Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Info Megathread

you see the number 80 with all gears taken off

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@Kuonkuon I’m just guessing in this, probably not. Mass heal works tho.

@Cofflez I don’t like full CON builds, but that’s me. Not even my rodelero is full CON. You can try spending your early (50~80) points in CON and using cafrisun+sacrament+blessing to level up easier until sorcerer.

Just wear plate when you are in an area with dangerous mobs (those which will probably kill you) and cafrisun when not.

If you’re planning re-rolling you can sacrifice all your cards to this templeshooter and, with a help of a friend through card battle, get it in the new char.

@joven_estanislao holly molly… Big Head, Transmit Prana and Divine Stigma are lovely.

@DogeSummoner there’s no divine stigma on buffs :(( i guess ill hit 1k if there is one

7.7k each crit~ lv11 summon

Don’t forget to add kabbalist into the mix for infinite SP

I guess Sorc 3 would reach ~9k

"4. Will Monster Gems and Cards ever become tradable?

The original intention behind them was to encourage users to explore various fields and invest a certain amount of time to obtain the desired items. That is why we set them as untradeable. We have no plans to make them tradable yet."

Well… time to Duel your cards


Yeah that announcement made me sad.


I just had another thought about the ride buff KTOS got

when you are riding, your familiar does not attack, because for them to attack, you need to be hit (most things hit your summon) or hit them (but you can’t normal attack when you are riding)

on the other hand, you can now safely stay on your pet until your servant finishes buffing

There whole stick of cards untradeable only works if the flipping other cards weren’t fodder for Temple Shooter.

Thanks, Doge. I decided I will run 100 con rest in int as i’ve seen around this topic. I’m hoping shield + plate will cover the weakness I had. I don’t like full con either (I usually play dmg in mmos), but all the deaths when not having a healler (heallers seem to have disappeared from my server) frustrated me way too much.
I just gave up on the TS, I had a few talts so I will try to trade for it.

On a side note, I decided I wont be using Ice Bolt this time. After I became Sorcerer, I never used it. Maybe I will invest it on that Ice shield thing (even though i hate buffs in this game because they don’t last much).
If anyone has thoughts on that, pls share.

Summon that has magic skill doesnt really do magic damage its physical, i hope they’ll fix this soon… ex spectre the skill crits

does anyone know the scaling of stats of the cards?


Templeshooter has base stats like these:
STR: 4, CON: 2, INT: 2, SPR: 2, DEX: 15, MSPD: 24

so i assume that’s when you are Lv.1 and the card is a 1 star.

so how about around Lv.200 and 10 star, disregarding the additional attack stat from Int.

what would be the rough estimated total Attack of your summon at Lv.10 summoning?

EDIT: better if someone from ktos release the automatic stat distribution formula on cards, the only one i knew is that other stats aside from INT and SPR is added on top of the stats of the card

So for those going Sorc1-only, what’s the best order for learning skills?

Salamion 1 > Summoning 1 > Servant 5 > Summoning 5?


Salamion 1 > Summoning 5 > Servant 5 ?

I went Sorc 2, but whether you take C2 or not doesn’t really change the recommended order. What I would suggest…

Summoning 1 > Servant 3 > Summoning 5 > Servant 5

Since Salamion only really needs 1 level, you can either get it before or after Servant, whatever feels best for you.

This way you have access to your basic skills as soon as possible. You need at least lv3 Servant to get the Quick Order attribute so by getting it up to lv3 first you can get the attribute out of the way and not have to sit around waiting on your cat all the time. The fourth and fifth Servant buffs are great, but I wouldn’t make them a priority since damage on Summoning is more useful while levelling.

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depends on your playstyle, but i would say summon1 > servant5 > salamion1 > summon5 > familiar


Thanks for the replies. :slight_smile:

Is templeshooter card easy to obtain? Are there people camping the boss?

Im going a similar build, except instead of sorc3 im taking kino1, which is good cc in kino alone, plus dmg with ice wall + PP. I would suggest considering this build because sorc3 sucks (as ive heard) and the ice wall PP combo dmg is sooooo good (you can kill any solo quest boss with one ice wall +PP channel.)

in my case full con work wonderfully
but i m pyro linker2 the damage summon do maybe lower than 2 - 2,5k
i m using lv 10 throneweaver for look reason and other 2 of skill while riding is homing attack, except the spamable normal one
basicly u are the tank and the summon is aoe dps. in Boss fight just ridding ur summon all the time, u dont need to care ur party have healer or not
i m praticaly never die except when duel with other ppl

Pretty sure size depends on summoning level

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@forestdragon2012 Hey, man! Thanks for the feedback on the Full Con subject! Unfortunately I already began an Int based build since most builds around here were focused on that (currently level 73). I will be sure to take a reasonable amount of HP along the int though. Minimum of 100.
Since you are Linker, the damage increases a lot, right? I guess due to the fact tha I’m cryo, I would lack some dmg late game. Pls consider writing more about your build somewhere (if you haven’t done that yet) to help new players.

I am currently level 70. Can anyone recommend me a rod for this or the following levels? And a good shield as well. I have made my Rokas Robe already : )
(Concerning level 170+ Doge has suggested some already, but for the early game I am still lost. Any feedback is grealty appreciated!)