Tree of Savior Forum

Stat Reset or Delete Account, anyone else feeling same?

I rerolled from lv 100+ over 33 times before finding my perfect class & build. Sure I took short breaks between the time lapse but i didnt btch for resets at all. I worked my @ss off like everyone else who’s legit. Stop crying for attention.

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wow got enough tokens there buddy? no wonder you white knight every post lmao

dont worry guys mark here will fund imcs entire corporation so tree of white knights stays afloat


/Thread & token exploit/ban :joy:

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I made a HLBarbDoppel, stuck at Lv 183 cos of beginner mistakes: full spr, used all exp cards, etc. Then I rerolled into Highlander, used 2 skill resets, aaand I deleted it at Lv 133 cos it was pretty ■■■■ with 15s Skyliner. Then I rolled Cryo3kino3, full con, I’m having tons of fun both PVE and PVP, she’s Lv 204. And I made another, a Pardoner, solid at Lv 177 to sell buffs. And I’m planning to make another one after I reach R7 on my Cryokino, contemplating between a buff slave (Chronomancer or Cleric-something) and a speed monster (Cataphract), deleting my Doppel Lv 183 in the process if I don’t want to pay 33 TP, but Team Levels man, gotta have them exp.

Damn, being casual is so fun.


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so half of the fun of tos is reroll…there you go buddy @pareidoliatechno you can quit the game now, good luck

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I was no trying to bm him just helping the guy with his choice.there’s no point in investing more time in this game if it will stay in the same state for the next months. I agree with him


Hey im gonna make a swordman! it feels like a guy whit a sword hiting melee stuff will go good whit INT!

man… thats more common sense than anything. I hope they dont add stat reset pots, kinda removes the acomplishment of your very unique build and promotes cookie cutter boring stuff.

Good lord, when will half of the elitist player base understand that you don’t want people to quit
Noob or not casual or not. You don’t want people to quit !
And if you don’t understand why, please don’t call people noob because you are the one that does not understand how an mmo survive in the current market.
There is a reason why senior game designer at blizzard change WOW to a casual mmo, and why it’s the only big international mmo left.

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You might not want people to quit, but that does not mean you need to listen to every single wish. Also there might also be people who would quit over resets being available. Don’t want those to quit either.

People won’t quit because of of stat / job /circle / life /universe reset
Because IT DOES NOT impare their gameplay
But the opposit does so PLOX

Err, that’s simply not true.

Yes Delete your account, thank you bye

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wtf are you guys talking about? this guy just want a stat reset potion something that is already a thing in the game but f2p players can’t get access to.
seriously stop with the “this game has no faults” mentality or you will soon find yourself with a small hardcore community to play with


I don’t really mind if they introduced stat reset, but hope the community doesnt shet post about it being a cash item for the rest of the month.

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DELETE IT #deletedeletedeletedelete

I’m feeling the same. Delete it :wink: