Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestions to make game more enjoyable (aka copy Maple Story)

  1. Make Party play more rewarding
    Peoples don’t party a lot simply because solo or group of 2-3 is more efficient that a group of 5 players.
    Make it no range limit to share exp over the map, so peoples can split and farm in 2 groups.
    Make it no aggro limit (or higher aggro in 3 stars map) and no limit of chasing range, so we can pull more and kill more.
    Make silvers drop also higher to scale with group size, else it only 1/5 with loot rotation compare to normal.
    The recent patch of party level limit is good change, keep the good job.
    Party random event, like Army of Popolions trying to invade, or a Boss suddenly awake.
    Make Boss AI smarter to avoid/nullify ground magic, move faster, response faster, auto attack the higher dmg dealer, and inflict more negative status.

  2. Make Itemization more choice and creative
    Refer Diablo2, RO and Path of Exile, look at the weapon feature and gems/runes that give different combinations.
    I know this is AutoAttack of Saviors, but autoattack without modifiers is just dumb.
    For wizard, dev can add a offhand weapon like Orb to modify autoattack or even skills.
    Same for Archer to have Arrow Quiver. Eg: Shoot a lightning bolt, which is good for Cryomancer, or Piercing energy bolt which is good for linker.

  3. Quest rewards point / Class Quest
    Since this is Class-based MMORPG, i think each Master NPC should give random/repeatable quest to earn some points along their journey.
    eg: Using xxx skill to kill 50 enemies.
    Then these collected points will able to redeem class specific item like gem, weapon/armor/accessory recipe, or even headgear.

This brings back memories of my Aspd-dagger Shadow Chaser with Duple Light and Lord of Vermillion-Shadowspell. * - * Or linked double Bolt Hindsight Aspd Sorcerer throwing nevernending amounts of Elemental Bolts on the monsters lol. Good old times…


This’s deserve more like.

Too late and they never listen anyway…
Waiting for Project R2 with ToS theme & RO play style

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I’ve MapleStory (Global and Europe) for more than 9 years and I see some of your points there, but in Tree of Savior monsters can’t spawn immediatelly for the reason you need/can rest, set camps, dining tables, etc.
And yes, at the end MapleStory just made all classes OP and other games (Wonderking, Wind Slayer, Wind Slayer 2) like it has failed 'cause they have tried to find a legitimate balance , a set of perfect items can cost up to $2500.00 or more (referring to Bera Server) and new players are practically the puppets or jesters of funded players. Totally Pay to Win: They entertain new unfunded players to stay in the game, and at the same time funded players stay in the game 'cause they see “a lot of people” (referring to Bera Server).

What I like from this game, and goes hugely against your points is that Tree of Savior has Social Classes (Offensive, Defensive, Support, Social) whitch MapleStory doesn’t.

I think this game is owned by Nexon, and that’s pretty bad news for us all.

I don’t think it’s against any of my points. You can have social classes that can mob well, I don’t see how those 2 are mutual exclusive. It’s like having Heal that can damage mob like Bishop in MS or Cleric in TOS

About making of ToS a MapleStory…


I mean, MapleStory isn’t even close to a model of what a game should be based on. To be honest, what keeps MapleStory alive is the amount of content being released, always in small periods of time. To be honest, this is what keeps most games alive today: as long as you get an nice Endgame, with tons of stuff to do, and fun Early/Mids, there’ll be people playing.

Optional content, lack of restrictions (which gives you flexibility to grow as you wish) and constant updates are the key to it.

This is something Maplestory has, and a few other [successful :fireworks:] games out there.

But, please, never compare anything to MapleStory trying to find a good thing out of it.

##~That game is horrid.~

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Well Another reason is that it was one of a kind game. Low system requirements, and 2D gameplay makes it fun to play.

If another game was to create the same thing again, it wouldn’t have a great impact and effect.

It obvious that the boss aspect and end game content of MapleStory is bad, but other aspects is really satisfying (sans the bugs of course) like in the first post.

I’m not saying make TOS the second MS, but to copy the satisfying aspects that MS has.

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When I read the part about boss spraying bullets
YES WHY DID THEY GIVE BOSSES BULLET HELL it makes zero sense when theh start shooting fps killer bullets out of the bosses’ seizure mode

Removed that LOOOOOOOOONNNGG ago.

Bulet hells are fun~
But they’re a stupid mechanic if you just want to raid a boss.

Like bulltet hells of wildstar… made me quit…

Random bullets killing mates… run is doomed.

Wait bullet hell is removed? I really hope it is, it just looks plain stupid for to go seizure mode and spray some balls out of nothing

It is removed, not because of design purpose, but because bullet hell crashed everyone left and right on boss runs. If that didn’t crash players, I don’t think it would have been removed

That because the developers forgot that they must not divide by 0 (Probably).