Good luck for not investing deeds of valor and trying to do any form of high dmg to be useful in earth tower or uphill content.
“Dex” swordsman lmao, why dun play an archer instead if u r so into ur dex build.
And the team battle league arguement…so now u can dodge warlock or any form of magic now?? are u being serious trying to make DEX build Doppel for TBL? you seriously know what you are talking right? or you are expecting at high rank there are alot alot alot of swordsmen to PVP? lmao!!
If you think STR is bullshit and not going to raise Deeds of Valor, I don’t understand why are you playing Doppelsoeldner not trying to achieve high DPS in PVE situation, reroll plz, the PVP team battle league argument is dumb, like very dumb, even restats into DEX wont put you in the top rank, top 10 or top 20 doesn’t have a swordsmen, even if it has, its the pvp king cata 3 sword 3, its not going to be Doppel, this is just how the game is right now, Magic is stronger, undodge-able.
Stop dreaming and spreading wrong information Mr.whatever the name is, there is enough noob swordsmen out there receiving wrong info already.