Tree of Savior Forum

Dear STAFF, Ban Raging Forum Users

Back to topic: Those are the posts that need to be heavily moderated:

So after all, this isn’t about freedom of speech…


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Even the God used flood to cleans the world from filth. Why cant the forums do the same? Let those people ask PETA to hear their rights.

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Yeah, looks like you think everybody has the self-esteem of Mt. Everest and can withstand trolls like you. But that’s not the case.

Obviously 99.9% of the cases where you tell someone to suicide they won’t, but that one case where it happens (and it does happen) should be worth a lot of time and work to ban ppl who shitpost like you did.

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I kinda understand your attitude, but it doesn’t help the matter. Of course this is only my opinion, but that’s why this thread exists. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and kind of proving my point.

@STAFF_Max, @STAFF_Amy, @STAFF_John, @hkkim I know you guys got other To-Dos on your list, but OP actually has a good point in his request for more moderation and harder sanctions in this forum.

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OMG, when starting to read your post I actually smiled, but right now I think you might really believe you’re right in this discussion? Welp, I guess it’s the mod team’s turn then.

Even if you “excuse” later on you can’t expect me - and everybody else - to magically know that when reading your first post. And on the “out of context” thing: I don’t see where this point is valid because this forum directly links to the context when making a quote. I wasn’t being a pussy and quoting without a link, even knowing that the forum would notify you about being quoted in here.

Anyways, looking at your post history, it seems that you have good days and bad days, but that’s still no justification for telling somebody to suicide.

Looks like today is one of your better days, you put sooo much work into making me look like s*** that I actually believed you for a second. If you’re lucky and they fall for your bluff, the mods will send me a warning… however… that would mean we’re getting at least a little bit of moderation, so I guess that’s a step forward?

Edit: By the way: Any mod reading? I know this is a semi-dangerous-looking thread, but any reaction is better than no reaction.

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Not so much random… You must admit that you did tell someone to suicide. Yes, you gave some excuse after getting a heavy backlash from other guys in that thread, but you did f*** up in the first place.

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You see that little arrow on the top right of the quote area? click it and it shows the whole post. There’s no reason to quote more than I’m actually referring to.

Also, I’m not personally attacking you. My reaction here would have been the same even if gankplank himself showed up and told anyone to suicide. Truth is, I saw your posts earlier and sometimes I liked them, sometimes I thought “that guy is garbish”… This isn’t especially about you, it’s about someone who thinks it’s okay to openly tell ppl to suicide. (And yes, you excused later on… I got that.)

So… I see that you feel like you have to have the last say in this, and I can afford to let you have it. So you are now free to prepare your resumee and try to make me kill myself. Go ahead. Whatever s*** you’re gonna post, you’re not getting a direct response from me. I promise.

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How dare you guys highjack mine and IMCisGreedy’s verbal fisticuffs!


This is where people show they don’t know what freedom of speech is, you can’t yell fire in a crowded movie theatre if there is not one and you can’t call in bomb threats even if there isn’t one. So please try to slow down the ignorant MURICA 1ST Amendment garbage that so many of you are prone to doing. There are limits to speech and in my opinion so many of the people go beyond the pale on the internet because of the sense of anonymity.

The idea you have to make a **** post to get your point across is equivalent to a child acting out because they want attention. You can convey your message without being a deplorable human being, it just takes more effort and apparently that can be a deal breaker for some. The hubris involved in thinking your toxic post was effective at making changes when others posted the same issue without being overly negative and attacking a company who is providing a game to you for free is beyond logic. It’s just self centered delusions of grandeur that feeds into your own agenda of justifying your atrocious behavior.

Long story short, people on the internet need to speak as if they were talking to someone in person and not leaving anonymous graffiti somewhere to get there point across. If people cannot bring themselves to elevate their behavior to something befitting a human being, take away there ability to post. I guarantee there is someone who can bring up a issue in the game without being a **** about it.

Lol, what’s next? Ban the forum white knights?

You are asking for them to silence vocal and repeated complaints for things that are seriously wrong with this game - things that we need to keep complaining about until they’re resolved.

IMC deserves to lose potential players for their poor performance. These forums deserve to be filled with complaints until the problems are solved.

People should be dissuaded from playing. Things are bad.

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This can all be solved by a known issues list. If it is on the list be quiet about it they know.