Tree of Savior Forum

*** Swordsman Classes Need to be Fixed *** [IMC, are you looking at this?]

I made this little image to summarize why I think IMC truly knows nothing about what it is like to be a Swordsman at higher levels.

They do NOT play Swordsman and it shows.


The shield thing is not necessary. Learn Provoke attribute, turn it off when you don’t need it… Do you even have a swordsman?

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Yeah … that picture shows it all.

IMC, are you looking at this? Lets tag these people again. They need to come here, take a look and say something. Swordsman needs a fix.

@STAFF_Ethan @Staff_Julie @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines @hkkim
Tagging you guys again. Are you looking at this thread? Have you seen what’s going on with Swordsman past level 200+? Fix our skills. We’re no match for Archers and Wizards and we have some terrible damage scaling …

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While I agree that swordsman needs some loving from IMC, this picture is pure nonsense.

Of all skills, Zornhau, really? Instead of considering Cyclone, we take a utility skill such as Zornhau to compare against almost pure burst skills like Snipe? Please, if you want to at least make a darn good argument on why Swordsmans ought to be buffed, get rid of that damn picture. Whoever made it is an idiot.

Either way, still, please buff Swordsman :stuck_out_tongue:

This picture say a lot. Zornhau had shock but remember, snipe has an attribute that gives a chance of stun, that is way more powerful than shock. See the base damage of Zornhau, to me is not a utility skill.

maybe they are running out of ideas? :stuck_out_tongue:

just wait for next year

not really because swordman has no scaling dmg skills anyways apart from a few multihit abilities

Its not only ideas they’re running out of, swordsman classes doesnt scale with level very well…

come on guys, it’s not like the koreans never suggested those changes to IMC/NEXON, im pretty much sure that they know that swordsman have to sacrifice synergy to be useful late in the game.
Heck, the skills on this game have some bonuses impossible to achieve becaue the class cannot apply that abnormal status.
The real problem is the defense against physical damage and magic damage and the lack of dimishing returns. Magic damage on this game is the same as chaos damage on warcraft, its true damage! While, just by adding CON wizards can become harder to kill then all the other classes due to the stupid amount of CC they have.
This class design itself should be remade, we need more CC, better scaling and mor synergy.

I dont know HOW on earth developers of almost every game have problem with balancing such easy skills to balance.

All you need to do :

  • decide damage goal for each class/subclass (ex. dopple 120% of avarange, fencer 110%, elementalist 120%, pardoner 80%, paltesta 90% - just throwing random numbers, those are examples so dont take them seriously)
  • calculate chart of base damage of characters (stats +gear, predictable at high rate)
  • calculate chart of defense side of mobs (you create them afterall)
  • decide skills base damage (I like to call it free damage) so + x attack
  • decide skills scaling damage, so x% attack
  • number of hits the skill do is simply multiplication of +x and x%
  • gather all the numbers, do simple math and manipulate skill x and x% damage so it fits your 1st point, so damage goal
  • decide how many skills class have and what are the cooldowns of them (for example two classes, both at 100% avarange DPS, one have 2 skills with fast CD, other 4 with long CDS, ut overally giving same DPS, again simple math)

So again, whats the problem of doing so?
I could write a program that would calculate it automaticly by just giving it few imputs (like number of skills and avarange dps and maybe cooldowns).

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I believe that IMC needs to rethink its design philosophy for damage-dealing swordsman classes for a number of reasons, but here are two that I (and probably many others) have noticed:

Effective Healthpool

Swordsmen have a higher HP modifier than other classes, but that becomes useless at higher levels (200+) because monsters start dealing so much physical and magical damage that damage prevention (via avoidance/kiting or immunity/CC) become far more efficient ways of dealing with incoming damage. This is very noticeable because our inflated healthpools cannot be effectively regenerated both during and out of combat, and we have very few ways of mitigating/avoiding damage.

