Tree of Savior Forum

*** Swordsman Classes Need to be Fixed *** [IMC, are you looking at this?]

You’re talking about provoke attribute no? Well if it is its just an additional aggro to your attacks so you can make your target switch their attacks to you which ia somehow useful on dungeon runs ., swash buck works like a pull I dont really know how big its aoe is but I think its as big as jolly roger’s not sure if swash buck adds aggro I never planned to play tank at all but will probably take pelt 1 with my sw if I ever play it again just to survive the critics and the elitists sadlife?.. , imo the only way to solve the class preference in parties is to give sw a pull skill same as swash but without its tanky effect that way all paths taken by sword would be viable for the current meta, yes all sw can then pull but dps paths cannot tank as great as a pelt see the difference?

Yes, you can tank with it. In siailai i can tank pretty well ( with highlander, no peltasta), but this is not the problem. The problem is that our class sucks. The entire swordsman’s tree is reduced to a guy that press a button ( Taunt). Actually the peltasta is needed only for to keep an entire room of mobs in a point. The peltasta isnt even the better class to tank becouse, how said before by Molouco, there are ranged and support class that can tank better and with a superior amount of damage / utility.

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siaulai mission is nothing, once you reach the mobs with mixed magic attacks/cc’s and physical attacks you can then tell us your tanking story as a highlander., pelt can tank pretty well with its attributes and skills add its guard buff+block rate+evasion which can be built easily with proper gears and your pelt can tank decently given you also have a good support beside you, you’re party will be able to wipe out the mobs you pull while you’re running in circles before you reach critical condition

Beside Siaulai, i have tanked every dungeon until 180. Maybe the future dungeon i’ll fail hard, we’ll find out just living xD.

Sad to say, been coming back to this site once a week to check the Patch Notes. Not a single actual buff to Swordsman something to make them more valuable.

I’ve went back to WoW considering how much Legion is all going to be all about. Arms Warriors are looking so amazing right now.

WoW’s on the right track atm :sunglasses:

Yeah, I’m doing the same.

Might roll a rogue, heard a spec got a piratey makeover.


Combat rogues now have a pistol attack, it looks cool as hell. My main is a Warrior and my alts consist of a Warrior, Paladin and Shaman (got more) but now I’m going to push my level 47 rogue to be my alt so he can farm for my main.

Legion is going in the right track, there’s a bunch of bads about it but the goods outweights the bads.

So how about it IMC? Are you going to fix Swordsman or what? Doubt these guys even give a freaking ■■■■ about Swordsman class.

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I’ve actually accumulated a lot of thought-out suggestions for Swordsman buffs in a thread called “Xan’s Fix-It List”, the post on class balancing is towards the bottom, avoid or read through the rest of the suggestions if you like.

this and the factor that many players are discouraged from the game because the single classes that offsets are magical.

I stopped playing TOS with 1000 hours of game, and I think I made the right for I will go to the success of Blizzard … finally spend time and a game where you have no choice to play with a class that I like, and not a game to be invested.

+1 until they do something iv also stopped playing. its so broken as it is at the moment so im just gonna give it time surely it will get fixed eventually but until then im gonna go play other things . whats the point in having something when its useless for the most part. swordsman tree should just be taken out at the rate its going and until we see that iv given up trying to play the class I actually want to play. way to screw swordsman tree up IMC only nerfing it and doing nothing to sort it out

Before the current patch, IIRC in iCBT2, this game was called “Tree of Swordman” because of swordman deal stupidity dps and out-damage even archer back then. So, imc nerf so hard it became garbage with only good with swashbuckling. Great job IMC.

It’s feels like. no aoe dps = trash, can’t heal = trash, can’t tank = trash, can’t draw aggro = trash.

Because most of current game developers = graphic deisgners and few coders, nobody actualy know math out there. Didnt see well balanced game for long time, companies arent even trying now.

You play mage or archer to speak as ■■■■ argument made that? I have two sword with different lines of development and already have two band glad and improved items off my max pentamion and my masteries that already spend the nv 50 to 1100 hours can talk yes sword ta suck and imc hates swordman.


the opinion of a beginner in NV200 should not be considered much less worrying and not get pelt and complaining and play in his style did not come nv 250+ and want to be a slave for the rest of the game take its pelt and build a templar tank complete idiot.

I think you did not actually play sword without pelt to say that is not necessary, I have 1100 hours of game and two sword one without pelt and one with, and guess with which I can more party but what is the damn class peltast c1, congratulations for your comment and worked in former ragnarok stories but remembering that here is not rag my friend, and if the imc had the same line of thoughts made her feel sorry for the game but will fail even before we could open our eyes.

I call garbage not to call it worse, you’re just a noob who can not read BARCO and graphics and is saying it will not follow him and not the end game arrived, sword 220? that ■■■■ most of the sword that talk about class and its deficiency has gone from 260 and you said the cleric, everyone knows that he and the soul of the party and you want it to be immortal? rpgmmo throughout the cleric will be the focus if he does not die for focusing it? and has many skill that garatem his survival to min you have to think before speaking unnecessary things just because we arrived nv 220 with sword does not make you master the class ■■■■■■■, and when you argue with someone has conduct of man and stand up the end of the discussion about it and not take your ideas soon after expounds them you idiot.

sorry for the broken English is not my original language.

mykelxiii how do I follow you forever great response to this be that it seems you don’t know if you want argues and comes with this mediocre saying “choose another class you no good Swordsman” and no wonder he left for healer.

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