Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX

first is fletcher-second is wugushi (if only there’s no other wugushi around) and third place is for fencer.

reminds me of that full-con QS3 killing everyone spamming stoneshots and running shot. though he deal 800 atk (450 + 350) from running shot, he’s using shield for block and stunning people like crazy, even surviving Bleeding from fletchers.

Drawbacks = he can’t hit players with decent DEX.

but those con wizards? that guy gave them nightmares

Without even 1 dex invested its already yelllow color everywhere when PVE with the right eqp.

Dodging contradicts Deeds of Valor getting hits.

Deeds benefit more from STR.

Swordsmen benefit more from str, 30% more, and 8 rank gets 80% more.

Up to u if u wanna continue to be ignorant, u cannot miss in PVE, and doppel is crazy PVE machine, not PVP, thats just how it is.

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1.36@ one shot cyclone a plate warlock with 40k hp
1.55@ one shot cartar stroke a plate warlock with 38k hp

Field PVP one shot cartar stroke 2 players

thats just how strong deeds is with STR
get ur facts right before spreading more bullshit, and i bet u ill still be that arrogant to not be able to accept that DEX is pretty much pointless for Swordsmen…well up to u, i m here at the top ranking with best equipment without the needs of others to carry me, the server swordsmen likes me, while u r trying to prove your theory works without any form of achievements.

I have seen the likes of you since the starting of this game, pretty much the reason why the swordsmen has so little population and overall weak…because yea…we all know why. Sad to see STR got boosted dmg by 30% just for swordsmen and added BLOCK PENETRATION to it and people still think DEX is better, not even including R8 is coming soon for additional 10% boost more.

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Well, even though it may be possible to get a decent critical rate without DEX, this fact does not eclipse all of DEX utility, since it brings other secondary stats along with critical rate.

  • There are several more ways to stack Deeds, like mushrooms and Magic attacks.

  • The fact that Swordies benefit more from strength means you CAN actually put less points in it (Even though Min-maxing SHOULD be more eficient, but i’m just saying)

All in all, Akisera, even though PVE, DEX-based Doppel builds may be weaker in the DPS aspect, that does not make them “wrong”, since they have better capabilities in other aspects. It’s more like… less eficient. Build diversity is a good thing.

But yeah, @Silvermore, a doppel build without DoV is hardly using the DPS potential of the class,nor the gameplay mechanics, so I have to disagree with you in this point.

There is Ellaganos card x7, dual sissel, Magi and crit rate gem stone, these makes up for the crit in PVE situation of 280 total (forget about crit in pvp because full con)

I am not saying DEX is useless (dude, i m using 7x lv 10 ella card for 70 dex) but my point is clicking STR gives way way too much as 30% more STR just for SWORD class and rank 8 gives another 80% boost more, and then u multiply that with deeds x2, the base phy attack is crazy…and then comes the multiple hit of doppel that takes ur base phy attack and roll it many times…

And my another point is…Doppel isnt rlly made for PVP, its a PVE character, the PVP goes to sword 3 cata 3, so trying to build a PVP char for Doppel will cause the character to become rlly weak in PVE situation where the DPS is everything (example earth tower). Is just very not right.

On my videos I have been DPSing in ET and multiple times gotten rank 2 on World Bosses, all due to my high attack by adding STR.

We need to understand what our character advantages are made for, unlike warlock where full con animus 1 type of build can roll both PVP and PVE, Swordsmen need to choose either PVE or PVP, we all can agree on this. Ultimately Doppel is still a PVE machine, and Cata 3 will still roll ur face as PVP machine, so trying to argue with DEX benefit in PVP is quite…stupid in my opinion.


Str is worst in PVP. Its should be High con, High dex defending on your target. SW3Dopple2-Murmillo is a PVP build if you have tons of con. Restrain/DOV-Frenzied Slash - Cyclone. Where to get block penetration and magic defense? Items.

Well, yeah, but there are several extra points to consider.

  • The first swordsman problem, survivability, is solved by DEX, with dodge.
  • DEX builds don’t really need to get all these equipments. In fact, there are several items in game that a DEX build would benefit a lot more from, like

(I don’t have a full DEX build idea in my head, so I will stop the equip argument here here)
Plus, while strength may be NOW a better choice for doppel, since most of our skills are below the 1500 damage line, with new skills rolling out, DEX start getting more and more efficient

This is a basic DEX doppel build, on a Dullahan boss.
It’s a pretty big gap in the early damages, but the gap is nulified and reversed later on. Really, it goes more to a matter of player choice

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if u are going full doppel u will need high str if u want do dmg. doppel is all about multihit so str is a must. if u only care for pvp u should make a sword3>cata3>corsar/dragoon>lancer

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Nope, you simply said build dex = noob, why bcs you’re THE ONE, no other logical reasoning were made. Feel free to correct my summary of your earlier comments. Listen to yourself really. I don’t care what the other guy is arguing, pvp whatever, I’ll just say I was triggered by this.

