Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX

Oh God this is absurb. i’ve already said it a million times, even of your a 1hit wonder build, as long as it doesn’t hit. its useless.

True, Dex isn’t gonna work on high con/crit resistance builds. but still a “Lot Better to have a Dodge rate” against a lot of Physical damages than nothing.

if your gonna insert that ‘your not gonna deal with those players’, the same applies, we’re not dealing with high-con players. let our teammates do that for us.

Str can deal with HIGH CON/BLOCK players but have trouble with high evasion players.

But you could go 1:1 like me and deal with both…equally bad/equally well.

Or you could just accept that your build can’t deal with all builds equally well.

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sadly it ain’t happening because we have the “TOP SWORDSMAN” here. heuheuheu

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and this one is the best. Like Divine machine arrows / Bodkins / Spiral shots MISSES to DEX SWORDIES.

this justifies a lot

Yes and No.

Crit is actually huge with all the power creep going on in R8. At some point you may find that Crit gives you more of an attack boost than STR.

As for archers, yes and no. While some may get a lot of accuracy to pierce your Evasion (which I doubt if you have guardian), you could still block their attacks.

The whole “surviving without killing anyone” only applies if you’re a templar lol. The r8 power creep is real. Swordsman is now DPS with the right builds.

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ahahaha. have you not thought if this yourself in the first place?

i had fun really when someones argument backfires at him. HAHAHAHAHA

Flies away

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Dex vs Str Debate for Doppels:

If you are a min/max player and want to MAXIMIZE THE FULL POTENTIAL of your class please go Full Str/Con 2:1 leave your dex at 20 and equip 7 lvl 10 Ellaganos Cards for 70 free dex.

If you are going Dexterity Doppel… the fact of the matter is you are severely gimping yourself. Please do not do this unless you are just playing this game to see yellow numbers.

*Disclaimer - this is in regard to doppels not any other swordsman class.

All the best


The war still on going, so far the STR Team bring out their spectacular video against the Dex Team. But no worry Dex team are Math magician they can bring out the calculator to prove science, dex is better anyday. Even our boy Lenny pull out a video that Dex build is superior than STR build:
But who will win when rank 8 come out ? Find out next on the next episode of DRAGON BALL ZZZZZZZZZZZZ GT

Edit: Anyway boy I’m making two character 1 str and 1 dex :joy:
but see you guys fight for this ■■■■ is hilarious

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you want to make damage? str
you want to pvp and not dodge 90% of the time? dex
for swordies str scales WAAY better than dex. we are not archers.
Still if you want to pvp you need dex.

Nop, DEX it’s not a Gimping on your character. That’s simply because or numbers right now are really low.

You see, a Swordsman who put all his points in STR will have about 700 more attack points than on who put it all in dex.

So, let’s say both these swordsman reach 1700 attack points without accounts for their stats. The STR-swordie will get 700 more points with STR, so he will hit for 2400 damge. The DEX one, will get 50% more damage, so 2450. If the day ever comes when STR makes up for less than half your P.Attack, DEX will be clearly superior

Fencer C3 disagrees.

But on a serious note. Can I make a Doppel build that highly favors Dex for evasion and survivability instead of damage. I still have no idea how you guys can activate DOV lv10 and comfortably deal damage. That’s INSANE. I died like a biatch whenever DOV is on

i used to be in favor of high dex BUT things changed
let me tell you this. If you want to deal the most damage you can then str is the choice for a swordsman, for archers you do need dex for more damage but swordies have a str buff and different scaling multipliers, making str better for damage
i have tried both now if you want to pvp you need a nice amount of dex
for pve and dealing damage, dex is next to useless for swordsmen as of now.
Fencer might be the only swordsman class where dex is recommended for pve. DoV is just too good IMO to build dex
if you want survivability its better to just build high con and get a peltasta circle.

DEX vs STR depends on:

Class Build
Item Choices
Situations, you want solo or party situations? And if party situations, what supports are you going to consider? Krivis1priest 3 high spr? INT Dievs? Chronomancers?

There are some classes that do favor DEX, but not full dex builds.
There are some classes that favor STR. yes, one can go full str. With hardcore grind, decent crit chance is achievable (lvl 6 gems).

DEX only starts to show up when one is itemized enough for it.
STR shows up since the start, and gearing for it incllude boosting damage even more.

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Would would itemizing for DEX look like?

Idk i have only researched itemization for full STR builds.
Although i do have an idea: items that boost critical attack, physical attack, some crit rate still because DEX alone isnt enough to achieve ideal crit rate solo.

In party scenarios, mainly those that include a High SPR krivis1 with zalciai, high Str or full str builds are gonna do better >.>

Lucky, i have a stat reset potion.
Going for full str for now, as it is superior and gonna see how stuff works out.

That’s what people don’t understand.
Even though STR can easily boost lower numbers, what’s gonna make maximize your skill damage is DEX after all