Tree of Savior Forum

*** Swordsman Classes Need to be Fixed *** [IMC, are you looking at this?]

Potions are reliable. But what if your heal is the one that is not reliable? That is our problem here. Our damage is not reliable despite the red colored class that says “attack type” like in any other branch. And I play other class too that is why I can confirm it’s broken. You think it is fine for archer to have 0 cd on some of their skills and ks you? I also know some cleric has skill with 0 cd they can spam. And some wizard has cc that pulls and freeze enemy, or does every wizards are forced to take linker like “no linker, not needed here”?

Hp pool again. Have you seen full con wizard? And they have 2x more hp than full str swordman? See their damage difference? Fair? No one dreams about assasin here

You should pay more attention to the forums. Ive already made a thread explaining the broken archer class but that has no relevance here.

The main thing they have is on top of their weapons having over double the attack points and twice the RoF of casters they also add 50% more to their dmg against 90% of the creatures ingame because type advantage vs weakness. Most creatures are leather type and bow users are piercing type. That 50% advantage applies to all of their skills.

If you want to speak of kill steals play a cleric. I promise you will regret every moment a hundred fold in comparison to the swordsmen class if you play the swordsmen correctly.

As a cleric base I can confirm the fastest cd skill is “9” seconds and the skill is melee ranged, Has an extremely long start up time that is easy walked out of range from to the point its childs play in pvp. Its garbage.
In fact its so laughable you can be right up in someones face and they can stand in the range for a few seconds while your starting the attack up and then slowly crawl out of the skills minor frontal range or even jump to the side or behind them to avoid it all together. Further more even after the long wait to use it, After its used you are also involuntarily stunned for a few seconds, locked in place to do nothing. Not dodge, not heal. Nothing.

Linker is to pelt. Simple as that. They are not entirely mandatory unless you are a noob or enjoy groups.

That argument is invalid. Comparing a full CON spec character to a no CON character is an idiots argument.

See? People in other class can cudtomize their build and stats while we cant. Whatever we do, still considered garbage by people. I have no problem with my swordman personally, but i understand what majority feels. While someone from other class is kindly visiting us to encourage “be a tank” XD

Not saying cleric ks me with this

Havent meet one who use it for kill steal. But some try hards cleric kill steal with auto attack in the middle of a fight level 110+, not a bot. Kinda hilarious to watch their effort to do so

If they give swordsmen an assassin’s damage output like an archer I will be all class roles at once on my swordsmen. I will pull in the masses, I will tank the masses, I will slaughter the masses and at no effort at all. Not only will I have stupidly high excess HP to keep me alive as all else falls, But high damage ensuring nothing ever gets to me in the first place. I will not need healing but as a god already I will use TP shop once a month and have enough god tier healing pots to last forever.

I will not stress ranged users exploiting their range to KS me because I will have the god tier dps and ability to survive the masses with ease as im one shot slaughtering in masses. As a bow user grabs one mob to kill I will grab the crowd around him and one shot the mass as to his 1 I will have 100! While the bow user attempts to grab an army I will watch his fall as I have excess hp to survive all that he cannot.

Yes. If the idiots wish comes true I will truly be a god without equal.

Yeah keep your faith XD

Except I do not believe in such idiocy. These are your ideals.

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Sigh, still going on with this?

Let me answer you: No you won’t pull the masses, you won’t tank the masses, you won’t slaughter the masses.

Get to evac where mobs have 130k HP (read, 130k, not 5k) and poke you for 20-25k per wave. If you don’t build tank specifically, you can’t tank anything. Nothing ever get to you? Ha, not even god tier elementalist can kill those before they get close.

And that’s not even close to the earth tower ridiculousness

When a bunch of high level swordmen tell you you are wrong, accept it, the sword genius that play cleric.

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sword = tank
archer = heavy dps
mage = dps / support
cleric = dps/support/tank A.K.A “Jack of all Trades” so strong much wow
based on this thread and from someone posting in this thread rofl

just delete the sword pls im an archer now fk the sword dmg so low lol i can kill most mobs in my lvl with just 1-2 shots while still maintaining mobility hohoho poor pawns u all must die!


With safety zone, stone skin, ausrine and many others strong/godly defense skills for the ENTIRE PARTY, who needs tanks? You know that the shi is bad when a troll has logical reason.*

Still with doubts if swordsman needs heavy buffs? Here, compare the swordsmans scallings (multi-hit skills, X00% atk) with all the others classes:

Yeah and we have Shinobi and fencer here. Barbarians in games are also classified as damage dealers that have huge life. Every game has tank that can deal some damage. You clearly havent played much games. Melee characters have the option to be semi tanky and semi dps. If you think its unfair that classes have versatility then something is wrong with you. We arent asking to be gods of dps. We are asking to be VIABLE dps. There is a difference.


Have we ever asked to be as good as mages in aoe? Have higher damage than archer? The game offered us paths that could be pure dps. Shinobi and Doppel for example. Heck if your tiny mind can’t comprehend that Doppel sacrifices defense for damage and still consider it a tank something is wrong with you. We would gladly sacrifice some of our hp if it meant more damage. That is what balancing is all about! Ofcourse we should not have the same hp as mages and archers as we are melee and do not have the ability to kite as they do.

At the moment swordsmen are crap both in pvp in pve. Only a few builds are viable in one area. If you are happy with that than they might as well remove Shinobi (Something close to an assassin but does not deliver. Actually you keep mentioning assassin, it does exist here in the form of shinobi. Minor difference), Doppel, Fencer, Dragoon, heck any class that has damage skills. We should all be Pelt and Rodorelo with your logic as it is a waste to even invest in damage.

Balancing involves tweaks. If they tweak our damage and utility then we should nerf other areas. BUT at the moment it is clear swordsmen needs buffs, same as cBT when archers were crap and needed buffs. Buffs in both pvp and pve till we are COMPETITIVE enough. We arent asking to be the best class. I hope your brain can process this IDEA.


o.o shots fired waiting for jack to kickass!

jack is jack and tank is tank just leave it be because it is what it is rofl

just play jack because he can do it all so much flexibility he cant even think right~

What was my old saying again? Oh yeah. Go play the other classes and find your class. You are not swordsmen. ~

I love playing sword actual sword not dagger

If ranger class can 2handed sword then im sure as hell gonna play that

Im not playing swordman for tank i play it for sword and expected it be at least decent not crap