As for the reasoning provided later, I pretty much already understood and agreed long ago, and still took dex build bcs as I said I like crits and evasion. 280cr? Please… Even if every str swordie can get that number (what level of gem, 2x8?), that’s static, won’t increase and in fact actual crit rate decays as you level up.

Needs of others to carry you? Carry for what? It’s called teamplay, bossing, my friend fletcher does the dps, I just need to hold the agro, except for things like Mirtis maybe, mass pve everything dies by seism cleave cyclone (yes barb, not HL, noob I guess?) field pvp, anything stunned by seism = dead, else smart enough to run from/kite a melee beast. Anyone standing there letting you melee is either dumb or afk, nevermind what armor what hp.

Not gonna say which is better, you know what, whatever. I’m an ignorant noob dex barb doppel, bcs THE ONE said so, everyone lieks THE ONE. Heck, I already saw C3 doppel dex build doing cyclone vid and like it. Also Cathexis is probably the only swordie around worth respecting/hearing now, bcs he/she respects other builds, just saying.

I think the comparison is quite off though, or impractical, you can’t compare 280 dex and 280 str, since with the same amount of stats point, you get more str due to bonus, so I’m guessing the table should’ve favored str in terms of DPS. Just being objective, thanks for sharing.

Well, It does. You can see in all tables that STR build do way more damage per hit. Thing is, DEX build gives critical, which provides a unconditional 50% boost. So, instead of a flat amount of damage added per STR point, a 4000 damage skill get a 2000 damage boost.

At first the effect is reaaaally slight, but with skill grow, Critical becomes a bigger and bigger factor, so the average damage over time favor DEX build, who crit far more often.

That build in the table is pretty much imcomplete, It’s made with someone using a max pentamion, Magi two handed sword(with green gems) and dual sissel, plus, 10 DoV stacks.

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u sir, just want to win.

like srsly, dex is crap, its meant for archers, swordsmen get 30% more from str where the other classes doesnt, dex doesnt have block penetration.

dex is not good for doppel, play fencer or dragoon will get more benefit from dex, not doppel.

Now that Ella cards x7 lvl 10 is out, it further strengthens investing the points in STR (u get more), while getting all the crits and accuracy from cards/gems/eqp, because overall u get more.

Enjoy your theory builds and clicking DEX on ur stats point and see how far u can go while i m advancing in my own server being on the top, good luck.



Did you just say dex is bad?

Keep up, dex is going to be the new meta, dex builds are everything on ktos now.

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Or maybe, you know, get a life? lol.

and uh, you basically mock other builds right after saying “as long you enjoy the game, who cares~” that’s probably some schizophrenia right there…

sigh… hail THE ONE!!~ Praise be unto Him, everyone be loving Him!!
Bravo out.

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i have to agree with @akisera here, i played dex dopp before and now going high str, and the diference is big (most of the time full str will do the same dmg as full dex crits). i agree that dex can be better cus skilll base dmg is high, but not for doppel.

redel and zucken lvl 6 have around 900 base dmg and hit like 10-12 times.
all doppel skills are multihit with low base dmg, each STR point u go for will be x10-12 when u use those skills.

if u are going for dragoon, with a 1 hit skill that deals 16k base dmg u can go high dex cus ur str won’t make a big diference (cus it hits once)

fencer too, new skill increase ur crit damage so its a way to scale ur high dex build

but for doppel, STR is the way to go, cus ur skills are multihit
also DOV, crown and crosguard scale from STR and don’t forget the cross guard 8s bind debuff

actually with level cap of 330 i believe that any doppel without high STR will do a LOT less dmg

as they release more skills, the only way to keep doppel skills relevant is to have high STR (or u will just use rank 9-10 skills and ignore doppel ones)

EDIT: if u want pvp so bad u can get more DEX but u need STR too (so don’t go full dex!!)
in the end u will sck at pvp unles u are sword3>cata3>X>Lancer

I am going full dex dopp …
top ranking said str is way to go … for dopp … it is the right direction … but i decided to go the wrong way ( in matter of perspective ) …
Why go wrong direction …

For adventure … and memory collection of all deleted characters

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do i have to remind your dumb head what the OP asks for?

His Goal is PVP, all your arguments are invalid.

Also, your saying “GEARS” can cover up with your crit? please enlighten us almighty “TOP SWORSMEN”,

provide us a Vid against a Full-DEX Archer in PVP.

All hail aki-sama.