Tree of Savior Forum

Until hackers and abusers get banned, new players will not join


I’m here and i’m new LOL Just join the game last week :wink:


Until there is a large abundance of lolis, new players will not join.


You can’t stop the newbies OP. Just like IMC can’t stop the bots.


you dont see all those posts imc devs put up with a list of banned people? god people liek you are so toxic and obviously dont use the senses god has given you.

u have eyes, use it.

imc, dont worry about these people, we all know ur trying, SOME PEOPLE (not pointing) dont know how to read to tell that there was litterally jsut a ban wave a few days ago.

Don’t listen to OP. They just like drama, not even gaming.

There are new players joining . But they are being pissed off.if it is too much already. Like my new friend she just joined last week. And a week has passed. Why still cant she trade??? She is already 70. Bug again? She is really pissed off right now. Might quit though. I hope not.

you know steam new policy making new registered steam account buying something >= $5 also a reason why no new player can play this game.

i wish i could say that i am surprised that it has taking ppl so long to understand the fail imc was. High hopes last a long time for some people.

sadly when i quit months ago. i knew that i was wasting weeks of my time ALREADY into a game that wasnt going to have a good outcome. I knew from day 1-2-3 that imc was going to have problems.

It makes me sad (sorta) that some ppl are willing to last longer than what i lasted. It was always blatantly apparent. some ppl like the abuse more than others i guess.

Another crap post.I’ve never wanted a forum I was active in to have thread creation limits so badly.


That was the biggest load of crap. You just spewed a bunch of; O woe is me, how much I loved ToS but I’m gone yet others still play, I don’t know how anyone could like this game. Yet I’ll sit here on the forums spewing out the same garbage 3 years from now, oh woe is me.

Edit: Not trying to be a d’ck man, but move the f’ck on bro.


i still have hopes for the game. so i watch their news section, read their patch logs, and pay attention to what they players are saying… they say the same stuff they said since closed beta. I still visit and am one of the most active forum participants of a game i played 15 years ago for 7+ years. and havent touched it for a good 8 years.

moving on isnt a must

[quote=“renanforsaken2, post:1, topic:319038, full:true”]
Until hackers and abusers get banned, new players will not join[/quote]
Do you know every single person who wants to join TOS personally how how can you be so sure about that?
Or just, out of frustration, another baseless threat with another clickbaity title?

But seriously, i think many people would be taken much more seriously, also by IMC, if they stopped making sh*t up and stopped behaving like immature children. There are better ways how one should handle these problems.
And seeing how many attention-needy imbeciles are spamming useless “notice me, notice me, FCK U IMC lawl”-topics every day on this forum i understand why IMC community managers and those responsible for developing iTOS might not have any motivation to actually do anything.

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I think the OP got wrecked by somebody with a +15 weapon haha

Now he’s crying.

rather than all the people who seem like bots at early levels, the party quest bug is what really kills the popularity

as for hackers/exploiters, previous game i played hundreds of hours in had them too and they were never banned. they accrued so much wealth from an exploit that they still owned the market years after the fact. neverwinter devs just made that game more player unfriendly until it was basically a p2p game anyways since everything f2p was more of a job than a real job.

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All I am saying; Is simply because you’re unhappy with the state of the game, it does not mean others are dumbed down for enjoying it. I can see it’s faults very clearly, but I am willing to shift through them because I also see the positives. Most of said problems also do not bother me. It’s one thing to dislike something, that’s perfectly fine. It’s a whole nother to tell others they shouldn’t like it because you don’t. :slight_smile:

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I saw alot of fun in this game from the first day I join it( last week :joy:)
1 the game graphics is amazing and very attractive
2 the trading is going very smoothly and people always have a nice attitude with traders(from my pov)
3 the guild system are great, i just join a guild and the GM always be nice and polite with me srsly people in game are very cute,unlike rude kids in other RPG I played
4 the topic always make me laugh, even those rage topics too. I know that people who love the game so much is the one who rags the most :joy:
Anyways that’s just my pov, what do you think?
Edit: every game online have hackers and exploiters, you can’t stop them you’ll have to find away to deal with them and that’s what IMC( I don’t remember their name) tried to do. Facing the truth that a game full of hackers and exploiters will die is just a matter of time but hey it’s still here and I’m still having fun so meh who’s care :joy:

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Hmm. It is been a while actually since the Last time I encountered a high level cleric with arde dagger in ponytail hairstyle roaming around in lower level dungeons than them. I always report it. Obvios bot

I am sure those bots came from one source only. That bot silver seller in klapedia. I am sure its minions will be back again. Just ban them instant imc.good job