Tree of Savior Forum

*** Swordsman Classes Need to be Fixed *** [IMC, are you looking at this?]

most swordsman class are suffering from magic damage not only for pvp but for pve as well. it’s funny how physical attacks can be dodge but magic attacks from mobs? oh gawd full hit and never miss.

From what I see, Rodelero isn’t a Tanker class, it’s more like a support/DPS shield user. Could be wrong tho.
And yes, they could’ve over nerfed Swordman, because based on those beta tests it was way over powered, the same way they nerfed it, they will probably buff again to balance.

they should nerf magic attacks…i mean hell no. 502 evasion is meaningless for pve and pvp. whats the point of ACCURACY if you only use a magic-based class and rekt the ppl out even with high evasion rate

The game isn’t complete yet, their goal was to make 80 classes, that means 10 ranks + 4 hidden. We’re still at rank 7, still a long way to go.

Upvote this if you read it.

The solution is actually so simple.

Give Swashbuckling to the base Swordsman class instead of Concentrate. Viability of all future classes [SOLVED].

Then you can ajust DPS accordingly.

nope :joy:


so you want them to wait until the game is complete? :smile:

I really hate when people don’t explain why when disagreeing… Even if you disagree with something, you should at least give a good reason as to why… It does help solve problems because it gives others a different point of view.

(Note: The following isn’t really directed at you btw, this is just in general.) Disagreeing with someone also doesn’t mean you have to be rude about it either or just to disagree because you can and have no reason at all… Seems to be a popular thing to do when replying on the forums…

I don’t think that is what Vezzani was getting at.

People now a days want everything handed to them, everything fast, and everything perfect right off the bat because people are selfish. No one stops to think anymore about what is behind the scenes. They are trying to do so much with this game and still have a ways to go before they open all 80 classes, ranks, and areas.

So in a nut shell, patients is key… they are trying to juggle fixing what they have, adding new continent, and battling bots because like I said before… we are selfish, and they are trying to keep us happy…
Points to all the fixes and banned bots they have done so far.

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You have to invest in your gear to deal decent damage if playing a swordsman. Unlike archer and mage cheap class can even use a level 40 weapon and still do decent damage at later level.

I want an Archer with tank capabilities, is 30k hp on an fletcher too much to ask? I just want DPS and tankiness so I can solo most of the game

might aswell create and topic for it

Actually…you can solo everything with any of the archer sub-classes. Badum-tssss… If you can’t, you are very unskilled. :smiley:

If they do this all swordsman need a full circle reset, because many of us already picked Pelt C1, which would then be useless if Swash could be picked up in Sword C1. Most of us picked pelt at rank TWO, and are far beyond that now.

Lol currently took swordsman c2… Planning on dps melee however end game seems no place for melee dps much in public

Yeah, what myasmuno said is the only fix for now. I just tested few things and I kept inspecting people who are over level 200+. Some of you people are still running with level 70-100 gear. You’re already level 200+ so you NEED to UPGRADE your gear. Go to the Market and get Glass Bracelets and upgrade them to 3+. Knight Armor below level 220 and Royal Armor for over level 220. Twin Blade (or whatever it is called) for level 220+ or Magi Two Handed Sword for 2 Handers. Not sure about the other weapons.

Archers and Mages don’t need upgrades to their gear. Right now that’s the only fix we have to be close to their damage … :confused:

@KrezyKenny Oh man I want to have a bow, a cannon and a handgun and I want to be in range and shoot things and kite things! OH OH and I want AUTO ATTACK WHILE MOVING!!! And I want that high crit rating!

Ok? :slight_smile:

My god, so dramatic…

One person says a class does low DPS, and everyone jumps on the train in assumption they are correct, hoping for free buffs.

There’s some legitimate concerns here, but also a lot of false ones just because people don’t know any better.

in pvp there is no evasion for swordman. Cleric and mage you cant dodge and archer has so much accuracy that you cant dodge him either. xD

if IMC goes by theyre word, we should have class balances after F2P settles

for high survival…my bet is cataphract xD

well a wizard gets just as much benefit from high con as a capheract really…