Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestions to make game more enjoyable (aka copy Maple Story)

I do not find the Search useful, perhaps you have better experience. I often join a party, but don’t know where they are. The nearby party bar on the left side does not allow me to request for party, which is sad. And worse, there was the party bug, which you cannot even create a party. Maybe things change, you want to share your experience?

[quote=“Sixaxis, post:12, topic:126133”]Almost all Quests, both Main and Side, can be shared so that the whole party within the area can complete them together. I duo’d an entire map from start to finish with someone who only spoke Korean (While I said nothing at all) thanks to the kills and objectives being shared.

Is this from the new patch? The time we where playing, quest line boss instance cannot be warp if you have not completed the previous story quest.

I level without doing any story quest, and every time my party member has the quest, I cannot enter. However, if I completed the quest before, I can get into the boss instance. Therefore, our previous experience is, you cannot share quest that you have not fulfill the quest requirement.

It’s not really useful for me on that server (Since pretty much all the parties are Koreans, along with the party names/descriptions). The map indicator/positioning was fixed though so you can see their map locations now along with which channel they’re on, and the party creation bug did exist at the start but supposedly they fixed it too.

Yeah the Main (Orange) Quests where you didn’t finish the prerequisite one can’t be completed for the person who skipped them, and the same goes with Side (Blue) Quests that are outside of the level-range of picking them up (Which is 10~15 levels below the map level), but the person with the Quest can still be assisted in most cases (Not in cases where use of a Quest Item/action to affect the mobs/environment is needed, and the others don’t have it).

It’s toggled On/Off through the Quest UI:

They might have planned to remove party numbers on screen, I’m not sure soon. Most of the issues are due to latency, for example, attack speed never worked for us but works on kOBT.[quote=“II_JoJo_II, post:8, topic:126133”]
Sorry for the long post, but people who played before bigbang will undertand how special this game ^^
[/quote]Yes that was special, and it was hell killing Zakum the first time as well xD

They’ve been going on about how we aren’t playing separate characters, but that the characters are different parts of our single personalities, hence the whole “Team” and Lodge-concepts in the first place. Yet…there has been no connection there so far besides staying in same party when switching (actually it even lacks the obvious shared storage that most of us simply assumed was already a thing until we tried to make a second character just to find the storage empty LOL).

So some kind of bonuses that pile up for the whole Team as you level different characters sound like a fun idea IMO. But it has to be thought through and not too fancy (otherwise I can already hear some ppl cry “p2w!” since you can buy more character slots lol…). I’m thinking of a minor EXP-boost for your other characters everytime you reach some point with one (not serious example: character2 reaches lv170, all your other characters higher than this one get 5% bonus-EXP)…

Grind needs to become a perfectly legit option to the point where one might easily decide to go a pure grind route…rather than grind not even being a shitty alternative to doing quests LOL (and the solution isn’t nerfing quests, it’s buffing mob exp and scaling thereof, along with more interesting respawn and mob numbers of course)

And oh yes, grind needs to feel fun, instead of an unbearable chore.

I like the example of stuff happening eveytime you kill enough mobs. Like if every 100 mobs of the same type you kill, spawned one with 50x as much hp and 100x as much exp, and some other number for one with higher rare drop chance etc… bonuses for grinding and things that make it feel more rewarding, there is lots of ways…

Sure, but it should manifest in different ways so it’s really not all classes being like highlander/barbarians (not a full solution for archers, but a maybe too complicated unnecesary, yet interesting twist would be if their shots would deal 50% damage on everything on the sides of the path towards the mnster thats being shot at). The devs expressed many times they imagined TOS as an auto-attack-focused game…but they haven’t given us enough ways to make auto-attacking interesting, while giving us tons of skills instead, which are quite superior most of the time to the point where you’d rather simply wait for sp regen and cooldown to finish instead of auto-attacking meanwhile.

(also, with that “this is gonna be an auto-attack-focused game”-goal, I would have made most current damaging skills be buffs… say Ice bolt being a buff that changes your next 10 auto-attacks to be boosted and ice elemental etc… which would also be interesting if you could use it on partymembers etc…)

Interesting points.

Oh and I just remembered one idea… what if exploring maps would also give EXP? ;O
(and then have some hard to explore place that gives more explroation-exp, like a big dangerous maze or whatever)

Also, I don’t know maplestory, but the pics you posted remind me of that short-lived Ragnarok-Battle-Offline game that was a sidescrolling hack and slash game and it was fun as heck xD

I’m really trying my best to read this topic, seriously haha, but it seems to never end xD

Anyway, what i read seems reasonable, i want to finish it sometime, i hope some staff reads this post

(I think they just throw a dice and decide wich topics to read based on the results, seriously, it’s completely random)

I know this is just an example, but I guess due to the nature (or slowness) of the game, this maybe difficult. This is a good idea though. Another alternative is to have elemental damage, which is also discussed on the other thread you created:

May need more refinement, but regardless, I find the game reduced a lot of scope as compare to Ragnarok. I enjoy Archer capable of having different elemental arrows for making adjustment.

Yes, auto attacking is not interesting at all, and odd for classes like wizard/cleric imo… players get bored, doing the same thing over and over, no fancy animations, bonus, combos or anything
Maybe you can think that giving good spammable skills is a bad idea for balance or something like this, but the main point is to make grinding fun (you can make more balanced changing other aspects as exp rate, rework AA/skills for pvp, etc)

With some spammable skills, crowded maps/fast respawn and reducing cooldown on potions (or mana comsuption), make the monsters harder (especially the dumb bosses), players will enjoy more this game when grinding
as op said

No worry, you can just limit the amount of bonuses on a team, for example you can play 10 characters, but can only choose 5 of them to give the team bonuses. You can play more than 5 to get different kind of bonuses, but you have to choose what suit your ultimate main character best.

