Tree of Savior Forum

Status Update on iTOS

Greetings, Saviors

Just wanted to say hello as this is my first post on the forums and repost the notice on the front page (Link : on general discussion to make sure everyone got a chance to read it. I will be working in collaboration with Staff_John to try and address your questions and suggestions etc, so please let me know if anything comes to mind and I will try my best to help out. :smile:


Greetings, Saviors

It has been a busy month since our last notice with the launch of Tree of Savior in Korea.
We understand your concerns and curiosity with how the international version is progressing despite Staff_John doing his very best to address and forward your concerns and questions.
Focus is mainly set on working on preparing the international version as we thought that getting TOS to all of you fabulous people a bit sooner would be the best way to repay all the enthusiasm and love that we are receiving.
However, we wholeheartedly agreed that you all really deserved an update on the how the international version is getting along and decided to make a short status update.

  1. International Websites
    -As you may remember, we had a poll(Link : in order to receive feedback on how all of you would prefer the international sites to look like. We are hard at work creating new regional websites based off your feedback and will let you know as soon as the websites are up.

  2. Translation
    -Translation from Korean to English with regards to the UI, quest lines, items, skills etc is progressing at a steady pace. Most of it is already translated and we will do some further polishing once it is complete in order to stay true to the wonderful atmosphere of the original story. You can visit Github (Link : if you want to check out the progression or lend a hand in finishing the translation a bit sooner.

  3. Steam
    -We are currently hard at work with stabilizing the Steam servers for the international version of TOS. As gamers ourselves, we know that crashing and buggy games aren’t fun to play. That’s why we are trying our best to iron out issues with the Steam servers as best we can.

We hope that this short update might satisfy some of the questions and rumors surrounding the international release.
No promises on the release date but we will try our best to get it to you as soon as we realistically can, and are working on trying finding a balance between release date and polish so please bear with us.
Thank you so much for your continued enthusiasm, support, patience and love.

With love,
IMC Staff


Thanks for the update!

Thank you @Staff_Ethan! It is good to see another staff member here in the international community! …and thanks for listening to people’s requests for an update :smiley:

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Cool ! :relaxed:


Pretty much whats been reiterated throughout the forums, but glad to see it one post.

Can’t wait to see the new website.


Well there’s your update ladies and not ladies. Now stop making the same useless dumb threads demanding info and crap.


This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

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welcome to the this party @STAFF_Ethan and I know making a good game isn’t a walk on the park :blush:


just promise us one thing @STAFF_Ethan now that you have shown yourself…

“_ make it last_”

First off, welcome @STAFF_Ethan!! :grin:
Thanks for all the hard work IMC. Also, thanks to @STAFF_John for sacrificing time to forward and consider our suggestions or silly requests. It is greatly appreciated. I’m sure this will put some people at ease, for everyone is hungry for the game to be released in its full glory. I know you guys can do it. Cheers and welcome to the community @STAFF_Ethan ~!:beers::yum:

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Great to get clarification on the rumors.

I hope no one minds me asking but umm can you tell us if you’ll be selling ToS merch for us. Like the same stuff they’re now selling in the bundles in kToS. @STAFF_Ethan

thirst 4 puzzle

(I really want it.)

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Im scared. I want to get off IMC’s wild ride.

At least people will stop whining about iToS updates. Thank you people of IMC.

There is not much concrete information on that post ;(

Only that [quote=“STAFF_Ethan, post:1, topic:136467”]
Most of it is already translated

But i’m happy with this post
I just hope that this won’t be followed by weeks of silence <\3


i consider this post : useless.

but nice to see that there are still some imc’s around


A shed of light… :sparkles:

Our main focus is on getting iTOS ready atm so I can’t offer any concrete answers about the merch, sorry…


Omg!!! Finally something good happened


one comment: remove the number list…actually there are only 3 updates but shown up as 6:sweat_smile:

other than that, finally news!!! welcome @STAFF_Ethan!!!

As much as I would like a semi-confirmed release date, I think this’ll do. I foresee it coming out before the end of summer though. Whatever. I’ll occupy myself with the lovely ladies in Fire Emblem (;

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Whoops… My bad:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Fixed the misleading numbers