Tree of Savior Forum

Stat Reset or Delete Account, anyone else feeling same?

60 post in and none of you guys even stated that this is just a game. There’s really no need to rush to be perfect here. To OP, I suggest just stick with that 50 int cryo/chrono and stop being ■■■■■■■ A.D.D about it. This is just a game, 50 int on a MAGE class won’t hurt you that much in the long run. If you really need to satisfy your sickness of being perfect in a grinding game despite being a total noob and free2play, then just reroll or make and alt and wait for the reset pot to come in the future. It will come out eventually especially when R8 is introduced since that will change lots of build and the demand will be high.

Beside, what’s there to hurt of rerolling? You can get +10 newbies stuff for your new char and running the story again will be way different experience than it used to be. Lastly again, this is just a game. Stop treating it like a job, you can always ditch it and come back later.

GC Paladin from Ragnarok Online. INT Swordies exist in some games.

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I’m actually for them fixing the scaling of the game, balancing, making more builds ‘useful’ and giving us the proper stat/skill/attribute information we need to make the RIGHT choices.

I just feel like I don’t have much control over my character build beyond trying stuff and hoping it isn’t too bad by the end.

I grew up when NES was on TV commercials being sold with Mario 1 and duck hunt and have been a gamer ever since, I know all about hardcore, unforgiving and all that. I even played the original Everquest for 3 years.

It’s just that somewhere along the ways I just got tired of “time wasting” game design. I just sorta want to have fun and not have to redo things constantly. I don’t mind rerolling a new char to try something new but if my old chars are being made obsolete / garbage because the company balances things like retards or I thought my build was okay going off of the limited information.

For example: I put all my points in INT and CON and very little SPR and turns out the skill I put 5-10 points into uses SPR and not INT. Now that skill is officially terrible. I couldn’t have known because the game isn’t telling me this information.

I also don’t know how strong my skill is going to be at 5-10. In fact the scaling of the whole game is really retarded and off. I made a huge post talking about this awhile back I think everyone has seen it already. The forums are lagging like hell and I can’t go find it cuz of this reason.

I want to be able to feel like I have more control over my character and build rather than just “trying things out and rerolling”. I just… grew out of the hardcore mentality where I use copious amounts of time redoing things over and over again. Because, in my mind, if I have to delete a character that means that I have officially wasted however many hours of my time I put into that character and that thought is super depressing for me.


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So long as I’m playing this cutie with the scary face on her shirt, I’m gonna keep playing Tree of Savior lol.

I don’t like wasting my time with my characters so I do a lot of googling, I read forum posts, I check out people’s builds on that website where people list their builds, I read stat/ability information. I setup some minor code in Linqpad to automatically calculate stat and ability math for me (It’s not an add-on to the game, just separate software that works like a calculator for me).

I just wish I didn’t have to go through all these extra steps but oh well. I hope people understand before getting into Tree of Savior that they should do research if they don’t want waste their time with their character builds. But I still wish “Trial and Error” game design was changed.

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IF we dont have stats and class rank reset then:

*Each time a major patch changes stuffs then start over (like the blessing scaling with spr and int now. LOL for some builds).

*Each time we have more classes or when they launch R8 start over.

That aside the game have a “very good” information about the skills.
Well IF we had indeed information and had not to try out, If the skills were already balanced well enough, if we didnt had soo many buggs, yeah i think we could live without a reset. However if you dont have too much time to start over and over and over…(yeah some people work and have social lives) then i think they would love to pay instead.
OBS: some casual players (cant play more then 90min a day for instance) dont mind putting a LOT of money in a game they like…

With the state of this game and how skills down right dont work or are just broken, IMC needs to give out class resets with major patches.

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Tell that to the people who had to take unwanted class just to be able to play. Or soo many others that didnt take a very specific class (like pelt c1) and cannot enter in any party now. There are some classes that today are worthless but its just rebalance issue. Then once they change/rebalance people will have their builds broken. The classes now are too poor made and mostly only a few builds works fine.
Anyways, the fact is: time is money! If you can NOT have enough time to play then pay. There are people who have to pay bills and cant play 10h/day to reroll every time.
Finally its the company choice. Just saying that without it they shall lose A LOT of cash people who are WILLING to burn a lot of cash for the game.

My suggestion would be:

  • Automatic and necessary stat reset. At level 120/150(More or less the half of the current max leveled characters)

  • Should be done with ONE stat reset potion. Quest item that you obtain from a boss fight. [Rexipher would be a good place too.]

When dropping 100 hours into a character that will be regarded as useless.
In a time where MMOs should be a little more forgiving than in the past.
In an MMO that is shaky with problems and plagued with people whining.

Seems only fair to compensate those whose suffering is real, about a real mistake, and something that can be fixed by just showing how their dedication is supported.

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Whatever you wrote i DON’T CARE. The fact is: you defend no need while I vote for “Its a must”. We can keep arguing untill the end of time. WASTE OF TIME. Anyways, in the end its the company choice. They have the data to analize whats hapenning, who are leaving, what are the most important problems, who gives more money and so on. I only hope this great game dont die too soon like some others.

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Yeah, yeah… ok, haukinyau, you are right and im wrong. No matter if the game dont have the right information about skills or later patchs brings rebalancing that break builds or they add new classes or R8. Let us all reroll each and every time, waste a lot time and be happy. Every one have 10h/day to play and remake chars. WHO dont: “Just su!c!de” or quit. THE END.
OBS: i have been reading this post since its beginning but whatever.

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OR use only the most future-proof classes (like wiz3 -> ele3, cryo3, linker, ranger3) and hope for the best.

OR just wait til they release all 10 ranks or so. Noone is forcing you to spend your precious free time playing this unfunished game.