Tree of Savior Forum

[South America] STEAM X LEVEL UP (poll)

Soon for Brazil we will have a server(apparently local server) separated from Steam community.

  • The game translate will be in portuguese.
  • Lower ping

Where you will play ?

  • Steam

  • Level up

0 voters


steam is one of the best gaming platform that there is, i’ll never understand that choice of IMC

we already had the game being translated to portuguese in git hub project…


I think we can’t now if we gonna play on Steam only because of the ping.
Only after we had any feed on how will be playable is that we can decide that, and of course people will chose Steam if the ping be good, but is very difficult to be good like the servers inside Brazil.

On thing is for certain: I Think those more than 70% of people who chose Steam simple can’t trust on LevelUp when comes to quality of support, secure accounts on the servers and secure the information from the own GMs.

Definitely going to the Level Up! Interactive server. Low ping makes a lot of difference in the game and they’re not the same LU! as before, they’re way better now.

IMC filha da puta cara, eu quero jogar no client da Steam.

IMC sucks, giving us no choice, forcing us to play on LUG client, ■■■■ you all.

Yet, youll still play ToS.

Nope. You can either play the Steam ver. or the Level Up ver. You do have a choice of which one to play.

Again, nope. Theres no IP block for Brazil, so refer above for your options.



Yeah, you are really dumb…

When I say they’re forcing us, that we have no choice, it’s because we won’t be able to play all the time with 300 ~ 400 MS+

LUG already know that, that’s why they said that you can “either play on Steam ver. or Level Up ver”, to appear that they’re liberal and nice with the community, but in the end everybody knows that playing with laggy ping is bad and we’re going to be forced to play on LUG ■■■■ client.

And this topic is not of your business, it’s a brazilian discussion, get out.

You sure little boy? Did I hit a nerve? Howd you know Im not from Brazil? Can you provide evidence? Claro que não. Vindo aqui apenas para falar baboseiras, sem saber o que realmente está acontecendo ou com quem fala. Typical.

Para que você saiba, pequenino, eu fui uma das que foi bastante vocal contra IP block no Brasil. E ainda sou contra IP block, mesmo que eu não seja Brasileira. However, for each lovely Brazilian I meet, theres always a bad apple. So, as a player, a member of this community, yes, tis my business.


Ser contra o ip/block e ser a favor do client da LUG não faz diferença alguma. Qual o sentido de jogar no client da Steam que “não tem ip block” e ser forçado a jogar com um ping retardado? Seria melhor forçar todo mundo a jogar no servidor da LUG né?

E a IMC é sim uma merda, pelo fato de muitos jogadores brasileiros terem spammado que a LUG é patética e mesmo assim eles terem entrado em um “contrato”, forçando os jogadores brasileiros querem jogar com o ping baixo terem uma única opção, baixar o client nojento da LUG.

In the end, there will be a lot of brazilian players that will keep playing on Steam, with a ■■■■ ping experience, but at all much better then using LUG services.

Just see the survey results on the topic.

axo que ainda não assinaram contrato, olha a entrevista:
por enquanto a unica certeza que a lug tem é que a tradução é por conta dela, ou não assinaram contrato e só fizeram um contrato verbal até terminarem os detalhes do servidor ou a lug não quer falar.

axo que vale a pena spama a imc pra rever essa parceria

Em nenhum momento eu escrevi ser a favor de jogar com o serviço disponível pela Level Up. Por favor, se você pretende manter uma discussão com alguém, pelo o menos tenha a decência de não fazer suposições sem fundamentos, o que parece ser bem típico de alguns de vocês Brasileiros, o que é realmente uma pena.

Por mais que seja um assunto delicado, e até mesmo não aprovado oficialmente, há sempre a possibilidade de utilizar de um serviço de VPN. Não é uma solução definitiva, admito, mas não se pode esperar ou demandar muito da IMC neste ponto. Veja só como está a situação de outros países, não és apenas o Brasil que sofre com o problema.

Outro detalhe, muitíssimo importante que eu percebi é que vocês Brasileiros julgam a Level Up com base em fatos(?) que ocorreram uma década atrás. Isto pode ser visto como bias? Sim, pode. Então até que se mostre, de fato, que a Level Up não está capaz de administrar ToS no Brasil, falar que vai ser, como vocês costumam dizer lixo não é muito fundamentado.

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Oh so we arent allowed to join the discussion. Im telling you this again the second time.
Just play on the lvlup client its better no ping issues, you wont be bothered by the annoying english speaking people(vice versa), no queue logins, just stay there the publisher didnt have the game opened, yet you people complaining already. Give it time , i know having your own game hosted on your country is the best deal, and im just wishing you the best to have levelup games host it in there. Goodluck, godbless and hopefully youll get your own server soon.

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Steam client have a warranty, it’s one of the best plataform for games already developed

In the other side we have Level Up, known for their bad engagement with almost all the games that they manage. Their client could be good? Yes of course, but Steam client will always be higher in terms of quality, that’s why I’m going try my best to make a LA/BR server on Steam, even if I need to spam on this forum.

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Please stop, seriously you can’t undestand? We know about the ping, but the thing is it’s a little suspect no? Having a exclusive patch, not allowing steam, no team transfer, no EA server and IMC saying that she is the one who is going to take care of the server…
Level up is a greedy publisher, obviously with the time they are going to grab all the rights to publish the game, if it was a normal partner she was going to distribute the translation for IMC to add on their launcher or to modify on steam…
We don’t want level up taking care of ‘‘our’’ server and our support is going to be with she, just see how ■■■■ this is going to be and is not really hard to open a server, if then was able to open a SEA server with that small population and with a publisher…

It’s not about our own host, it’s about playing on LUG client.


Everybody here now… Why IMC just make a BR/LA server for us on Steam? I mean, why not? Is that really hard for them? It’s easier to throw it to LUG so they can ■■■■ everything up, hm?

Brazil needs more attention! WE DESERVE MORE ATTENTION from this company! Giver us a server INSIDE the steam plataform!!!

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We need a Latin server.