Tree of Savior Forum

@Staff_Max, Un-ban me

After the reading the other thread you linked above, I think it could be possible that they banned you to set an example.

The OP was asking if macroing is okay, so the GM probably went in, banned you and logged out right after without even looking at the other characters on the map, just to make a statement.
Just an idea …

And sometimes companies don’t ban obvious RMTers straight away, instead they observe them and their transactions and just do a big banwave a few months later. But too be honest, I’m not sure about that in the case of IMC …

Not all addons are specifically for botting.

The issue really isn’t about that you or anyone used an addon or a macro, it’s how you used them which in this case is technically botting (progressing in-game without human-to-machine/PC interaction).

It’s a botting macro ;/ use common sense pl0x.

Common sense on the internet?!
You must be joking!

Reported you numerous times while I was farming at white grolls. Glad to see you finally banned. Doesn’t matter whether or not momohime gets banned you’re 1 cheater down.

Now that I know you’re related to Tabzy I wouldn’t be surprised to find my suspicion that he/she was botting in dungeon runs true as well. That person was just pathing to the nearest party member and auto attacking the whole time without talking/potting/evading attacks.

Same as botting dude. It is automating your gameplay and that is against the EULA. Sorry for your ban but you should have thought about it first lol

So tired of hearing that it’s the same as botting.

Using a macro that’s “hold S for 15 seconds, wait 15 seconds, repeat” isn’t the same as botting.

Bots are way more sophisticated. You as a player can’t even interrupt one.

You can easily mess with someone using simple macros.

Did the macro run you to the different spots for you or did you manually run to those spots yourself?

The macro doesn’t run to spots. It holds movement keys for a certain amount of seconds.

Bots on the other hand use actual coordinates in games and path to them no matter what.

There’s a big difference there, one being anyone can fsck up the movements of that macro. The other being you can’t stop the bot.

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So the macro is holding your movement keys to automatically move your character for you?

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There is a difference between a macro for small inputs (like, assigning an CTRL+1 key combo to a mouse button) and a macro that fully automizes gameplay for several hours, like your “walk to 4 locations and kill stuff for several hours”.

What you essentially did was botting by using extremely long macros, which is not allowed.
It does not matter if you used a dedicated bot program or a macro, it was still botting, aka using third party programs to highly automate gameplay and playing the game without you doing any input.

I can’t believe people don’t think that’s botting. That’s like saying “I didn’t use an infinite silver glitch. I only interacted to the market place NPC in a way where he won’t take my silver when i buy something”… Different method, same result, not allowed and should be punished.

Your “someone could’ve stopped me”-argument doesn’t work. Taking the market place NPC-exploit example from above, that’s like saying “Well, if they don’t want me to get their items without paying silver for it someone else should just buy the item before i do”.

[quote=“daays, post:1, topic:311546”]
So on one end you have me, a paying customer.[/quote]
Paying does not elevate you above the games rules, so not sure why you brought that point up.

So, if that argument was acceptable, levelbots and powerleveling services should be acceptable aswell? they’re “only affecting myself”.
Speedhacking should be acceptable? Afterall, it’s only affecting you.

Using small macros for convenience is not forbidden. However, macros that highly automate gameplay are forbidden, since essentially it’s just another way of botting…

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If you think that’s botting, you should probably educate yourself some more.

There’s a reason why no one cares about macros like these, as the players themselves can police the person using the macro.

One icewall and I’m pathing in a corner doing nothing.

please continue…


Hope you enjoyed my report.

They policed you in a bit different manner. Enjoy your AIDS.

I will take that as a yes:

Taken from here:

Although your ‘macro’ cannot technically be called an ‘add-on’, you still violated their rules against automating certain actions. IMC felt that the way you were automating your character was in violation of their EULA.

Not sure what the problem is. You were banned. It does not matter how easy it is for someone to mess with you using an icewall or something (?? seriously? Lol)

A rule violation being easily preventable by ingame means does not stop it from being a rule violation. Rule violations should be punished regardless how easy it is for others to prevent them.

Lets apply your logic to other crimes : “Yes, your honor. I did rob that bank. But you shouldn’t punish me. Afterall, every person in that bank couldve easily stopped me.” You see how stupid that logic is?

In your cherry picking you failed to understand the entire point.

There is a blanket statement about 3rd party programs. All of them are banworthy. That means excrulons addons are banworthy. Using macros are banworthy.

Yet, they don’t enforce this, as there are addons that enhance players gameplay without negatively affecting the game.

They’re using their own judgement. Their own discretion.

So now that we’re not using sweeping bans, I have to personally choose who to ban. I have to use my own logic. My own decision making.

So the GM comes out to white grolls, sees me using a simple macro and I get banned. Fine. Done. GG WP rekt.

But then, as the GM is there, testing if I’m a bot, he doesn’t ban another one. Not just another one. On that’s on the leader boards. One everyone playing this game knows is a bot. One you have a database on how many items/silver this person has farmed.

That bot, botting directly in front of the GM the entire team, goes unbanned. The GM didn’t even care.

The whole point of me saying “I’m a paying customer”, isn’t to show that I should be able to get away with it. It’s that, when presented the choice, you choose to ban a person paying you, over banning a person undercutting your profits.

People already find IMC incompetent. Just giving more reasons.

Yes, technically ALL third party programs and addons are not allowed by default, unless there are exceptions stated by the company. And the company already stated that certain addons and macros are allowed, as long as they don’t automate any form of gameplay/give large gameplay advantages or violate other things written in the terms of service.

That’s why cetain addons, like EXP viewers, are allowed. They were not allowed in the beginning, however IMC took a look at it and said “since it’s not giving you any tangible advantage and it does not automate gameplay in any way, it’s allowed”.

On that point i agree with you. Banning you for macrobotting and not banning other bots is unfair, it is not good for the game and they should change that. I fully agree with you on that. All bots should be banned and GMS should NOT ignore other bots.