Tree of Savior Forum

Status Update on iTOS

Oi, why thanks for the Info!
Happy to see you still care about us :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
and welcome @STAFF_Ethan :blush:!

i hope the next release is an official release rather than just another CBT. it makes no sense for most people who are playing at krToS to return for another CBT.

Are you guys working forward to another iCBt or iOBT/Release?


would be good if we had any info if the next playable itos is open beta, closed beta or the released game :pensive:

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Thanks for the update!! Really appreciate it.

Thank You! I cant wait :slight_smile:

Thank you. Clap Clap Clap. Thatā€™s all I need for the next month.



Ah, the art of saying nothing while saying something. Wonder what tos woulda look like if it didnā€™t rely on text to say anything.


Thank you for an official information post!
Some regular notices are much appreciated even if it is just ā€˜we still need more timeā€™. :relaxed:

Nice and i hope is everything fine and we will looking forward on this. hope IMC will do it better. Good luck IMC GAME!

Iā€™m sure thatā€™s rly all they can say right now and thatā€™s why they didnā€™t say anything beforeā€¦ because there is almost nothing to sayā€¦and I sitll think it had some informationā€¦like it rly shouldnā€™t be that far away now.

Altough @STAFF_Ethan I agree it would be nice to know if we will have another closed beta or an open one or it will be releasedā€¦ or is it undecided yet? X)


You know why I love this post? No bullshit about ā€œour standards should meetā€¦ā€ noā€¦ you are straight forward, you know that the game wont be perfect and so on. I really like this attitude. Being humble and honest is always the best.


very very nice :smiley:
i hope they release it soon

Great news :smiley:
p/s: Happy Lunar New Year everyone :fireworks:


Great :grinning:

Thank you for an official information post!

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You truly canā€™t please everyone.I think some of the answers in this thread proves that.

Iā€™m just glad weā€™re able to read these things from a reliable source so that people can stop speculating.Thatā€™s enough for me as Iā€™m already fine waiting.All the time and effort put in now will be what makes or breaks the international version of ToS.


Wow thanks a lot for the update, itā€™s always really awesome when the dev team keeps in contact as to what is going on so the community is not left in the dust.

Canā€™t wait to play!

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Take the time you need to make the game awesome =).