The few damage mitigation abilities that we do have (Block, Crossguard) completely negate our ability to deal damage, an extreme trade-off that no other damage-dealing class has to make. Wizards and Clerics may have to sacrifice SP to put up their immunities and ground AOEs/CCs, and Archer abilities that can be used while mobile may cost more SP, but these classes do not outright lose the ability to deal damage while avoiding/mitigating it in return.

Damage-Dealing Mechanics

The vast majority of DPS Swordsman skills are melee-range, and have such poor hitboxes that we often have to stand right on top of our targets to hit them. In addition, many of these skills also have long “channeling” animations or even cast bars that require us to stand still in order to effectively deal damage. These methods of dealing damage fit poorly with the game’s PvE encounter design, which features a large number of monsters with devastating melee attacks, melee-range CC abilities (freeze, stun, sleep, knockback, interrupt), or melee-applied stacking debuffs (armor reduction).


But marksman is a rank 7 class…

i honestly think you, herfikster, should do a full program which balances all classes by ranks and averege leevls, equipments, bonuses and status/atributes.

You’ll be the ToS Renewal programmer.

this recent patch did some good stuff to stamina use/regen

Yeah, cataphracts on mounts use stamina to run now.

The ever greater changes we are getting.

Just gonna drop this here…

I’ve been playing Rodelero and testing some skills and attributes. Picked the class because I like the shield fighter concept and never mind how it’s an underdog class, but at least these issues should be fixed or answered…

Targe Smash

  • Its attribute that could spread the Burn status only “spread” the Burn. It does not create the Burn status itself so this only works if you have a Pyro in your team, and do Pyros really need Rodelero to spread the Burn? No they don’t. Their skills already spread burn like wildfire so this attribute is almost useless considering how much extra SP it consumes.

  • The “Blind” status it could cause somehow doesn’t seem to effect bosses… correct me if I’m wrong but I’ve never seen this debuff appear on them.

Shield Push

  • At level 15 it reduces 225 defense which seems nice considering its attribute could extend the duration pretty far but… this debuff doesn’t work on bosses… and its range is so close with only 1 overheat you wouldn’t bother wasting skill points on it and use it in pvp, and this renders this skill rather useless.

Shield Bash

  • The debuff is nice on players since it really scrambles the stat (tested and worked well) plus this skill is fast to pull out, has decent damage, and 2 overheats.
    BUT it’s strange that though the debuff icon appear on bosses but it doesn’t affect anything. I’ve never dealt more damage on them while the debuff is taking effect so at least it’s not doing anything to the bosses’ CON/def at all.


  • The knockdown is really cool and has great CC duration when using on mobs but when it comes to using on players the animation went buggy and they could just stand up and run away within 0.3 sec so the only good pvp part is its slow attribute. I don’t know if this is intended or not but it should say in the skill description…

Shield Shoving

  • Same as Montano. While it could CC mobs very well, it’s silly to use on players. At least it can be used to stop Wizards from casting I guess.

So far I’m not complaining that Rodelero needs buffs on these skills IF they could give them the same effect they’d do on mobs to bosses and players. All the skills already have so short range and extremely poor animation there’s almost no way they’d land while chasing down fast moving players even with perfect ping ):

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First of all I do (Tank build); next you missed the point completely (pointing to provoke: Increases provocation when enemies attack by 50% per attribute level.) Making this only work when the player has a shield on would help the tank have more aggro, which in turn would allow the DPS swordsman to have a taunt that wouldn’t over powerful the tanks taunt.

Anyway, moving the taunt to swordsman 1 or 2 would make all the swordies useful in parties seeing as 9 times out of 10 the party’s my friend is invited to (DPS Build), gets dropped because she doesn’t have Swash Buckling to mob enemies like the other classes, and I am completely against the idea of a DPS build having to lose a circle just to get Swash Buckling. This game was made to be able to build a class how you want, not make a class mandatory because it is the only way you are useful to parties. (Many classes in the wizard tree have “taunt” like skills that pull mobs to one spot, why not allow the swordsman have a small range, small group taunt too?)

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oh gawd. even peltasta c1 skill is broken…WHY???


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the problem of most swordsman job-tree is that…NOT ENOUGH CC SKILLS!!!