[quote=“Charon, post:16, topic:126133”]
The devs expressed many times they imagined TOS as an auto-attack-focused game…but they haven’t given us enough ways to make auto-attacking interesting, while giving us tons of skills instead, which are quite superior most of the time to the point where you’d rather simply wait for sp regen and cooldown to finish instead of auto-attacking meanwhile.

[/quote]You know what is nice about MS? Auto attack is a good form of AOE for some classes too lol.

You can swing your 2h weapon (sword, spear, poleaxe etc) for goodd AOE attack (like our barbarian) and they have passives/skills that can reinforce that type of attack, such as:

  • Final attack: on every attack you have 70% chance to inflict an additional attack on target
  • Shadow clone: summon a shadow on your side, every time you attack the shadow attack as well, dealing 70% of your damage (we already have this before I think, on barbarian aggressor or something that got removed)
  • Combo attack: every third consecutive attack performs a special move, dealing 120% damage

Plain attack is dull and boring

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  1. Make Party play more rewarding
    Peoples don’t party a lot simply because solo or group of 2-3 is more efficient that a group of 5 players.
    Make it no range limit to share exp over the map, so peoples can split and farm in 2 groups.
    Make it no aggro limit (or higher aggro in 3 stars map) and no limit of chasing range, so we can pull more and kill more.
    Make silvers drop also higher to scale with group size, else it only 1/5 with loot rotation compare to normal.
    The recent patch of party level limit is good change, keep the good job.
    Party random event, like Army of Popolions trying to invade, or a Boss suddenly awake.
    Make Boss AI smarter to avoid/nullify ground magic, move faster, response faster, auto attack the higher dmg dealer, and inflict more negative status.

  2. Make Itemization more choice and creative
    Refer Diablo2, RO and Path of Exile, look at the weapon feature and gems/runes that give different combinations.
    I know this is AutoAttack of Saviors, but autoattack without modifiers is just dumb.
    For wizard, dev can add a offhand weapon like Orb to modify autoattack or even skills.
    Same for Archer to have Arrow Quiver. Eg: Shoot a lightning bolt, which is good for Cryomancer, or Piercing energy bolt which is good for linker.

  3. Quest rewards point / Class Quest
    Since this is Class-based MMORPG, i think each Master NPC should give random/repeatable quest to earn some points along their journey.
    eg: Using xxx skill to kill 50 enemies.
    Then these collected points will able to redeem class specific item like gem, weapon/armor/accessory recipe, or even headgear.

This brings back memories of my Aspd-dagger Shadow Chaser with Duple Light and Lord of Vermillion-Shadowspell. * - * Or linked double Bolt Hindsight Aspd Sorcerer throwing nevernending amounts of Elemental Bolts on the monsters lol. Good old times…


This’s deserve more like.

Too late and they never listen anyway…
Waiting for Project R2 with ToS theme & RO play style

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I’ve MapleStory (Global and Europe) for more than 9 years and I see some of your points there, but in Tree of Savior monsters can’t spawn immediatelly for the reason you need/can rest, set camps, dining tables, etc.
And yes, at the end MapleStory just made all classes OP and other games (Wonderking, Wind Slayer, Wind Slayer 2) like it has failed 'cause they have tried to find a legitimate balance , a set of perfect items can cost up to $2500.00 or more (referring to Bera Server) and new players are practically the puppets or jesters of funded players. Totally Pay to Win: They entertain new unfunded players to stay in the game, and at the same time funded players stay in the game 'cause they see “a lot of people” (referring to Bera Server).

What I like from this game, and goes hugely against your points is that Tree of Savior has Social Classes (Offensive, Defensive, Support, Social) whitch MapleStory doesn’t.

I think this game is owned by Nexon, and that’s pretty bad news for us all.

I don’t think it’s against any of my points. You can have social classes that can mob well, I don’t see how those 2 are mutual exclusive. It’s like having Heal that can damage mob like Bishop in MS or Cleric in TOS

About making of ToS a MapleStory…


I mean, MapleStory isn’t even close to a model of what a game should be based on. To be honest, what keeps MapleStory alive is the amount of content being released, always in small periods of time. To be honest, this is what keeps most games alive today: as long as you get an nice Endgame, with tons of stuff to do, and fun Early/Mids, there’ll be people playing.

Optional content, lack of restrictions (which gives you flexibility to grow as you wish) and constant updates are the key to it.

This is something Maplestory has, and a few other [successful :fireworks:] games out there.

But, please, never compare anything to MapleStory trying to find a good thing out of it.

##~That game is horrid.~

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Well Another reason is that it was one of a kind game. Low system requirements, and 2D gameplay makes it fun to play.

If another game was to create the same thing again, it wouldn’t have a great impact and effect.

It obvious that the boss aspect and end game content of MapleStory is bad, but other aspects is really satisfying (sans the bugs of course) like in the first post.

I’m not saying make TOS the second MS, but to copy the satisfying aspects that MS has.

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When I read the part about boss spraying bullets
YES WHY DID THEY GIVE BOSSES BULLET HELL it makes zero sense when theh start shooting fps killer bullets out of the bosses’ seizure mode

Removed that LOOOOOOOOONNNGG ago.

Bulet hells are fun~
But they’re a stupid mechanic if you just want to raid a boss.

Like bulltet hells of wildstar… made me quit…

Random bullets killing mates… run is doomed.