Tree of Savior Forum

Stat Reset or Delete Account, anyone else feeling same?

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but Max, Haukinyau thinks the op should kill himself:

Because if people don’t want to waste ridiculous amounts of time out of their life rerolling chars due to trial and error game design, they should just suicide LOLOLOLOL!!!111111


Maybe a fee status reset pre (insert level here, eg 99).

in ktos there are few event that give players free reset stat scroll , 50 int isnt affect your play experience that much to be honest , just keep playing or wait until there an event like i mentioned :smiley:

Just keep playing and once a reset is available use it. Its not like those 50 int being in con or spr would drastically change your gameplay as full support.

You’re over exaggerating your problem and you for some reason cant accept things in life and just move on. You should be able to do just fine unless your mind if just too weak to handle this. If that 50 INT is what makes you forget to recast your buffs and makes you die constantly this game might not be for you anyways.


Twenty characters.

Delete the whole game and then delete yourself too

Holyfck man, he just messed whit stat allocation dont need to be so harsh.

You say you screwed your build by putting 50 pts in INT, yet you don’t say what is your build but still have time to complain and threaten to quit ?

I don’t know dude but that’s kinda wrong to complain without explaining what is really your problem.

Depending of your class, those pts aren’t wasted unless you were enough dumb to give INT to a swordman class ? If yes, I’m sorry but I can’t empathy with you there…

1,245 hrs on record
last played on 7 Jun

i have a 267 character another 247, a 206 and a 126, my 267 is USELESS, i started playing with founders pack, i played almost every single day, i have almost all good items in this game already, over 300 days of token active, a lot of silver and no reset potions left on this account, and i would never ASK for a ■■■■■■■ stat reset potion, its just not right, create another character if you are not happy and deal with it… 4 f sake

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are you saying his a spoiled brat?

@pareidoliatechno dude dont listen to that guy. just delete the whole game and move on with your life. you have the right attitude for success in life.


so go and delete it

I actually wasnt thinking him being a spoiled brat but its very possible.

I’m not sure I like the idea of stat resets being available in the TP shop,
but could enjoy them being a part of rare events, like in kr or w/e
The problem is with how slowly itos is progressing, we won’t be getting events any time soon I’d assume.

I know you don't care for advice on your build (kinda silly if that's what got you to this predicament in the first place) but as someone with a cryo/chrono I have to say that 50 int into cryo/chrono build is such a non-issue unless you are min/maxing for PvP/Earth Tower. Dump the rest into con, and bam no one in any pve grinding/WB party will notice or care.

You’re only there to buff & cc. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

No, they are certanly not need, be casual/f2p is no excuse to not search info about it in the net!

There thousends threads in this forum with build help, descrition whats good and not and etc. 1~5 of 200hrs you played would be enought to search something here. You are just lazy.

There not a lot o MMOs with complex point invest system with skill points out there,.

Should not put anything and searched info about then, that was your first mistake, second one not search builds/ask help in forum. Cause u obviosly did not. Third there chats about the game with hundred’s people…could not ask then!?

Now you want reset potion to fix your multiple mistake’s? dude just quit already or be a reasonable person and reroll.

ps: english not my main language.

Builds with stats point reset:

Put all points into X stat for leveling easily then reset and change to Y when reach lvl Z, because you’re not using M skill anymore.

All PVP Builds:
Do a PVE build for leveling then changes to PVP.

Job reset:
Be a good class to lvl up then changes to the woodpeaker c3 oracle c2 or be whatever you want for today.

Only no life kids think it’s a problem have stats reset potions selling through TP, imc can make a good revenue on this and keep the game alive i’m all in for it, although i don’t need it at the moment , everything you need to know should be capable to learn playing the game itself but some flaws of design prevent it from happen, add problems in balance with classes to be viable at end game and you have a mess


If all it takes is one pooched build to defeat you - this probably is not the game for you. This isn’t a game you just casually play around with builds and specs in - a lot of the fun and fulfillment that many players (especially the RO vets) will get is from the theorycrafting of the builds and seeing them come to fruition. It’s not like Diablo 3 where you can just pick a class and then willy-nilly play the game and expect to come out on top.

That said, I’m not against stat or circle resets if they decide to add them into the game in some form. I’m not going to quit or grand-stand about quitting just because they haven’t added them yet (and may never).

Gotta have thicker skin to play a game like ToS or RO.

Depends on why the player made a bad decision with his or her character. If it’s because you are forced to datamine and rely on outside websites to tell you basic information such as your stats’ effects on abilities, which stats affect which abilities. Because you are required to do calculator math to show you how attributes are affecting your skills. You have to rely on third party websites to tell you basic info such as what the maximum level you can build an attribute.

If he or she made a poor decision because of the lack of information the game gives you about classes/abilities/stats/attributes, then the game is at fault. If the player made a bad decision because he or she was trying something crazy that didn’t make sense the it’s on the player.

Gonna restate that “Trial and Error” is no longer good game design. We aren’t on windows 98 and NES anymore, times have changed and people value their time more now than ever because there’s a billion OTHER things they could be doing with their time instead. I want to be able to look at everything available to me IN THE GAME (Not through various google searches) and be able to make a decision.

I always google and use third party sites to help me find information but frankly it’s tiring. Like trying to find out what stat affects a specific skill you gotta sift through google results and try to find what other people have said and then do math and plan. I’m pretty good at math personally but in a game I’d prefer the game do the essential math for me and show me the results.

I realize this game attracted a hardcore retro gamer fanbase running off nostalgia fumes but if you can try to see things from a bigger picture: All this does is make everyone have to google and research before building any chars and eventually all the details will have been posted on websites anyways so it ends up becoming a tedious waste of time for players as the game ages (The, “Why reinvent the wheel” ideology. People have already posted successful builds, why should I waste my time being creative when I come mess up?).

tl;dr - nvm, I don’t want people who can’t read replying to me.

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I still am against it at this time.

But Ill say what I said in zips post. I doubt we will never see one. It’ll be too lucrative to milk once cap raises and new classes are released.

So OP save some TP or be ready to spend $5+ USD on it, in the foreseeable future.

look, deleting helps nothing, quitting helps yourself in not wasting more time into this, just freeze your char here until MAYBE they sell the stat reset eventually.

This post looks more like a child’s rant. “cookies or ill screaaaaaam”