Tree of Savior Forum

Swordsman is a joke DPS at high levels, but why? (this post was made in April, before R8)

Well a lot forgetting… Wiz, cleric, archer in tos can actually wear plate too…

That face you make when you discover most people in here went rainbow build LoL

Pretty sure most researched first or does that didn’t rerolled by now though. Going rainbow just doesn’t work O.O.

I have never even seen someone with a rainbow build. I’ve only heard about it, but it sounds so stupid that i just cant believe anyone would do that.

I haven’t seen you add a single constructive thing to this discussion yet you insist on calling others trolls. If you are so invested in continuing arguments you shouldn’t be calling others trolls just because they don’t agree with you. grow up

Shinobi doesnt multiply all their skills it just kunai,swordsmen skill(from circle 1-3) and the extra auto attacks from clones are laughable because they auto once to my three autos. Also you dont get a damage multipler from the clones that just extra damage you take. Yes you get more clones to throw kunai and auto but that doesn’t increase the kunai’s damage it just adds more kunai to use. Another thing you have to wait like 5 secs between kunai throws or the clones won’t copy it.

can you post the current rank list?

if xbows pierce 25% on armor…but still i won with my corsair!! lol

lv180 corsair vs 180 archer (forgot his class build but i only noticed it’s full red and 1 fletcher) not to mention his using seimos xbow+karacha dagger while me. im just using my velniup + superior dirk dagger (and swap it with shield to block multi-shot) XD

i guess it’s just they’ve encountered a class which cannot outdmge them with their current build… i mean…it really depends on ur build, right?

Whats the appeal of that build nowadays? I cant understand why people are going for rode c2s , is it because there is nothing better to combo with pelt 2? Cause a hop 3 with 100 con can and will tank just as fine with the added perk of criting almost 100% without a single point into dex.

Rodelero’s Slithering provides 10 secs of magic immunity.
At high levels magic attacks are much more of a headache to deal with than physical attacks, so nobody cares about the extra block from Finestra for a tank.
Fencers have Flanconnade which gives a brief moment of invincibility, plus it’s a 0 cd skill which they can spam. That’s why that build is currently the top tanking build in game right now

i just got bullied by wizards and archers 20-40 levels lower than mine. :’( im so weak

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Your reply made me puke.

The post you are referring to is long enough that you should specify, what exactly is “wrong”, if you want to point that out. There are at least half a dozen statements you might be referring to.

To cite just the part you are referring to, select it with the cursor before hitting reply.

Also you are obviously biased from games like WoW, Rift or the like. If you want a game where all classes can do (almost) every job, because the skills are basically copy/pasted with a different skin slapped on top, this is not the game for you.

Swordman class is the only class that can tank and has a number of unique abilities that makes it worth to play. If you have a problem with dealing less damage than other classes under various circumstances - feel free to make a new character. Nobody forces you to play swordman if its so bad.

Lol. If you think you can use a hunter, Mage, etc to tank in WoW you dont even deserve to reply. You dont play those games, you dont know how they work, you are just talking out of your ass to try and make your points stronger. Just to make it clear, that is in no way possible and the classes are far from copy pasted versions of each other …I cant even think of another MMO where that is possible aside from rift but that game took a wild spin on the class system in an attempt to refresh the mmo experience i guess… needless to say it didnt work out so well.

Actually…arnt there some full CON wizard builds in tos right now that can still lock down large groups enemies and kill them? I’ve just been hearing about them. IDK

The reply was clearly referring to where you said “you are not supposed to”. To this I say I kind of agree. However, a dps class is a dps class and a tank class is a tank class. Having one dps class vastly superior to another leaves no room for consideration of the weaker class. And the same would be true if there was another “tank” class in ToS. Dps Swordsman doesnt need to surpass wizard/archer at max but if the wizard is sitting there picking his nose, the swordsman should be able to surpass the wizard.

At end game right now swordsman isnt needed in a party for the damage they bring, even though only 2 of the subclasses have anything to do with damage reduction. They are only wanted for one ability in the entire tree… swashbuckling. That my friend is not good class design. I can use a sword or I can use a shield. Swordsman should be able to build around either and be successful. (note i did not say both at the same time. Its one or the other.)

If not add a Shield Bearer Tree and a Berserker/Fighter Tree and make the two roles seperate. At least then people would know what they are getting into.

I know what high level mobs are like , in fact our group had a hop c3 pelt 2 and all that thing about magic being dangerous only works when your tanks is bellow the 25k health anyways. Still dont see the appeal.

@deanleroy89692 so can any sword with enough con. Hops tho can afford more con because they dont need dex, at all.

The game I was talking about specifically was rift, but that’s offtopic.

Swordman niche is tanking and to a lesser degree soloing
Wizard niche is efficiency in supporting/dps
Archer niche is dps
Cleric is the only healing cls.

And yes, I agree, Swordman class could stand having some more options with their defensive skills. But this is by no means a priority.

He’s a noobie doobie.

Reading this whole thread was fun :slight_smile: to bad there wasn’t any video to support your claims xD.

Maybe you should party with classes that compliment your full DPS build instead of complaining about not fitting on the current meta.

To lazy to do that? Don’t have enough social skills to make friends? I understand that complaining is easier :slight_smile: hang in there, maybe someday you’ll cry so much that you’ll en up drowning all mages and archers :slight_smile:

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Wow dude. Thank you for your valid input. I wonder if you said the same thing to the archers that could literally do nothing in the closed beta. I’m sure they should have just partied with classes that supported their non existent dps and they would be fine. I guess they were just making it up.

Very good insight. :expressionless:


Your reply makes me laugh. Like a youngster goes raging when someone disagree with him and ask other to play other game. Apparently, most people here are suggesting some optimization of the swordsman class. Moreover, people are using other games for reference. Is that forbidden? Funny little guy.