Tree of Savior Forum

Swordsman is a joke DPS at high levels, but why? (this post was made in April, before R8)

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That’s Shinobi … Shinobi is bugged, and he’s doing fine.

Doppel is okay, Highlander, Barbs, Goons and whatever else is there are not on par with Archers and Mages past 220 dude.

Really man. Come to Storage and look for yourself.

So what if he will need heals, do people make parties without healers nowadays? All a tank is required to do is to pull aggroh and survive. Besides, do mobs stop using magic attacks for 18s whenever slithering isnt on? Cause you are saying it like the skill is 100% uptime.
From a tanking perspective anyone could go 420 con but how usefull is that really for the party?

The point is, why make a full tank if a hybrid can do the same job but with better dps. What content the game has right now that requires a full tank. Please dont say earth tower cause thats a huge dps check more then anything.

I don’t think so, only noob said swordman DPS suck mine 228 Hilender C3 barbC1 DoppelC2 pretty better Archer in 217 dungeon even Element frost cold that skill damage only 3 hit and monster was death by my cyclone

Yeah swordman isnt dps class but it a nuker !!

Lv. 260+ and has that max peta amulet. Seems like a Magi Two Handed sword, and possibly two Glad bracelets.

You need all of that just do that damage. You need all of that just to be on the same level as a geared archer/mage who are only wearing white items …

And they do more damage than that. Someone hasn’t been in storage/maven yet.

Just caught this. 14.5K HP … Dude I’m level 258 with 23K HP, you need a lot of HP to survive in those dungeons and where in the hell are you anyways? Go to Storage and post a video of you trying to kick some ass. If you’re above 260 go to Maven.

Nvm … lol, you’re no where near level 240. The SP tells all.

Archer class is a piece of ■■■■ tank in higher levels, and here is why!

A) First off no class change has any pull aggro, WTF I have to rely in out DPSing everyone if I need to have aggro on me at all times.

B) I can only use a crossbow at early levels if I want to use a shield, just wow IMC what a let down, not a single form of creativity, what? Never heard of a bowshieldswordstaff? I am pretty sure a character in Dynasty Warriors has them, get with the program!

C) We lack debuffs! How can we be a good tank if we don’t have a debuff! SURE we have 1 stun buff when you choose hunter for it’s pet dog rush, but even the pet is a piece of ■■■■, can’t tank for crap! 2 hits from boss and its stunned, stars and ■■■■! WTF!! And if I want more stun debuffs I have to choose the musketeer, but I can’t use a shield when I shoot with a piece of ■■■■ rifle!!

The list goes on and on, fix this IMC!!


In short, bad comparison. If you never play the classes by yourself you should never do these kind of comparison. You should just review the class and giving feedback. Hope that imc buff it. I feel your lack of knowledge and stupidity when you comparing that way.

I’ve seen clerics and wizards tanking :). so no, swordsman class is not the ONLY class that can tank

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Hmm, let see, level 209, 30k damage with rank 6 class, nice

My archer deal 15k damage with multi shot at level 75 with rank 3 class, and multishot has overheat as well haha.

Sad swordman is sad.

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It is not about disagreeing, but how you do it. If the only point you get across is that you disagree then you’re not contributing much. Especially if you’re not even making clear what you’re disagreeing with.

And yes you’re right. I was pissed. I think I made some good points. Having all of them dismissed by someone who does not seem to even get where I’m coming from in so much as two words is infuriating.

But really, there is no reason for you to act all high and mighty. Belittling people while hiding behind your anonymity is not the mark of a great person either… “Funny little guy”? Really?

And forbidden? No. But there are a lot of games out there. So if all you want to say is “do it like this. Games x, y and z also did that, it must be good” it’s not helping. It’s a matter of relevance and adding a valuable contribution. I really think that there should be more to discussions than just people taking turns at stating their opinion.

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Why would you not? Barb has a hell of a time soloing and Warcry is a good addition to any grp. Idk about fencer, never played it but I hear you got invincible frames on 2 of your skills, depending on how well you can use them, that’d make you a dps/tank monster vs bosses.

It’s not like you need to go full peltasta/rodelero all con on a tank either. Personally I’m currently having fun with the skill simulator, will probably make something like s1/pelt2/cata1/rode2/dragoon.

Its just, that apparently most people want to go for full dps builds. And are feeling let down when finding out they are not the greatest and grandest of them all. Which should have been obvious from the start. The efficient and high number dps abilities are on wizard and archer. This is fine.

Doppel is GREAT on a tank too. Cyclone aside, groups will love you for Double Pay Earn. And the way it works, it makes more sense to have on tank than dps, because attacking removes the buff.

There is a lot of content that can be cleared without a tank. Where other classes will end up doing something similar as a tank would do - pulling for example. But with a hate cap of 5(8) and no way to generate agro besides damage calling it “tanking” would be pretty far-fetched IMO.

Or would you also say cleric isn’t the ONLY class that can heal, just because people can use pots?

Shinobi’s DPS is lackluster, yes, but their burst is what people fear for. You shouldn’t be afraid going for Shinobi because it is one of the highest burst damage dealing class in the game.

no one wants a monk T_T yeahhhhhh T_T and everyone is complaining about swordsman >_> nice try.

with hidden amour for swordsman, i bet swordman is a better tank.

try compare a swordsman and cleric/mage who have same def and magic def get hit by same mob, you can see the different. ( i tried it in 190 dun )

Double pay’s xp bonus works only for the doppel, and as far as money goes it seems it only doubles yours too. But shhh, dont tell that to your party mates.

TS is just unskill. gl next games. cya.

Isn’t that what swordies WITHOUT swashbuckling do? Just do damage to get agro? But still theyre call “tanks” 'cause, you know, “swordies”.