Tree of Savior Forum

[South America] STEAM X LEVEL UP (poll)

Please, if you are not from Brazil, or latin america, stay away from this discussion.
The problem here is the publisher, not the ping. You don’t know the publisher like we know, stay away.

everybody got a server+transfer, i dunno why with brazil it needs to be different when we have so much players…


Particularmente não tenho “muita” experiência ruim contra a Lug não, contudo, com o passar do tempo sempre prefiro jogar pela steam, mas agora está insuportável o lag, não tem como isso, ano passado no closed o ping não passava de 150 agora que paguei e esperando jogar tranquilo a desg%¨&# do ping é só 400 pra mais, raramente cai pra 260 mas já volta pra casa dos 500, poxa Imc ajuda aí, ping está alto demais. :frowning:

Gunnr, the real issue is not “facts that occurred a decade ago”. These “facts” keep occurring up to these days. Any person who still plays LU’s Ragnarök Online can tell you that (myself included). Level Up! can’t manage the games they publish and always, ALWAYS avoid responsibility by claiming “We’re only publishers! The owners are screwing us up! Poor us!”. It’s not bias. It’s real.

BTW, your portuguese seems a bit off. Have you studied in Portugal or something like that? :grin:


I’m sure PH players can understand BRs’ hostility against Level Up! :joy:


Ignore he Bro, probably eduardo is a rude children, thank to peoples like him a brazilian peoples have a bad reputation. i apologize for it, and remember this he not represent the brazilian peoples!

P.S: Sorry for my bad english!

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You don’t deserve anything from anybody

A customer doesn’t need attention from the seller? Nice argue dude.

You said DESERVE like you guys are entitled to more than what you have. Which you are not.

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So, now explain to me why we don’t deserve?

we said deserve because another countrys got the same, it’s about equality.

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pls IMC つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE me Steam Latin Server !!!

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What about all the people who supported the game and brought the pack? no team transfer when LUG server open? I prefer to stay in steam or not play at all than have to start all over again and be stuck with LUG shitty service. WE NEED A STEAM LA SERVER!!

Dude, chill. That’s someone who can’t speak proper english trying to go all “AIRREVIMAIRRAITIS” (The pronounce of “I have my rights” in portuguese, btw).

Here, let me say what he meant, while abolishing all the “customer” BS:
“Please give Brazil some more attention. We’re worth your attention on this matter. We DO need a Steam server, Level Up! notwhitstanding.”

Except that other country doesn’t have something being set up already

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Grand Chase fechou recentemente, por conta da KOG, mas se você não sabe o jogo era extremamente P2W. Hack era a coisa mais fácil de se encontrar lá, escrevia no chat, pessoal invitava e ninguém tomava ban, era simples assim. Isso sendo um dos jogos mais rentáveis da LUG e um dos mais populares também.

‘‘Except that other country doesn’t have something being set up already’’

To people outside Brazil: It’s very cultural here saying “I’M A PAYING CUSTOMER AND YOU WILL HEAR ME OUT” before even trying to argue (sometimes, even without actually paying). Please notice none of us mean harm by saying this kind of things, and most of the people here have a very basic notion on english.

Para os brasileiros: Gente, antes de sair gritando que tem seus direitos de consumidor e o escambau, vamos nos organizar direito e pedir com educação. Sem ofender gente de outros lugares e principalmente, sem parecer um biruta que não sabe argumentar outra coisa fora o fato de que é consumidor. Têm mais aspectos nessa discussão do que só esse.

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i guess things are set on a stone for us, we are not going to get anything since most brasilians dont use english forums and seens like imc have a contract with LUG even if it’s from our interest that the server stay in steam. hope imc at least give us a free transfer…

Buddy, do you even know how many countries there are in SEA? The total population, if you even bothered to Google, compared to South America, is almost two times more. Anyway that is not the point of this thread. I hope you guys get your regional servers as well.