Tree of Savior Forum

IMC, sell us Level 100 Character Boost!

I like this idea, for new players especially. I’ve always felt like the first time you really get to experience the team play and see some other cool classes is the 90dg. A lot of the game design shows itself by this point and different types of content become available (missions @ 100, dungeons every 15 levels, etc).

You have a lot more to keep players interested instead of hitting them with a long trek of linear, generic questing with simple skills right at the start. A lot of new players never make it to the 90dg because of this.

Seems like a good compromise to circle resets, and lv100 may be minor to most of the people still playing this game, but it is a lot to players who only play a few hours a week. More money for the game is never a bad thing either. profit = attention.

Arguably the best suggestion I have ever seen. Though, I would add that they should come up with 2 character boosts, a lvl 100 character at minimal cost, and a 200 character at a greater cost!! I would so buy the 200 for like 10 characters which means alot of money for IMC. hope you are reading this IMC

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That would make this game too casual.
I love using the word casual.
Casual. Don’t play this game if you’re a casual. This game is for hard core players only, noob casual.

Or they could change the amount of experience cards quests give. Change it so that every single quest gives at least 3 cards so you can skip sidequests for the Klaipeda or Orsha side. You could get 15 cards just from a repeatable.

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Please leave. :frowning:

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Lol I can do 1-100 in an 8 hour day. The only major reason I am against this is because the P2W threads would be so unreal. I wouldn’t purchase it anyways as I said; it literally takes 0 time to get to 100, and I generally skip most quest. I just do explorations and all the hunts starting at lv3 cards. shrug

So where is the x8 EXP tome. I want it now

I was going to mention that… We got x8 tomes coming already. A lodge bonus. And all those grind dungeons. Grab a couple friends that also want to level some new classes and you got yourself a party. And the guy that works 50 hours a week with kids can just pop tomes.

in IMC’s Granado Espada, there similar items that skipped levels or get 1,000,000+ EXP levels but they are given in events, usually returning players events, those accounts that were inactive for a very long time.

Please sell everything in TP shop too.
Better weaps, better gears, better costume enchants.
Give us Namanama, with 3x more firing power than Manamana.
I will buy!
Give us Ultimate Tripetamion, 100 bonus stats each.
Give us Troll Bracelet, +10000 crit, +500000 HP, +1000000000 Def/Mdef, +888888888 Atk/Matk, +999999999 Evasion, Free resurrection upon death…

Make the game P2W. IMC can use ToS as a mega cash cow and fund it’s next legendary MMO.

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pretty p2w if i do say so myself

you get to lvl 100 and u still have the few hundred of exp cards from level 1-100 maps, so at the exp curve u can use those cards and skip a bunch of levels and pretty much skip the grind walls

i prefer a lv150 to lv250 boost.

this things wouldnt work though…

since there are multiple job level in between, and u need to do quest for it.

so mechanically, there need to be ALOT of fixing for this to work.

Welp, if they make this thing, Ill have to join the dark side and actually agree with @IMCisGreedy name.

Well, at least I can’t put the “not this ■■■■ again” image here, because is a new stupid idea…

Thw main question here should be, why someone would want to skip a day of leveling?
To now blame IMC because… Potatoes?

1-100 took max 2 days.(Maybe less)

make it three level 280 characters

How about a item just make your char lvl 100, class still lvl 1 rank 1 ?

I wouldn’t buy this just because I can personally get my characters lvl 100 after a few hours of game time.