That multishot skill is not very good because you have to aim and shoot while standing in one spot the whole time… i had a Archer C3 and Sapper C1 in CBT2 and it was horrible… that was the only skill i used throughout the whole beta
Most KTOS Swordies tank or Bruiser that I see usually have 30k minimum hp by endgame.
I’m actually thinking of rebalancing my stats … and put some in SPR for magic defense.
I’m thinking of 200 Str, 100 Con, 50 SPR, 120 DEX. Not sure …but I now know that I need Con for sure.
welcome in 2016, the damage had some ridiculous buffs, it deals more damage than 3x doom spike
you can oneshot bosses with this skill. don’t know what you did with your archer, but you did something wrong.
Uhm, if we going to nitpick like this…
+1 At least Gung Ho should give damage bonus in % and attribute should be remaked cuz it’s really bad.
I know Archers are really strong, but not this strong. Holy shi. Time to rest my Barb and roll an Archer until they buff.
And please please IMC, do not nerf too much. Fix the broken, not nerf, and buff the weak instead!
Not sure where else to say this, but I recently picked up Gae Bulg on my Dragoon, and I found out that not only does it NOT have a targeting reticle (unlike Throwing Spear), it also has a minimum range. Does any other skill in the game have such obviously terrible execution mechanics?
Oh man I remember everyone jumping down my throat for saying barb wasn’t that bad in CBT2; the irony.
Here are 3 things that I would believe would help the swordsman out without changing the whole tree:
Switch Swash Buckling to swordsman C1 or C2 and Pain Barrier to Peltasta C1 seeing as Swash Buckling seems to be the skill in which parties want from a swordsman.
Give Peltasta and Rodeleros threat generation on their skills… They are suppose to be tanks, so give them a reason to be.
Give out new class attributes for the classes with the corresponding weapons:
- Two-handed Pole-arms: Bigger AOE range and has a high chance to cause Bleeding.
- Two-handed swords: Increase Damage.
- Daggers: Critical Rating increase.
- Rapiers: Attack Speed and Critical Severity.
- Shields: Decrease Evasion, but give more resistance to long range magic and long physical attacks.
I think in order for a class to be good, the base class needs to be the foundation. Just look at cleric.
Heal alone is never outdated. You have a reason to go circle2 for more heal.
Archers get higher circles for a stronger mult-shot.
Wizards get higher circles for surespell and quick cast and magic missle.
Swordies get…restrain?
Make swordie circle 2 good with a gung-ho attribute that boosts damage by a high% but reduces AOE Attack Ratio, which would boost single target DPS at the expense of AOE damage.
I agree with putting swashbuckling in the swordie tree. People would still have to get peltasta 1 if they want Guard.
They’d have to offer a circle reset of some kind. A lot of people went for Pelt or Highlander and skipped C2/C3 Swordie entirely over how terrible they are.
They could also add passive attributes based on the class choice you make (attributes that are automaticly learned when you pick a class).
For example:
Paltesta have:
+10% CON
+10% STR
Swordman c2:
+5% STR + 5% DEX +5% CON
C2 could have 15% stat sum boost, C3 20% sum of stats, in order to give bigger weight into specing completly into something.
This would also mean removal of the current +10% str +10% int from every rank and shifting it into player choice instead.
This will make classes speced even further in what they are supposed to be, shifting your statistic according to the role. Also would help in balancing stuff out.
People would need to think “This class have awesome skills, but the other one isnt bad either, plus it gives me more stats that I need, specialy if I will C2 it”.
Would also redesign the current stat system, so every stat is usefull for every class.
… are they paying attention to us at all? …
If it were that way, even less of a point of getting Peltasta. 10% STR in the 200s is a lot. Most of us only have 20-50 CON. 10% of that is only going to be 2-6.
They just need to add an attribute to mitigate magic damage. At least 60-80% of the damage.
Dont worry guys, IMC is a global game company that released many MMORPGs. They have very experienced devs that had many betas to perfect the gameplay, and…
No Peltasta? GTFO.
Lmao ^ Haha that was a good one.
The new patch notes says nothing about a change. But at least they could show up here and say something about the class. I’m past 200, I do feel the pain slowly and it does suck. I’ve geared up well enough and the Glass Bracelet with 2+ on it does reduce magic damage a lot, but holy crap some mobs have a lot of HP and they hit like a truck. You really need to be geared … it’s like the places past 200+ is all about gear check. Any outdated gear needs to be recycled and you gotta get a new gear.
Khasti 2 hander is an extremely good weapon but if you can get Magi Two-Handed Sword you’d own pretty much. But yeah they do hit hard. I’m almost to level 211 and soon I’ll join those parties and see for myself.
I read a lot of replies of this topic and with my toughs I can tell somethings:
- It isn’t because u r a sword u need to be a tank
- Sword don’t need the same DPS as archers/wizz, but around 75-80%
- Some classes that was supposed to be a incredible DPS are not doing well, see Doppelsoeldner itself, take risks to have high rewards, in my conception, Doppelsoeldner would be and awesome DPS.
- Shinobi is doing fine? Let’s see why and see why the others isn’t going fine as shinobi
- ToS give us a lot of classes and that would let people choose different ways to play, as support, dps, tanker. But what is happening to sword is that just some constructions is doing well in endgame.
Sorry for my bad English, not my main language
Good summary and exactly what I was talking about. We got many choices, and every class should have choice to be either more tanky, dps, support. Base classes shouldnt describe our powers but style.
Also as I wrote it would be ok for me to deal 80% DPS as Dopple comparing to archer/wizz. But I also wrote that some wizard skills on the same level as I am, single skill deal as much damage as 5 of my best skills together. Thats like 20% DPS, maybe 25%.