Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX

I aint gonna argue with words, videos should says it all =)

Take note I don’t have Peltasta and using Provoke to hold aggro (and I am so glad I don’t have it, High 1 gives me Cartar Stroke the most OP skill which I put as my A button now and Crit attack +50%). I am in the top guild in my SEA server, AvantHeim and i am the only Swordsmen thats not a cata, a PVE world boss and ET machine, ppl leech me in mega world boss for cubes and I am the best aggro holder/tank.

Tanking Rexipher and rank 1 DPS myself (party has a fletcher but he came last minute just for cube)

Tanking Rexipher and rank 2 DPS (I am the only DPS in pt)

Tanked Mirtis and rank 2 DPS (that warlock in my pt AFK to leech my cube)

Field PvP video of Cartar Stroke dmg with my STR build =), short video 1 shot killed 2 characters

GvG video against the 2nd ranked guild in the game, notice my 1.35 and 1.55 one shot both character with Cyclone and Cartar Stroke, they are warlocks with high con

Earth Tower 1F - 5F, ez game

Anyone if you have some problems keeping up as a Swordsmen or Doppel, u can approach me in Varena server in game, or PM me, or follow my videos/subscribe, i reply all comments there, has helped alot of Doppel to get to where they want to go.

P/S: Do you know the card “Glass mole card” that goes for 2m price for lvl 1? that card lvl 10 = Deeds of Valor lvl 1, and it only last 10 second while Deeds last 50 seconds. People are buying that card like crazy if they are physical damage class. This also means Deeds of Valor is a very crazy OP and highly valued skill, you should try to use them =), you will be surprised how little the def reduction matters, I have mine at lvl 10, and at c3 it will become even crazier with 150% increase in dmg while the defense remained at 100%, because it cant go any lower anymore. (and ignore the guy who kept calling u retard)


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what is your build akisera?? can share it?

u can use the new card system to have like 70% chance to stun in every atack without restrain…

I’ve seen your videos man and it’s crazy. I just wanted to try a different approach. Anyway I still have 2 stat reset potions, if what I was thinking wouldn’t work out I could just drink 1 of them. :grin:

ah forgot about the card system, I play on INA. the system hasn’t been implemented yet
Still think it’s very hard to catch anyone on PvP for that Doppel build tho

Yes, and check out the ATK spd of Deeds + Quicken

This is an explanation of my highest DPS with AA too.

S1 -> H1 -> B3 -> D2

this build benefits from equipments and cards the most

This is my biggest doubt, go Barb3 or HL3?

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I believe low str build is still very viable for Fencer class on C3. But low str, not 0 str.
Dex build will always mean you will do less damage and have lower block penetration - latter is very important in PvP.
Dex classes in PvP are mostly archers that are hard to hit anyway. But still, I believe one must keep balance for PvP, having one stat at like 40-ish levels and the other one maxed.
Judging that OP seems to be mostly PvE build (even tho Pouncing and Cyclone are good in PvP too), I’d say go 0-35 dex investment - it’s absolutely best for PvE and also grants you the ability to use Sissel Bracelets effectively. And if you ever go PvP - just focus mages/clerics, they are rarely dex-types (linked sometimes tho).

You can go follow the ‘BEST self-proclaim Swordman’ of his server,

But the fact still remains that no DEX = no PVP, it’s like the saying goes . if your ‘BRAWL’ Doesn’t work, use your ‘BRAIN’.

i can still indeed PVP you and sit all day, Do the laundry, and you won’t be able to hit me. that’s a General Fact.

Just a Little Advice to anyone following this thread. here’s the Catch for you.

DoV neglects Defense, it works that way. no matter what Defensive gears you take will mean nothing, unless it boosts your HP. Given the Fact, higher content items being release provides increasingly Viability for Defense. and that’s another ‘FACT’. DoV will neglect anything until the VERY END OF GAME ITEMS. let’s just assume level 330 gears released gives like 150+ Defense each. and assuming a little number for armor transcend. it doesn’t matter to you because you got DoV. and on that point, feel proud that you are ‘GIMPING’ your character the Defense it really deserve.

#BestSwordsmen kek

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you’re being hit a lot? that’s new to me, i am confident about my words because i had experience it a lot. these DoV STR-CON swordsman are laughs at all (in duel as we speak). cyclones of misses, they do hit hard but not at 30%. and before they even hit, they died already.

But really, the thing here isn’t about STR nor DEX. it’s just some dude barging in like saying DEX = CRAP and boasting he’s the “BEST SWORDSMAN”.

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how i wish i got tons of vids during my duel times. sadly this coal pc does not allow me to.

until he shows he can really deal with DEX players. all his arguments are invalid. i can accept reality if he does. so be it. up until now he shows nothing.

did he not think i can’t DUEL mirthis FACE to FACE using my DEX-Doppel with cyclone @ 13k / spin? Pouncing @ 10k / ( both at 40% Atri)

have you seen how “PITIFUL” he is on that Mirtis Video? Running a lot trying to avoid damage? (specially the circling thing)

let’s say he deals 3x damage compare to DEX builds. but the fact that DEX characters don’t run like a chicken means ‘continuous damage’ over one burst damage which is far more competent than his. this argument applies to WB ofcourse.

i prefer his build to be called Glass cannon, but not DPS. its just so wrong. DPS means Damage Per Second, not Run Per Second.

you says ‘achievement’ where in the fact the OT asks for ‘PVP’ build where not he has not ‘achieved’ yet. it all ends there. no further argument.

Goodluck on your cata mastery then, not familiar with it but some says Cata synergies with Dragoons.

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i think that’s because the game content increases, a little amount of crit from gems / gears wont really help up to that point in game, wherein this game scales Poorly with STR. DEX is the safest path to go. i also heard Drag2 are the top WB hunters now in ktos.

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