Tree of Savior Forum

Stay away from map exits when trying to upgrade equipment

excuse me but duh anyone who’s dumb enough to do this is seriously not paying attention lol

im not whiteknighting or anything but this really isn’t IMC’s fault rather
(Earthshaker voice)->“it was you’re own damn fault”

next time check you’re backpack when you do something, for this case once you click “OK” after the warning message and the anvil pops out you’ll notice that you’re silver was thrown down the sink which is obviously irreversible., just my two cents.


But this doesn’t apply to mine wherein the golden anvil consumed the anvil + the silver + the weapon itself.

:joy: nowhere in my post i mentioned you.

Relax, yours is a different story.

Your logic is non-existent, sorry. Just because you say you are not white knighting doesn’t mean you’re not white knighting. I defend this game on a regular bases, but there is no way this would/should be expected or intended behavior. It is what it is, the 250K will not break me, but it is still a setback. Good day Mr. White Knight.

Just so you know you’ll lose your silvers once the anvil pops beside you after you agreed enhancing an equipment and that process is irreversible unless you do some exploits a.k.a. Server rese… I mean rollback rofl

Sure man, whatever floats your boat~

Hue Hue Hue

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So once people get +10 with 0 potential they should stop using golden anvil until a fix?
I have a +14 trinity sword don’t want to destroy it.

You’ll still can, but dont expect IMC to fix their own mess once sh*t happens

You’ve been playing ToS long enough to know that it’s a bad idea to do that… You think they’d patch let alone test a problem that obscure… Lol

IMC has responded:

Thank you for contacting support team.

We do understand your situation. However, we regret to inform you that there is no possible option to retrieve your lost anvil and silver after teleport to other map. We highly advice to please careful next time in enhancing an item to avoid this kind of incidence.

If you have further concerns do not hesitate contact us again.

Thank you.
Tree of Savior Support Team

I assumed this would be their response (if they gave a response), but still hoped for more from them. Can we at least fix this bug please then? It is not expected in these types of games that a player will lose any money on a consumable until AFTER that thing is consumed. Let me repeat, I did not use the anvil to either succeed or fail (it’s from +4 to +5 anyway, so that should be 100%), the anvil simply disappeared. How would you ever not account for that in your programming? Did you simply program to see whether the menu closed without the player cancelling? Why would you possibly take silver from a player prior to hitting the anvil? Really disappointed here boys…

I love it when white knights start bashing IMC


Hey this is why I find it funny people say I’m a basher. I defend IMC all the time, I just think this is different. I’m leaving this thread at that and moving on. The 250K doesn’t make me broke. I just honestly am disappointed with IMC on this bug. I gave them too much credit on this particular issue. Money should not disappear until you destroy the consumable object. :relieved:

hahhaha, very resilient eh, alyosha

most people turn from whiteknight and join huehuehue doom sayer coz IMC betrayed our trust too many times and too often

you only be so much hate if you have so much love in first place…

i love TOS, but i hate how TOS turning into …
day by day… TOS drifting away from what most people thought it was…


You will soon turn to the dark side…only matter of time…before even the most resilient turn into huehuehue doom sayer



one of the reason why i frequent this forum

to see whiteknight changes side…



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