Tree of Savior Forum

Release date of the International Version

Hey guys how’s it going?

I just can’t help myself but to ask, when will the International Version be released to the public? Been waiting for quite a few months now and by far no news has been released yet.
Getting a little impatient =)


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Play the waiting game~

You joined 10 mins ago.
And lurked since when? Dezember?

People here are around august or earlyer too ^^.


Yet another topic from a person unable to read.

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Come on guys… not seeing posts like these… that would be weird


on planet earth… agree

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“TOS” has three characters “Doritos” has (3 sides 3+3= 6/3 = 2) but you are an impatient one so you are shady soooo ( 2+1 = 3 )

Joking aside its prolly “March-August”

Oh we’re all playing the guessing game? Im in.
Im still sticking to my 3rd March prediction. :smirk:

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It’s august 10!


I have my holiday leave then xD.

TOS = 3 characters = 3 = march
Tree of savior = 12 characters = 12/03/16 open beta international confirmed /_\

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lol haha xD !


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oh my goddess please no D:

I want it to come before summer so I can actually play it xD

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I would guess mid-March to early April for the next phase,whether or not it’s release.

There’s new update on steam guys… 5,8GB

awsome its starting to download something, Hey admin, do you think there will ever be offline version of tree of savior for people like diablo 2? i really like having offline games like digaea and to practice up on skills and look around and such, is there ever going to be a single player button added to the start screen like some other good rpgs so i dont get bored of so many bots lol.

My heart skipped a beat.Updating now.