing to consider instead of going the KR meta. :sunglasses:

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It’s more consistent. KR people are into spikey plays of max min (dealing the most in short duration)

To add in thats micromanagement gaming any way… so yea (if you can’t micromanage) that well might as well go for split or consistency

Does "getting all the attribute which is only possible if they were level 6 then use reset potion and allocate only 1 points on them but still retain the attribute " work? if this works, then there is probably no reason to not take DoV 15 if you wanna reach endgame status (since you want the most out of everything so take the skill reset exploit). i think 15 DoV, 15 Cyclone is pretty much the core skill I see on Doppel. The rest were lv 1 utility skills that has debuff or damage fillers.

dov innate adds hits to cyclone so skipping dov 15 is out of the question as the others don’t hit as hard as compare to cyclone wonder.

Unless you are willing to invest 86m into zornhau and zucken else it will lose out to cyclone multi Hits + dov

Crucial reason for dov is the attack speed(the damage is a addition bonus).
Cyclone is the only one scaling to attack speed ( quicken adds in as well)

As for zucken and zornhau you need to add them 6 points to get the attribute then go for skill resets. It works but…

It’s still … lacking. I woulda shift most points to redel instead + zwer 1 point. (the rest is up to you).

Cyclone caps about 46 hits at quicken 15 + dov 15. Due to animation frame rate. Also it’s ping reliant.

An average cyclone caps up to 33~37 hits with DOV 15. 2 over heat With 10 dov it’s about 32.

yeah the KR meta seems like the one that need a krivis 3 slave (maybe Aki should think about this). seems perfect with Krivis 3 + diev3 or pardoner. Think about it, with extended buff (glass mole) and extended debuff (those slash debuffs), his damage burst will last longer than 5 seconds. Maybe just maybe Aki should think about choosing a better slave (krivis 3 + pardoner).

he does have a krivis slave just fyi LEL.

and pardoner? so the debuff duration is longer.